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Ventilatory management of severe tracheal stenosis



We present here a 4 year old child with severe tracheal stenosis and respiratory failure. The patient was not responding to conventional ventilation settings and had significant hypercarbia. The difficulty in mechanical ventilation was handled successfully with specific ventilatory strategy: use of low respiratory rate, long inspiratory time and normal inspiratory time: expiratory time ratio. Thereafter the child was managed surgically and the stenosis was corrected. The child was discharged after a Montgomery T-tube placement.
Clinical Brief
Ventilatory Management of Severe Tracheal Stenosis
Rakesh Lodha, Lokesh Guglani, S.C. Sharma
and S.K. Kabra
Departments of Pediatrics and
Otorhinolaryngology, AIIMS, New Delhi
ABSTRACT. We present here a 4 year old child with severe tracheal stenosis and respiratory failure. The patient was not
responding to conventional ventilation settings and had significant hypercarbia. The difficulty in mechanical ventilation was
handled successfully with specific ventilatory strategy: use of low respiratory rate, long inspiratory time and normal inspiratory
time : expiratory time ratio. Thereafter the child was managed surgically and the stenosis was corrected. The child was
discharged after a Montgomery T-tube placement. [Indian J Pediatr 2006; 73 (5) : 441-444]
Key words : Tracheal stenosis; Hypercarbia; Montgomery T-tube placement
Laryngotracheal stenosis is a congenital or acquired
narrowing of the airway that may affect the glottis,
subglottis or trachea. It causes severe symptoms and
should be suspected in children less than 1 year of age
with either multiple episodes of croup or croup which
fails to respond to medical management or requires
endotracheal intubation.
The term subglottic stenosis was
previously used as the subglottic region is the most
common site of airway stenosis, mostly secondary to
prolonged endotracheal intubation. The onset may be
acute or it may develop over a period of time and a
thorough assessment, radiologic and endoscopic
evaluation may be necessary to guide further therapy and
management. We present a case of acquired tracheal
stenosis that required prolonged ventilatory support with
adaptations for the obstructive pathology and discuss the
implications for ventilation of a child with upper airway
A 4-year-old boy presented with history of intermittent
high grade fever and cough without expectoration of 3
months’ duration. After 5 days of onset of fever, he
developed noisy breathing and progressively increasing
respiratory distress. There was no history of cyanosis,
wheezing episodes or any history of foreign body
aspiration. There was no history of contact with
tuberculosis and no past history of any significant illness.
The respiratory distress and the intensity of noisy
breathing increased gradually over 3 months and were
Correspondence and Reprint requests : Dr. Rakesh Lodha,
Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.
Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 73—May, 2006
now also persisting during sleep. There was no history
suggestive of diphtheria and the child was immunized for
On presentation, the child had marked respiratory
distress, was sitting up bending forward and had marked
suprasternal recessions and severe biphasic stridor. He
had a respiratory rate of 48/minute, and had good
volume pulses with no cyanosis and SpO
of 99% on
facemask oxygen. Chest examination showed
hyperinflation of the chest wall with symmetrical
movements of both sides of the chest wall, centrally
placed trachea on palpation and equally resonant
percussion note on both sides. Chest auscultation revealed
equal air entry on both sides and conducted breath
sounds. Examination of cardiovascular and other body
systems was unremarkable. Initial arterial blood gas
analysis showed a pCO
of 48.6 mm Hg and PaO
of 198.4
mm Hg with pH of 7.391.
At presentation the possibility of severe upper airway
obstruction was kept and radiographs of soft tissue of
neck (lateral view) did not show any evidence of
epiglottitis or narrowing of the cervical portion of the
trachea. Chest X ray showed bilateral hyperinflated lung
fields with no lung parenchymal abnormalities and
normal cardiothoracic ratio (48%). However, over the next
few hours child showed progressive deterioration with
rising pCO
values up to 80 mm Hg and had to be
intubated for respiratory support and was therefore
transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) for
further management.
