Konstantin Tirronen

Konstantin Tirronen
Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Karelian Research Centre of RAS

PhD (Candidate of Scienсe)


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Konstantin Tirronen currently works at the Laboratory of zoology, Institute of Biology Karelian Research Centre of RAS. Konstantin does research in Zoology, Molecular Biology and Ecology. Their current project is 'Estimation of arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus L.) population status and extinction risk due with climate changes on the Kola Peninsula, Russia'.


Publications (46)
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We present data on the species composition of helminths in brown bears (Ursus arctos) from the Murmansk Region, Russia. The absence of any information about helminths of brown bear in the region necessitated the conduct of these studies. Samples were collected in 2014 and 2015 in the southern part of the Kola Peninsula from the White Sea coastal ha...
Bears have fascinated people since ancient times. The relationship between bears and humans dates back thousands of years, during which time we have also competed with bears for shelter and food. In modern times, bears have come under pressure through encroachment on their habitats, climate change, and illegal trade in their body parts, including t...
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The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus L.) population on the Kola Peninsula occupies an intermediate, and potentially connecting, position between foxes living on the Scandinavian Peninsula and populations further east in Russia, but very little is known about the status of this population. Here we summarize data from the literature, forgotten archival sou...
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Монография представляет собой ретроспективный обзор состояния населения эндемика европейской фауны — лесного северного оленя (Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönnb.) и другого подвида северного оленя, более широко распространенного, — дикого европейского тундрового оленя (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.). Издание сформировалось как краткое изложение наших...
The range of the golden jackal (Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758) in Eurasia has undergone significant changes over the past decades, revealed in species expansion and range extensions. The article summarizes literature characterizing the dynamics of the species’ range in Russia, and presents data on appearances of animals far outside established ranges...
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Aim Our aim was to assess the population structure, genetic diversity and demographic history of the wolverine (Gulo gulo) throughout its entire Eurasian range. Additionally, we aimed to contextualize and put into perspective the state of the endangered Fennoscandian population by emphasizing its connectivity to other populations. Location The mai...
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In the manuscript, we presented, in our opinion, interesting information about the changes in the population and genetic structure of the wolf population in conditions of increasing human persecution. Earlier, researchers from Scandinavia and Finland repeatedly noted the importance of inter-population links between territorial groups of wolves in N...
One of the most ancient aspects of human impact on the wild animals is hunting. The degree of human impact on one of the Eastern Fennoscandian wolf (Canis lupus L.) population based on the analysis of data on the population dynamics of the predator and its preys, “hunting bag” data, changes in the spatial-temporal structure and genetic characterist...
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Обсуждаются гипотезы проникновения северного оленя на территорию Восточной Фенноскандии. Вероятно, появившись на юге Скандинавского полуострова олень продвигался вдоль побережья Норвежского моря. Далее уже вдоль Баренцева моря он проник на север Финляндии и на северо-запад Кольского полуострова. Заселение центральной и северо-восточной частей Кольс...
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The article reveals the history of the appearance and growth of the Karelian school of Game animals zoology, tells about the founder and members of the scientific team, presents the most important elements of formation, results and directions of development. The region to which the collective's activities extend, for the most part, is the North-Wes...
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Biotic interactions are expected to influence species' responses to climate change, but they are usually not included when predicting future range shifts. We assessed the importance of biotic interactions to understand future consequences of climate and land use change for biodiversity using as a model system the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Europe...
Technical Report
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Final report on the project “WOLF: Barents predators - large carnivores management in the Barents region ” between the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Swedish-Karelian Business Center
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Vitamins A and E are known as nutrients involved in metabolic processes and facilitating the adaptation of animals. The metabolism of these vitamins is closely related to lipid metabolism, which has seasonal variations in animals inhabiting northern latitudes. The aim of this study was to investigate the concentrations of retinol (vitamin A) and α-...
