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Intravascular Ultrasound and Virtual Histology of Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Lesion A Case Report


Abstract and Figures

To our knowledge, this paper presents the first intravascular ultrasound and virtual histology (IVUS-VH) study in the basilar artery. IVUS-VH serves to characterize and determine the extension of the plaque and we also to check stent placement.
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Interventional Neuroradiology 17: 472-476, 2011
Intravascular Ultrasound and Virtual 
Histology of Basilar Artery 
Atherosclerotic Lesion
A Case Report
1 Interventional Neuroradiology, Hospital Clinic i Provincial; Barcelona, Spain
2 Interventional Neuroradiology, Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío; Seville, Spain
3 Klinik für Neuroradiologie, Katharinenhospital, Klinikum Stuttgart; Stuttgart, Germany
Key words: brain, cerebral, anterior communicating, aneurysm 
To our knowledge, this paper presents the first
intravascular ultrasound and virtual histology
(IVUS-VH) study in the basilar artery. IVUS-
VH serves to characterize and determine the ex-
tension of the plaque and we also to check stent
Although  the  composition  of  intracranial 
atherosclerotic plaque has been researched us-
ing different imaging techniques, endovascular 
ultrasound  remains  a  technique  not  regularly 
employed  in  interventional  neuroradiology. 
The  initial  validation  for  intravascular  ultra-
sound and  virtual  histology (IVUS-VH)  came 
from an ex vivo model utilizing 51 excised and 
sectioned human left anterior descending coro-
nary arteries1. This demonstrated the potential 
of this imaging  tool  for  the  analysis of plaque 
vulnerability.  The  CAPITAL  (Carotid  Artery 
Plaque Virtual histology Evaluation) study 2 re-
ported  a  strong  correlation  between  plaque 
characterization and subsequent true histologi-
cal examination of the plaque following endar-
terectomy.  This  is  the  first  description,  to  our 
knowledge, of  IVUS-VH  of  the  basilar  artery 
(BA), with  the  VH  characterization  of  the 
atherosclerotic plaque in an intracranial artery.
Case Report
A 57-year-old man with hypertension, alcohol 
and tobacco abuse,diabetic retinopathy treated 
with laser therapy, and  IIb  intermittent claudi-
cation, was evaluated for headache, gait instabil-
ity  and  vertigo. On  physical  examination,  left 
homonymous  inferior  quadrantanopia  without 
paresis or impaired sensation was detected.
Cranial MRI showed  acute  ischemic  lesions 
in the cerebellum and occipital lobes while MR 
angiography  disclosed  severe  stenosis  in  the 
left vertebrobasilar junction, with  BA involve-
ment, and in the right intrapetrous internal ca-
rotid artery  (Figure  1). The  right  vertebral ar-
tery was hypoplastic.
The  use  of  IVUS-VH  was  approved  by  our 
institutional review board and written informed 
consent  was  obtained. The  patient  was  under 
general  anesthesia, with  IV  heparin  (5000  U) 
having been administered dual antiplatelet ther-
apy for the previous three days (aspirin 125 mg/
day and clopidogrel 75 mg/day). The four-vessel 
cerebral angiography showed a hypoplastic right 
Abbreviation key
IVUS = Intravascular Ultrasound
VH  = Virtual Histology
BA  = Basilar Artery
LVA  = Left Vertebral Artery
PICA = Postero Inferior Cerebellar Artery
A. López-Rueda Intravascular Ultrasound and Virtual Histology of Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Lesion
system  at  a  rate  of  0.5  mm/  second.  During 
pullback,  continuous  grey-scale  IVUS  was  re-
corded. Radiofrequency data were  captured at 
the  top  of  the  R  wave  using  a  commercially 
available system (In.Vision Gold, Volcano Cor-
poration Rancho Cordova, CA, USA). The da-
ta  were  stored  on  digital  video  discs. There 
were  no  difficulties  crossing  the  stenosis  or 
withdrawing  the  device  over  the  stenosis. In 
these B-mode images we detected a 90% sten-
otic lesion (Figure 2C). Virtual histology analy-
sis was performed for each frame,and the area 
of each plaque constituent (fibrous,fibro-fatty, 
calcific, and  necrotic  core)  was  determined  in 
an  automated  fashion  using  Volcano  S5  soft-
ware (Volcano Corp). The process is time-con-
suming  because  adjustments  to  the  borders 
that delineate the plaque are usually necessary.