On arrival to the PICU he was ventilated with Siemens
Servo 300 ventilator on SIMV (volume controlled) mode
with initial conventional settings but did not show
adequate chest rise and had progressive CO
accumulation (values up to 150 mm Hg) on blood gas
analysis. The initial settings were: rate 30/min, tidal
volume 80 ml, Ti 0.7 seconds, I:E ratio of 1:2 and positive
Rakesh Lodha
et al
end expiratory pressure of 4 cm H
O. On increasing the
tidal volume alone, there was no further improvement in
levels assessed after 1 hour. The peak pressure
requirement was 38 cm H
O. On bagging with self-
inflating bag, high resistance was felt and adequate chest
rise could be achieved only if long inspiratory time was
used. Subsequently the settings were modified in keeping
with the requirements so that the ventilator now had low
rates (10/min) and a prolonged inspiratory time (Ti) of
1.8 seconds, an I:E ratio of 1:2 and PEEP of 5 cm H
With these settings, he maintained oxygenation and
showed improvement in PaCO
levels. The peak pressure
requirement also fell to 23 cm H
O. The rationale for these
settings is discussed below.
Subsequently, a fibreoptic bronchoscopy was done
through the endotracheal tube in the PICU after initial
stabilization and it showed severe narrowing at the distal
end of the trachea just above the carina. A diagnosis of
supracarinal tracheal stenosis was established and the
child underwent endoscopic balloon dilatation of trachea
under general anaesthesia the next morning.
TABLE 1. Case-series of Tracheal Stenosis
Intraoperatively, the stenotic area showed some
granulation tissue with inflamed mucosa and loss of
tracheal rings, and from this a biopsy specimen was
obtained and dilatation was done with Fogarty’s
Catheter. An endotracheal tube of 4.5 Fr size was inserted
under bronchoscopic guidance with tip extending beyond
the stenotic segment and lying above the carina. He was
subsequently continued on ventilatory support for the
next 10 days with gradual weaning. A diagnosis of
tubercular tracheal stenosis was considered and
antitubercular therapy was started but subsequent work
up did not reveal any evidence of tubercular infection.
However, there was satisfactory clinical response as the
fever subsided and tracheal granulations on repeat
examination were absent. The biopsy form the lesion
showed mild non-specific inflammatory changes with no
A repeat fibreoptic bronchoscopy done 8 days after the
dilatation procedure in the PICU showed no significant
stenosis but persistence of inflamed mucosa. He was then
weaned off ventilatory support but endotracheal tube was
Series No. Etiology Techniques used Outcome
(1) Kumar P et al
n = 17 External vascular compression=9,
Post transplant strictures=4
Malignant masses=2
Postintubation =2
Airway Stenting with self-
expanding metal stents in 10
cases, silicone stents in 7.
47% alive on follow up, 6/8
ventilator dependent
(2) Anton-Pacheco JL et al
n = 13 All cases Congenital;
Mild – 4
Moderate – 6,
Severe – 3
Costal cartilage tracheoplasty
Tracheal resection = 3,
Slide tracheoplasty=2,
Endoscopic dilation=3
Laser Resection=1
Overall mortality 23%, 3
early deaths-all after CCT
(3) Dunham ME et al
N= 23 Congenital complete tracheal
rings producing long segment
stenosis of trachea
Pericardial Patch Tracheoplasty 83% survival at mean follow
up of 4.5 years
(4) Har-El G et al
N= 19 Post-intubation or tracheotomy
in 80%
Circumferential tracheal
resection with end-to-end
Anastomosis success rate of
(5) Loeff DS et al
N= 22 Vascular rings/slings in 50% Localized-dilatation,
tracheostomy, and resection
with end-to-end anastomosis,
Funnel shaped defects-
tracheal reconstruction with
Overall mortality rate 77%
(6) Weber TR et al
N= 62 Acquired Tracheal Stenosis
(4 weeks to 14 years age)
Endotracheal intubation-44
Caustic aspiration-6
Recurrent infection-5
Bronchoscopic perf-4
Gastric aspiration-3
Site of airway stenosis
Subglottic/upper – 47
Individualized treatment:
Balloon dilatation-20,
Bronchoscopic electrocoagu-
lation resection- 44, Steroid
injection-48, T tube stent-8,
Resection anastomosis-12,
Cricoid split-3, and
Rib cartilage graft-12.