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Protected Areas (PAs) perform essential biological and landscape diversity conservation functions. They also serve as nature labs and experimental grounds for various sorts of monitoring research around the world. An object for environmental co-operation between neighbouring countries is an international PA, such as the Finnish-Russian Friendship N...
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Книга посвящена чужеродным инвазивным видам растений и животных – тем видам, которые намеренно или случайно занесены человеком либо появились в Карелии в результате расширения ареала своего распространения. Природные условия региона оказались для них подходящими, эти растения и животные успешно прижились на новой для них территории, а некоторые нач...
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Hybridisation and admixture can threaten the genetic integrity of populations and be of particular concern to endangered species. Hybridisation between grey wolves and dogs has been documented in many wolf populations worldwide and is a prominent example of human‐mediated hybridisation between a domesticated species and its wild relative. We analys...
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Издание включает описания и сведения о состоянии, распространении, принятых и необходимых мерах охраны 310 видов растений и животных, занесенных в Красную книгу Республики Карелия. Очерки представлены для видов, относящихся к группе категорий статуса редкости «находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения», включая ряд видов, занесенных в Красную книгу Росс...
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Background Reduction of genetic diversity can lead to reduced fitness of species, such as the loss of adaptability to changing environments. The native Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) was hunted to extinction from Finland and many other countries in Europe in the nineteenth century. In Finland, the species was re-introduced in the 1930s with only a...
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В статье рассматриваются оригинальные материалы по особенностям биологии, экологии и генетического разнообразия ондатры на севере европейской части ареала (Республика Карелия). На примере одного из эвтрофных озер даётся характеристика продуктивности и опромышления такого типа ондатровых угодий на протяжении последних тридцати лет. Приводятся матери...
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The analysis of distribution, number, relationship of wolf and moose in the European North of Russia since the middle-end of the 19th century is discussed. At that time appeared the first publications about the status of the populations of these animals in the Kola Peninsula and in the Olonets province. Nowadays it is the Kola-Karelian region was ch...
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The possibilities of using non-invasively sampled biological material to study the genetic diversity and status of the brown bear population in the European North of Russia are discussed. The effectiveness of sampling and preservation methods is evaluated. Fieldwork including a non-invasive collection of biological material was carried out in the s...
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Проведено исследование показателей антиоксидантной системы (активности супероксиддисмутазы и каталазы, содержание восстановленного глутатиона, витаминов А и Е) в тканях (печень, почки, сердце, легкие, селезенка, скелетная мышца) песцов, лисиц, енотовидных собак и волков в осенне-зимний и весенний периоды. Сезонные изменения активностей антиоксидант...
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The study of the distribution and abundance of ungulate mammals in the Karelian part of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia (GBF) showed that these characteristics are subject to the significant influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. GBF territory is a complex set of landscapes belonging to northern, middle and partly southern taiga, shaping th...
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The subject matter of this article is the Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus L.) of the Kola Peninsula. The data of the retrospective analysis of literary and archival materials are given, it is shown that the period of the main researches of the Arctic Fox population in the region refers to the 1930s, followed by decades of scientific oblivion up to the p...
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In this paper, we present the results of studying the genetic structure of the brown bear population in Northern European Russia using the microsatellite analysis. Fieldwork including non-invasive collection of biological material was carried out in the study area in spring, summer and autumn 2014-2016. Studied area covers the most of the forest zo...
In the article, we compare results of aerial surveys (AS) and winter route surveys (WRS) in the Republic of Karelia. We provided AS in spring of 2014; the area of investigations covered over 60% of Karelia. Data of WRS obtained from archive materials and available publications. The model object for the comparison of methods was Black grouse. The po...
Changes in the distribution of game animals that have living ranges with northern and southern boundaries in the northwestern regions of Russia have been analyzed and compared to horological materials published by a group of researchers almost 50 years ago. An anthropogenic impact has been identified as the major factor for the changes named above.