The  intracranial  plaque  was  studied  with 
IVUS-VH, showing a fibrolipid plaque without 
necrotic  core  or  calcium  (Figure  2D). With 
IVUS, the  length  of  the  plaque  was  assessed, 
detecting the origin of the left PICA, which no 
longer showed pathological intimal thickening.
The BA  located above the brainstem and sur-
rounded by cerebrospinal fluid (Figure 2B) was 
observed in IVUS. The stenosis  was predilated 
with a 3×12 mm balloon (Gateway,Boston Sci-
entific, Fremont  Co., CA,  USA)  and  a  4×15 
vertebralartery,severe stenosis at origin of left 
vertebral artery (LVA) and in the proximal BA.
We decided to treat the stenotic lesion since the 
patient  had  only  one  vertebral  artery.  First,
IVUS-VH  was  performed on  the  lesion  at  the 
origin  of  the  LVA. The  atherosclerotic  plaque,
that  caused  a  stenosis of  almost  80%,  was  an 
eminently fibrolipidic  plaque.  A  balloon-ex-
panding  stent  was  performed  with  excellent 
revascularization. In  post-stenting  IVUS,  the 
correct  placement  of  the  stent  was confirmed 
with good stent apposition on the artery wall.
Then  an  exchange-length  0.014-inch  micro-
wire  was  passed  through  the  basilar  stenosis 
and  prior  to  intervention,  IVUS-VH  images 
were obtained using a 2.9F microcatheter  (Ea-
gle  Eye  Gold  catheter, Volcano  Corporation, 
Rancho Cordova, CA, USA) with an incorpo-
rated  20-MHz  phased-array  with  a  64  piezoe-
lectric  transducer. This  may  result  in  inferior 
gray scale IVUS images when compared to the 
contemporary  rotational  catheter  system. The 
procedure was carried out with rapid-exchange 
monorail  systems;  the  IVUS-VH  beginning 
from the distal vessel,at least 10 mm distal to 
the  culprit  lesion  and  progressing  in  a  retro-
grade direction to the most distal vertebral ar-
tery  free  of  disease  (Figure  2A). The  catheter 
was pulled back using the motorized pull-back 
Figure 1  A) DWI shows acute ischemic lesions  in the  left occipital lobe. B) MR angiography shows severe stenoses in the 
left vertebrobasilar junction (arrow) and in the right intrapetrous internal carotid artery.
Intravascular Ultrasound and Virtual Histology of Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Lesion A. López-Rueda
Figure 2  A) Road mapping over Eagle catheter (arrow) through the stenosis in the left vertebrobasilar junction. B) B-mode 
IVUS image shows the LVA above the brainstem (star), surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid (white point). The picture shows 
the postero-inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)  (arrowhead)  emerging  from  the left vertebral artery (arrow),  whose  wall is 
composed of 2 hyperechoic lines with a hypoechoic line in the middle. The hypoechogenic line represents the middle layer 
of the artery. C) B-mode IVUS image in the zone of maximum stenosis shows an eccentric plaque leaving the lumen close to 
a part of the wall without plaque.D) Image of IVUS-VH in a maximum stenosis fibrolipidic plaque without necrotic core or 
C D Interventional Neuroradiology 17: 472-476, 2011
carotid arteries for the same purpose. With this 
procedure we can detect vulnerable plaque and 
embolic  risk  areas  within  each  plaque. In  our 
case, the atherosclerotic plaque of  the BA was 
an eccentric fibrolipid plaque,without necrotic 
core and calcium areas. Such necrotic core and 
calcium areas, when in contact with the lumen, 
are defined in the CAPITAL study as vulnera-
ble areas (embolic  areas). IVUS is  also  useful 
to determine the extent of plaque, and to thus 
determine the length and diameter of the stent. 