7(11%) died of unrelated
causes. 44 of 55 patients
(80%) are without
442 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 73—May, 2006
Ventilatory Management of Severe Tracheal Stenosis
left in situ as it was bypassing the stenosed segment. He
had recurrence of respiratory distress, which required
resumption of ventilatory support and he then underwent
repeat dilatation after 20 days of admission, which
showed collapse and re-stenosis of trachea, which could
be easily dilated. Tracheostomy and Montgomery T tube
insertion was done for maintaining long-term patency of
the airway. He was discharged from the hospital 2
months after admission and is on regular follow up
The importance of appropriate ventilatory management
of severe proximal airway obstruction is highlighted by
this case and it is important to understand the rationale
for the ventilatory settings described above. The trachea
and the upper airway although considered to be relatively
rigid conducting airways, do show some changes in
caliber during the normal respiratory cycle. There is
expansion of the intrathoracic airways along with the
expanding lungs while the extrathoracic airway
diminishes in caliber due to their intraluminal pressure
being lower than atmospheric pressure. The reverse of
this process occurs during expiration. If intrathoracic
trachea is soft (tracheomalacia), the narrowing will
accentuate during expiration due to positive intrathoracic
pressure. The flow in these large airways is usually
turbulent due to the high flow rates and this turbulence
increases in the presence of an obstruction in the airway.
This turbulence further increases the airway resistance.
The mechanics of critical tracheal stenosis is such that
it would severely compromise delivery of gases beyond
the obstruction and it would not allow adequate
emptying out of the lungs as well. Other obstructive
upper airway anomalies like subglottic stenosis could be
overcome by use of tracheostomy, which would bypass
the site of stenosis, but in more distal lesions of the trachea
(as in this case, just above the carina) ventilatory
management is more challenging.
With conventional ventilator settings in the patient
with severe tracheal stenosis, there would be inadequate
delivery of gases beyond the site of obstruction and there
would be a build up of pressure proximal to it. In this
scenario, there would be progressive CO
retention and
inadequate lung expansion. Also because of inadequate
emptying of the lungs during expiration due to limited
airflow across the site of stenosis, there would be a
progressive air-trapping and subsequent decrease in
cardiac output. Increasing the airway pressures or
frequency alone will not help overcome these effects of
the obstruction. Increase in the airway pressure may
increase the risk of barotraumas. In order to ensure
adequate delivery of gases beyond the obstruction, it is
necessary to prolong the inspiratory time (Ti) so that
adequate lung expansion can be achieved. In view of the
markedly increased resistance the time constant will also
be increased justifying the need for high Ti. For this, the
frequency of breaths would have to be kept at low values
in order to allow adequate time for expiration also and at
the same time avoid progressive gas trapping (auto-
PEEP). It is unlikely that use of CPAP alone would have
lead to adequate delivery of volumes across such severe
tracheal stenosis.
There have been reports of use of percutaneous
transtracheal jet ventilation for cases with tracheal stenosis
and other forms of airway obstruction in the more
proximal airways.
For patients undergoing surgical
repair of the tracheal lesions, extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation has also been used.
In animal models of
tracheal stenosis, a comparison of conventional
ventilation versus transtracheal jet ventilation showed
that although there were no significant differences in
but mean peak airway pressure values, both at the
distal portion of stenosis and at the proximal portion,
decreased more significantly during jet ventilation than
during conventional mechanical ventilation.
Overall the
mean arterial pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure,
central venous pressure, and cardiac output did not
change significantly between conventional mechanical
ventilation and jet ventilation with the stenosis.
Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure (PAOP) increased
significantly more during conventional mechanical
ventilation than during jet ventilation in animal models
with stenosis.
During ventilation, the use of flow-volume loops
would demonstrate plateaus in both inspiratory and
expiratory limbs due to the limitation in both phases
caused by the obstruction. Miller and Hyatt
showed that
in patients with fixed airway obstruction, the FEV1
diminishes progressively as the resistance increases but
the FVC may remain unchanged, suggesting that the flow
rates will be reduced and the ratio of maximal expiratory
and inspiratory flow at 50% of vital capacity (MEF
) may approach unity (0.9 to 1).