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The Cervidae family in the Republic of Karelia is represented by three species: moose (Alces alces L.), wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lonnb.) and European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.). The first two species are representatives of the native fauna, the latter is a species new for the republic and does not reside in the territ...
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The dispersal, population dynamics, and ecological features of the European roe deer at the northern limit of species distribution and also their visits, wintering, and breeding outside the range boundary are discussed. A significant increase in the abundance of roe deer in the northern part of the range and their largescale expansion beyond the hi...
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The article provides data on the diet of brown bear, collected in Karelia and the Terski district of Murmansk Region in the 2002-2016 years. Quantitative characteristics of the diet of the brown bear are given on the basis of analysis of the composition of feces (n = 631) and registration of patterns predator foraging activity. The seasonal dynamic...
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Based on the results of the analysis of nucleotide sequence polymorphism in the hypervariable fragment (left domain) of the mtDNA control region (D loop), the genetic diversity of wild reindeer from the eastern part of the Kola Peninsula (Murmansk oblast, Terskii region) was studied. Low values of the genetic diversity indices for Eurasian wild rei...
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Based on the results of the analysis of nucleotide sequence polymorphism in the hypervariable fragment (left domain) of the mtDNA control region (D loop), the genetic diversity of wild reindeer from the eastern part of the Kola Peninsula (Murmansk oblast, Terskii region) was studied. Low values of the genetic diversity indices for Eurasian wild rei...
Conference Paper
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The area of the Kola Peninsula is about 100 thousand square kilometers and it is home for about 1,000 bears. The peninsula is located in the NorthWest of Russia, bordered on the west by Finland and Norway, washed by the White and Barents Seas. Most of the peninsula is located to the north of the Arctic Circle. Brown bear population penetrate to the...
High-resolution, male-inherited Y-chromosomal markers are a useful tool for population genetic analyses of wildlife species, but to date have only been applied in this context to relatively few species besides humans. Using nine Y-chromosomal STR and three Y-chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphism markers (Y-SNPs), we studied whether male gene f...
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В статье приводится анализ материалов нескольких экспедиций в Терский район Мурманской области. Целью исследования было сравнительное изучение населения бурого медведя на побережье Белого моря, в долинах крупных рек и во внутренних территориях района. Работы включали оценку численности медведя, выявление особенностей распределения и сезонного освое...
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Data of field observations on bats hibernating in the Republic of Karelia (61°–63° N, 30°–36° E) are presented. Various bat winter roosts have been surveyed to reveal the species composition of the animals, the pattern of their spatial arrangement, mortality, and specific regional features and general trends of their hibernation. The results provid...
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Представлены материалы полевых наблюдений за летучими мышами на зимовках в Республике Карелия (61—63° с.ш., 30—36° в.д.). Здесь впервые обследованы разнообразные зимние убежища животных, выявлены их видовой состав, особенности пространственного размещения, уровень смертности, прослежены региональные особенности и некоторые общие закономерности зимо...
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Large carnivores were persecuted to near extinction during the last centuries, but have now recovered in some countries. It has been proposed earlier that the recovery of the Northern European brown bear is supported by migration from Russia. We tested this hypothesis by obtaining for the first time continuous sampling of the whole Finnish bear pop...
Noninvasively collected genetic data can be used to analyse large-scale connectivity patterns among populations of large predators without disturbing them, which may contribute to unravel the species' roles in natural ecosystems and their requirements for long-term survival. The demographic history of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Northern Europe i...
A set of 13 dinucleotide STR loci (G1A, G10B, G1D, G10L, MU05, MU09, MU10, MU15, MU23, MU26, MU50, MU51, MU59) were selected as candidate markers for a DNA forensic profiling system for Northern European brown bear (Ursus arctos). We present results from validation of the markers with respect to their sensitivity, species specificity and performanc...
The paper describes an attempt to breed semi-free ranging red deer and wild boar in the Republic of Karelia. The paper provides data on natural food sources, the diet of both species, trophic relations, and the damage red deer made to trees during the first year of their stay in the enclosure. The rowan was found to be a very important component in...
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Loss of connectivity and habitat destruction may lead to genetic depletion of wild animal populations, especially in species requiring large, connected territories as the brown bear (Ursus arctos). Brown bear populations of North Western Russia, Finland and Northern Norway have been assumed to form one large, continuous population; however this hyp...


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