Microcatheter navigability in the  posterior cir-
culation  is  better  than  in  the  anterior  circula-
tion because the artery has no bone anchor, un-
like the internal carotid artery that is anchored 
to  the  petrous  bone  at  the  intrapetrous  seg-
ment. Several cases of IVUS in an intracranial 
artery have been described in the  literature3,4.
Takayama  et al. are the  only  ones  to  use VH. 
They published a case of angioplasty and stent-
ing with the assistance of IVUS-VH in intracra-
neal vertebral artery stenosis 5. In this case, the 
IVUS-VH  study  was  performed  after  balloon 
dilatation, its artifact the VH study. The other 
two  cases  were  aided  by  IVUS  in  angioplasty 
and  stenting, without  performing  VH  of  the 
plaque 3,4. To  our  knowledge  this  is  the  first 
IVUS-VH study in the basilar artery.
Wingspan  stent  (Boston  Scientific, Fremont 
Co., CA, USA) was placed.In the IVUS after 
stenting (Figure 3) we found a correct stent po-
sition, covering the plaque and well-adapted to 
the  vessel  wall.  The  patient  awoke  from  an-
esthesia  without  any  complications. He  was 
kept on dual antiplatelet therapy for six months.
Intravascular ultrasound and virtual histology 
(IVUS-VH)  is  a procedure  that  enables  us  to 
study atherosclerotic plaque, characterize it and 
determine its length and composition. By color 
coding, VH  study  shows  four  plaque  compo-
nents: fibrous  (dark  green), fibrolipid  (yellow/
green),necrotic core (red) and calcium (white).
No intraplaque hemorrhage can be detected by 
IVUS-VH. The  CAPITAL  study 2 was  carried 
out  on  extracranial  carotid  plaque. It  offers  a 
quantitative and morphological classification of 
atherosclerotic  plaque,  defining  six  types  of 
plaque and identifying the most vulnerable, i.e.
those with a higher risk of embolism. The IVUS-
VH  procedure  started  to  be  used  in  coronary 
arteries for plaque characterization and an aid 
to angioplasty and stenting.It was later used in 
Figure 3 A) Post-stenting  angiographic  control  with good results. B)  Post-stenting ultrasound study confirms the  correct 
placement and the recovery of the arterial lumen. The stent can be seen in the hyperechoic lines without acoustic shadowing 
(arrow) located between the lumen and residual plaque.
Intravascular Ultrasound and Virtual Histology of Basilar Artery Atherosclerotic Lesion A. López-Rueda
5  Takayama K,  Taoka  T,  Nakagawa  H, et  al.  Successful 
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting for 
symptomatic  intracranial  vertebral  artery  stenosis  us-
ing  intravascular  ultrasound  virtual  histology.  Radiat 
Med. 2007; 25: 243-246.
1  Diethrich EB, Margolis MP, Reid DB,et al. Virtual his-
tology  intravascular  ultrasound  assessment  of  carotid 
artery disease:the Carotid Artery Plaque Virtual His-
tology Evaluation (CAPITAL) Study. J Endovasc Ther. 
2007; 14: 676-686.
2  Nair A, Kuban BD, Tuzcu EM, et  al. Coronary plaque 
classification  with  intravascular  ultrasound  radiofre-
quency data analysis. Circulation. 2002; 106: 2200-2206.
3  Wehman JC, Holmes DR Jr, Hanel RA, et al. Intravas-
cular ultrasound for intracranial angioplasty and stent 
placement:  technical  case  report. Neurosurgery.  2006;
59: ONSE 481-483. 