Another contentious issue was the underlying cause of
tracheal stenosis in this child since the duration of
symptoms was 3 months and he had no respiratory
symptoms prior to this illness. Initial impression of
granulation tissue being visible on bronchoscopy directed
towards a diagnosis of tuberculosis but the work up was
negative and the biopsy from the lesion was inconclusive.
However, the tracheal inflammation could be due to a
tubercular lymph node in the mediastinum. Despite no
objective evidence of tuberculosis, response to
antitubercular therapy supports the diagnosis of
tuberculosis. A possibility of acquired tracheal stenosis
secondary to an initial episode of bacterial tracheitis was
The most common cause of acquired laryngotracheal
stenosis is prolonged endotracheal intubation, accounting
for 90% cases. Other acquired causes include
postinfectious scarring, autoimmune disorders
(Wegener’s granulomatosis, sarcoidosis), inhalation
Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 73—May, 2006 443
Rakesh Lodha
et al
injuries, blunt trauma to the neck, previous tracheostomy
or cricothyrotomy, and gastroesophageal reflux.
Prior to
the advent of antibiotics, scarring from infections like
diphtheria and syphilis were usually a common cause of
stenosis. In the trachea, the narrowing may be extrinsic or
intrinsic, and diffuse or localized. Among the extrinsic
lesions, disorders of the thyroid gland and great vessels
are the most common while the intrinsic ones may be due
to infectious, granulomatous, neoplastic, traumatic,
immunologic and post-inflammatory conditions.
There are several case series of laryngotracheal stenosis
in children, with majority of reports being that of surgical
repair techniques (Table 1). The ventilatory management
of these patients has not been highlighted but it does pose
problems in the perioperative and post-operative period.
There have been reports where unstable children with
critical stenoses requiring high airway pressures for
ventilation and still having CO
retention, have required
initiation of extracorporeal support, which was followed
by diagnostic endoscopy and then finally definitive
surgical repair.
But these facilities may not exist at all
institutions and initial optimal ventilatory support in such
sick children may be crucial before they can be shifted to
centers where surgical repair can be done. Therefore, it is
only with a understanding of the mechanics of tracheal
stenosis and its optimal ventilatory management that we
can ensure adequate treatment and outcome for these
patients by surgical or non-surgical (e.g. balloon
dilatation) means.
In conclusion, this case demonstrates the importance of
appropriate ventilatory management of airway
obstruction caused by tracheal stenosis and highlights the
fact that critical stenosis of trachea may be ventilated with
low rates and high inspiratory times. Management of
tracheal stenosis in children is complex and requires the
teamwork of specialists involved in emergency
management, intensive care and otorhinolaryngology.
1. Lesperance MM, Zalzal GH. Assessment and management of
laryngotracheal stenosis. Pediatr Clin North Am 1996; 43: 1413-
2. Spoerel WE, Narayanan PS, Singh NP. Transtracheal
ventilation. Br J Anaesth 1971; 43: 932-938.
3. Walker LK, Wetzel RC, Haller JA. Extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation for perioperative support during congenital
tracheal stenosis repair. Anesth Analg 1992; 75: 825-829.
4. Shinozaki M, Sueyoshi A, Morinaga T, Tsuda H, Muteki T.
Effect of conventional mechanical ventilation and jet
ventilation on airway pressure in dogs and plastic models with
tracheal stenosis. Crit Care Med 1996: 24; 658-662.
5. Miller RD, Hyatt RE. Obstructing lesions of the larynx and
trachea: Clinical and physiologic characteristics. Mayo Clin
Proc 1969; 44: 145.
6. Courey MS. Airway obstruction – the problem and its causes.
Otolaryngol Clin North Am 1995; 28: 673-684.
7. Kumar P, Bush AP, Ladas GP, Goldstraw P. Tracheobronchial
obstruction in children: Experience with endoscopic airway
stenting. Ann Thoracic Surg 2003; 75: 1579-1586.
8. Anton-Pacheco JL, Cano I, Garcia A, Martinez A, Cuadros J,
Berchi FJ. Patterns of management of congenital tracheal
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9. Dunham ME, Holinger LD, Backer CL, Mavroudis C.