4  Meyers PM,Schumacher C, Gray WA, et al. Intravas-
cular  ultrasound  of  symptomatic  intracranial  stenosis 
demonstrates  atherosclerotic  plaque  with  intraplaque 
hemorrhage: A case report. J  Neuroimaging. 2009; 19: 
Antonio López-Rueda, MD
C/ Costa de la Luz, 76, 4ºC
04009 Almería (Spain)
Tel.: 652245767
... As yet the methods used for this purpose encompass, e.g. intravascular ultrasound virtual histology, optical coherent tomography, palpography, thermography, angioscopy [1,2,3]. However, they are all very difficult to access and expensive. ...
Intracranial artery stenosis is assumed to represent atherosclerotic plaque. Catheter cerebral arteriography shows that intracranial stenosis may progress, regress, or remain unchanged. It is counterintuitive that atherosclerotic plaque should spontaneously regress, raising questions about the composition of intracranial stenoses. Little is known about this disease entity in vivo. We provide the first demonstration of in vivo atherosclerotic plaque with intraplaque hemorrhage using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). A 35-year-old man with multiple vascular risk factors presented with recurrent stroke failing medical therapy. Imaging demonstrated left internal carotid artery occlusion, severe intracranial right internal carotid artery stenosis, and cerebral perfusion failure. Cerebral arteriography with IVUS confirmed 85% stenosis of the petrous right carotid artery due to atherosclerotic plaque with intraplaque hemorrhage. Intracranial stent-supported angioplasty was performed with IRB approval. The patient recovered without complication. This case supports the premise that symptomatic intracranial stenosis can be caused by atherosclerotic plaque complicated by intraplaque hemorrhage similar to coronary artery plaque. IVUS provides additional characteristics that define intracranial atherosclerosis and high-risk features. To our knowledge, this is the first report of stroke due to unstable atherosclerotic plaque with intraplaque hemorrhage in vivo.
Atherosclerotic plaque stability is related to histological composition. However, current diagnostic tools do not allow adequate in vivo identification and characterization of plaques. Spectral analysis of backscattered intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) data has potential for real-time in vivo plaque classification. Eighty-eight plaques from 51 left anterior descending coronary arteries were imaged ex vivo at physiological pressure with the use of 30-MHz IVUS transducers. After IVUS imaging, the arteries were pressure-fixed and corresponding histology was collected in matched images. Regions of interest, selected from histology, were 101 fibrous, 56 fibrolipidic, 50 calcified, and 70 calcified-necrotic regions. Classification schemes for model building were computed for autoregressive and classic Fourier spectra by using 75% of the data. The remaining data were used for validation. Autoregressive classification schemes performed better than those from classic Fourier spectra with accuracies of 90.4% for fibrous, 92.8% for fibrolipidic, 90.9% for calcified, and 89.5% for calcified-necrotic regions in the training data set and 79.7%, 81.2%, 92.8%, and 85.5% in the test data, respectively. Tissue maps were reconstructed with the use of accurate predictions of plaque composition from the autoregressive classification scheme. Coronary plaque composition can be predicted through the use of IVUS radiofrequency data analysis. Autoregressive classification schemes performed better than classic Fourier methods. These techniques allow real-time analysis of IVUS data, enabling in vivo plaque characterization.
Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging has been used extensively in coronary artery interventions and has provided invaluable information for the understanding and treatment of coronary arterial disease. We present here the first description, to our knowledge, of IVUS-guided intracranial arterial interventions in the clinical setting. Two patients underwent intracranial angioplasty and stent placement with the assistance of IVUS for the evaluation of their lesions. One patient underwent stenting to treat an occlusive dissection of the left internal carotid artery that occurred during arteriovenous malformation embolization. Another patient underwent angioplasty and stenting for high-grade restenosis of a basilar artery atherosclerotic lesion. Both patients underwent successful revascularization procedures. The patient with the dissection had a small intraventricular and parenchymal hemorrhage documented by computed tomography 4 hours after treatment, but did not develop hydrocephalus or further hemorrhage. Both patients did well clinically and had no permanent neurological deficits. IVUS provided important information in terms of lesion evaluation, stent selection, and stent placement in each case. IVUS of the intracranial circulation may assist the performance of intracranial angioplasty and stenting. It provides useful information that can affect clinical decisions. It may prove to be a valuable tool in clinical use and enhance our understanding of vascular disease of the intracranial circulation, as it has in the coronary circulation.
Objective: Giant (>or=25 mm in diameter) cerebral aneurysms have a poor natural history, with high risks of subarachnoid hemorrhage or progressive disability or death caused by mass effect or stroke. Surgical treatment may be effective but carries a high burden of morbidity and mortality. Thus, attempts at endovascular solutions to these complex lesions have been developed to offer therapy at reduced risk. Methods: The authors reviewed their clinical experience and the current body of literature concerning giant cerebral aneurysms and present their perspective on the current state of the art in endovascular therapy for these aneurysms. A variety of techniques are described that can be used in an attempt to provide a solution to the wide variety of clinical dilemmas associated with the management of these difficult lesions. Preprocedural planning and periprocedural considerations are discussed briefly. The use of intracranial balloons and stents are described in conjunction with the use of detachable platinum coils. The developing concept of using stents alone to treat aneurysms is discussed. Alternative methods of treating giant aneurysms are discussed. Results: Current endovascular approaches, when properly selected and applied, can provide lower-risk therapies than conventional microsurgical approaches for patients harboring giant cerebral aneurysms. However, endovascular approaches do not, at present, provide results that are as durable as current surgical techniques for giant cerebral aneurysms. Conclusion: Treatment of giant cerebral aneurysms via endovascular therapeutics requires the interventionist to possess an extensive armamentarium. Meticulous preprocedure evaluation, patient selection, and execution of the treatment plan enable safe and effective management. Current therapies do not provide an ideal solution for every patient, so one must consider creative and evolving solutions to these difficult clinical challenges. The procedural morbidity of open surgery versus the decreased durability of current endovascular techniques must be assessed carefully.
This is the first report of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of an intracranial artery applying intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (IVUS-VH), which has been recently developed for tissue characterization of coronary artery plaque. We report a case of successful PTA and stenting for symptomatic intracranial vertebral artery stenosis using IVUS-VH.
To determine the diagnostic accuracy of virtual histology intravascular ultrasound imaging (VH IVUS) of carotid plaque and to assess the feasibility of VH IVUS to identify plaque with embolic potential in patients undergoing carotid artery stenting (CAS). Thirty patients (17 men; mean age 74+/-7 years) were entered nonrandomly into a single-center, prospective, 2-arm study following FDA and Institutional Review Board approval. In one arm, 15 patients underwent VH IVUS examination of carotid plaque with a cerebral protection device immediately followed by carotid endarterectomy (CEA). A comparison of "virtual" with true histology was then performed, classifying plaque type by VH IVUS and histopathology in a blinded study. In the second arm, 15 patients undergoing CAS had a preliminary VH IVUS scan performed with cerebral protection. Debris collected from the filter following stenting was examined histologically and compared with the VH IVUS data. The diagnostic accuracy of VH IVUS to agree with true histology in different carotid plaque types was 99.4% in thin-cap fibroatheroma, 96.1% for calcified thin-cap fibroatheroma, 85.9% in fibroatheroma, 85.5% for fibrocalcific, 83.4% in pathological intimal thickening, and 72.4% for calcified fibroatheroma. Filter debris was captured in 2 patients prior to CEA and in 4 patients undergoing CAS for restenosis; VH IVUS classification of plaque composition was consistent with the histological evaluation of filter fragments. Calcified nodules projecting into the carotid artery lumen were associated with a higher incidence of previous neurological symptoms (66.7% versus 33.3%, p<0.05), while patients on aspirin has significantly less necrotic lipid core plaque detected by VH IVUS than patients not taking aspirin (6.4%+/-4.7% versus 9.7%+/-2.8%, p<0.05). This study showed a strong correlation between VH IVUS plaque characterization and the true histological examination of the plaque following endarterectomy, particularly in "vulnerable" plaque types. The feasibility study to examine VH IVUS data and the filter debris histology in CAS patients supports a larger prospective study.