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Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 73—May, 2006 444
... Three types of CTS are described; segmental, funnelshaped, and generalized hypoplasias [14]. The adequate ventilatory strategy is to prolong the inspiratory time but to overcome the increased resistance and achieve adequate lung expansion, and the respiratory rate should be kept at a low rate to allow adequate time for expiration and to prevent gas trapping [15]. In addition to positive pressure ventilation, high-frequency jet ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation have been used for patients undergoing surgical repair of tracheal lesions [12]. ...
Full-text available
In 1976, Gonzales-Crussi et al. (Am. J. Dis. Child. 130:1015-18, 1976) introduced the first case of bridging bronchus as a rare bronchial branching anomaly; since then, only 14 worldwide cases was described. We suggest our case might be number 15 and could be the first case of type six of this bronchial anomaly. We present a case of a 10-month-old infant with bridging bronchus, congenital tracheal stenosis, and double outlet right ventricle who underwent major laparoscopic surgery for repair of gastrointestinal anomalies to raise awareness of this rare underdiagnosed congenital anomaly and a thorough discussion of the tracheobronchial anomalies and its clinical implications.
... Three types of CTS are described; segmental, funnelshaped, and generalized hypoplasias [14]. The adequate ventilatory strategy is to prolong the inspiratory time but to overcome the increased resistance and achieve adequate lung expansion, and the respiratory rate should be kept at a low rate to allow adequate time for expiration and to prevent gas trapping [15]. In addition to positive pressure ventilation, high-frequency jet ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation have been used for patients undergoing surgical repair of tracheal lesions [12]. ...
Full-text available
In 1976, Gonzales-Crussi et al. (Am. J. Dis. Child. 130:1015–18, 1976) introduced the first case of bridging bronchus as a rare bronchial branching anomaly; since then, only 14 worldwide cases was described. We suggest our case might be number 15 and could be the first case of type six of this bronchial anomaly. We present a case of a 10-month-old infant with bridging bronchus, congenital tracheal stenosis, and double outlet right ventricle who underwent major laparoscopic surgery for repair of gastrointestinal anomalies to raise awareness of this rare underdiagnosed congenital anomaly and a thorough discussion of the tracheobronchial anomalies and its clinical implications.
... Among the extrinsic lesions, disorders of the thyroid gland and great vessels are the most common although the intrinsic ones may be due to infectious, granulomatous, neoplastic, traumatic, immunologic and postinflammatory conditions. 4 Tracheobronchial tumors are rare in children. Previous studies report inflammatory pseudotumor to comprise 0.7-1% of all bronchopulmonary neoplasms. ...
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the trachea is a rare benign tumor in children. We describe a 9-year-old girl who presented with recurrent episodes of wheeze and severe respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation. She had recurrent collapses of the right lung and a chest CT and bronchoscopy confirmed the presence of an obstructing mass lesion at the carina. The lesion, 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm in size, was debulked by rigid bronchoscopy and histopathology revealed features of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. A repeat bronchoscopy at 1 month of follow up did not reveal any residual lesion.
Mastectomy is traditionally performed under general anaesthesia and invasive ventilation, and is often complemented with regional techniques. In this setting, tracheal stenosis can pose a challenge to airway management. The aim of this report is to describe the successful management of a 68-year-old woman with severe subglottic tracheal stenosis undergoing mastectomy due to breast cancer. Surgery was performed without airway instrumentation under an opioid-free regimen consisting of thoracic epidural, propofol and dexmedetomidine perfusion, and non-opioid analgesics. Spontaneous ventilation and adequate perioperative analgesia were achieved. Opioid-free anaesthesia without airway instrumentation, consisting of thoracic epidural anaesthesia and sedation, is a good alternative in patients undergoing mastectomy in whom airway manipulation is best avoided.
The bridging bronchus is a rare congenital airway anomaly in which the right upper lobe of the lung is supplied by the right main bronchus while the right lower lobe, and often the right middle lobe is supplied by an aberrant bronchus arising from the left main bronchus. The aberrant bronchus crosses (bridges) the lower part of the mediastinum, hence the term bridging bronchus (BB). This potentially life‐threatening condition, usually accompanied by diffuse or focal airway stenosis, commonly presents with signs and symptoms related to large airway obstruction, such as respiratory distress, apnea, wheezing, stridor, and recurrent respiratory tract infections. Diagnosis of the BB is often challenging because the associated signs and symptoms mimic those of common conditions such as bacterial and viral bronchiolitis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, and foreign body aspiration. The BB is also often accompanied by congenital cardiovascular anomalies, including left pulmonary artery sling, atrial, and ventricular septal defects, tetralogy of Fallot, patent ductus arteriosus, and coarctation of the aorta. Patients presenting with the above signs and symptoms who are not responsive to standard treatment modalities, and have accompanying cardiovascular congenital anomalies should, therefore, be investigated for the BB. Herein, we review the anatomy, embryology, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, imaging techniques and surgical management of the BB.
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Tracheal stenosis is the most common late airway complication of tracheostomy. Severe tracheal stenosis resulted in hemodynamic deterioration and impairment of respiratory system mechanics. We cared for an 86-year-old man with severe tracheal stenosis due to prolonged placement of a tracheostomy tube for 42-months. At the distal tip of the tracheostomy tube, bronchoscopy revealed severe tracheal luminal obstructions by granulation tissue. During pressure-controlled ventilation, the peak airway pressure was much higher than the inspiratory pressure. For patients with clinical signs of tracheal stenosis after tracheotomy, bronchoscopy should be done as early as possible.
Background/purpose: Stenosing airway disease, including congenital and acquired lesions, is rare in the pediatric age group. Until recently, the outlook for patients with congenital tracheal stenosis (CTS) was dismal because medical management was the only way of treatment. Surgical and endoscopical techniques developed in the last years have improved the prognosis. This report reviews the short and long-term outcomes of a single-institution experience in the management of CTS in children, comparing different treatment modalities. Methods: From 1991 to 2002, 13 cases of CTS have been managed in the authors unit. Respiratory symptoms varied from mild stridor on exertion to severe distress. Bronchoscopy established the diagnosis in all cases. According to clinical and endoscopical features, patients have been classified into 3 groups. The following data have been studied in each case: sex, age at diagnosis and treatment, anatomic type, associated anomalies, treatment modality, complications, outcome, and time of follow-up. Results: Seven girls and 6 boys have been included in this study. Age at diagnosis ranged from 3 days to 7 years (median, 8 months), and 77% showed associated anomalies. Four patients presented mild or no symptoms and have been treated expectantly. The other 9 patients have been operated on because of persistent or severe symptomatology. The following procedures have been performed: costal cartilage tracheoplasty (n = 5), tracheal resection (n = 3), slide tracheoplasty (n = 2), endoscopical dilatation (n = 3), and laser resection (n = 1). Three patients required 2 or more procedures, and there were 3 early deaths, all after costal cartilage tracheoplasty. Overall mortality rate in the series is 23%. Follow-up is complete in all survivors (n = 10) ranging from 6 months to 10 years (mean, 4.7 years). Conclusions: Selection of the type of treatment depends on the patient's clinical status and the anatomic pattern of the stenosis. In symptomatic cases of short-segment stenoses the authors prefer tracheal resection with end-to-end anastomosis; for long-segment stenoses, slide tracheoplasty is the procedure of choice.
Acquired tracheal stenosis in childhood is frequently difficult to manage because of poor healing, infection, and scarring. In a 10-year period, 62 patients (4 weeks to 14 years of age) were treated for acquired tracheal stenosis. The causes of stenosis were endotracheal intubation (44 patients), caustic aspiration (6 patients), recurrent infection (5 patients), bronchoscopic perforation (4 patients), and gastric aspiration (3 patients). The subglottic or upper trachea was involved in 47 patients, mid portion in 8, and distal or carinal area in 7. Fifty children underwent tracheostomy as part of the therapy, and 12 were managed without tracheostomy. Therapy was individualized, frequently sequentially, utilizing rigid or balloon dilatation (20 patients), bronchoscopic electrocoagulation resection (44 patients), steroid injection (48 patients), T tube stent (8 patients), resection with anastomosis (12 patients), cricoid split (3 patients), and rib cartilage graft (12 patients). Most patients required several techniques and repeated procedures to eventually achieve decannulation. Seven patients (11%) died of unrelated causes. Forty-four of 55 surviving patients (80%) are without tracheostomy, although 14 have required continued endotracheal treatment after tracheostomy removal (dilatation, endotracheal resection). This series demonstrates that acquired tracheal stenosis in childhood is a common, difficult problem, but manageable with the use of a variety of techniques. Resection and grafting procedures should be reserved for cases in which less complex modalities fail.
Twenty-two infants with congenital tracheal stenosis (CTS) were treated in our hospital between 1965 and 1987. Diagnosis was confirmed by endoscopic and radiographic methods. Patients had a spectrum of tracheobronchial lesions from localized stenosis to more complex deformities involving the carina and bronchi. Other anomalies were found in all patients with the occurrence of vascular slings or rings in 11 patients (50%). Six infants treated nonoperatively died from severe CTS and other lethal anomalies. Five of 16 patients (31%) treated surgically survived. Localized CTS in four cases was treated by dilatation, tracheostomy, or tracheal resection with primary anastomosis (two survivors, 2 non-survivors). Funnel-shaped deformities and extensive tracheobroncial stenosis were treated by tracheal reconstruction using a variety of autogenous tissue and prosthetic grafts (three survivors, nine non-survivors). The overall mortality was 77%. A new intratracheal stent was used in two patients. The stent was a flexible steel spring covered with a silicone rubber sheath. In one patient, it was placed within the trachea at the time of repair and removed later with the bronchoscope. A stent was used in a second patient with intermittent airway obstruction following an esophageal tracheoplasty. In this case, the device failed to alleviate the obstruction, and the infant expired from progressive respiratory failure. Issues of importance in the management of infants with CTS are: (1) adequate evaluation of the tracheobronchial tree, (2) awareness that tracheobronchography may precipitate further respiratory decompensation, (3) assessment of vascular and other anomalies requiring surgical correction, and (4) selection of an appropriate therapeutic approach.
SUMMARY The possibility of obtaining intermittent positive pressure ventilation by means of a needle inserted into the trachea was examined. In models it was found that a jet equal to a 16 gauge needle with an oxygen pressure of 50 Lb./ could supply enough force to inflate the lung and that the volume flow produced was adequate to supply the tidal volume for an adult patient. In dogs these findings were confirmed. It was also observed that the effect on the tracheal mucosa was comparable with that of an endotracheal tube. The technique was used in twelve patients undergoing routine operations under anaesthesia with intravenous agents and paralysis with tubocurarine. A plastic 16 gauge needle was used as the jet and an intermittent flow of oxygen at 50 Lb./ generated from a Bird Mark 2 ventilator. Blood-gas analysis revealed adequate pulmonary ventilation during periods ranging from 40 to 75 minutes. Postanaesthetic complaints were minimal. There was no tissue emphysema. Possible applications of transtracheal ventilation are discussed.
Chronic airway obstruction usually has an insidious onset. It is often difficult to diagnose unless the patient is examined by a physician familiar with the problem and causes. Potential causes can be divided into infectious, inflammatory, traumatic, and neoplastic. Although the precise incidence of each category is unknown, trauma, secondary to previous prolonged intubation for mechanical ventilation, is currently the most common premorbid factor.
We have managed 23 infants and children with severe tracheal stenosis due to congenital complete tracheal rings producing a long-segment stenosis of the trachea. Nineteen (83%) have survived this life-threatening cause of airway obstruction, 7 of whom also had pulmonary artery slings. Pericardial patch tracheoplasty facilitated by partial cardiopulmonary bypass is currently our preferred technique for surgical repair. Eighteen patients (78%) underwent operative intervention, 3 of whom (17%) have died since surgery. The mean follow-up is 4.5 years. Bronchoscopy is essential for preoperative diagnosis and accurate intraoperative incision of the trachea, and is critical for long-term postoperative airway management. The more distal lesions are associated with increased complications and a higher mortality rate.