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ffects of feeding Beta vulgaris saccharifera Bulb for Fattening Desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan


Abstract and Figures

Twenty seven newly giving birth lactating Nubian goats were used to evaluate the effect of using fresh sweet potato vines in performance and milk yield. Experimental animals were divided into three groups that were fed three different experimental diets. Group A (control) were fed on fresh chopped Abu-70 variety of Sorghum vulgar. Group B were fed on fresh chopped sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) vines and stems. Groups C were fed on fresh chopped clitoria (Clitoria ternate). Significant (p<0.001) difference were observed only in daily fooder intake. Group B performed a significantly (p>0.05) heavier final weight (28.45±6.67 kg) and weight gain (3.82±0.72). This group recorded a highly significant (p<0.001) fodder intake (1.88±0.35). Best feed conversion ratio was recorded by group C (6.71) .Treatment effect was highly significant (p<0.01) on daily milk yield. Group B, performed the higher milk yield (0.58±0.18 liter), milk protein, milk fat and total solids compared to group A and C. According to the results obtained nutritional properties of the sweet potato leaves indicate that they have the potentiality to improve dietary protein and amino acid supply in low fibre diets for ruminants. Like other traditional fodders used in the Sudan, sweet potato can be used likewise for feeding small ruminants for milk production with marked levels of success.
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Effects of feeding Beta vulgaris saccharifera bulb for fattening
desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan
1 2 3 4 5
M D Mohammed , K M Elamin , A E Amin , H E Hassan , A F Khalid
1. Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Production (Managil), University of Gezira,
Wad Medani, Sudan,P.O.20. 2. Department of Animal Breeding, Faculty of Animal Production (Managil),
University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan,P.O.20. 3. Department of Veterianary Medicine,
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum, Shambat, Sudan.
4. Department of Meat production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Production (Managil),
University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan,P.O.20. 5. Department of Dairy production,
Faculty of Animal Production (Managil), University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan
Corresponding author: K M Elamin,
Received: 21-12-2011, Accepted: 18-01-2012, Published Online: 10-03-2012
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2012.330-334
Aim: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of introducing Sugar Beet bulb as a cheap substitute for grains in
rations formulated for sheep fattening.
Materials and Methods: This trial was conducted at the Experimental unit of Rural Development and extension center,
Faculty of animal production, University of Gezira. Twenty four Sudanese desert lambs (Ashgur ecotype) were purchased
from local markets to assess the effects of replacing grain with Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris saccharifera) Bulb on feed lot
performance, carcass traits under tropical conditions of Sudan. Sugar Beet bulb was incorporated in three rations with a
control ration (A: control, B, C, D) at percentages of 0, 11, 22, and 33.
Results: The results showed that total weight gain and daily feed intake in group D were significantly different at (P<0.05)
where values of 5.59±1.73 and 0.94± 0.13 kg were recorded. Total weight gain, daily dry matter intake, daily energy intake
and feed conversion ratio were in the range of 10.67- 5.59, 1.03-0.83, 0.33-0.27and 11.77- 7.70 kg respectively. Treatments
showed no significant differences at (P<0.05) for slaughter weight, empty body weight, dressing % on slaughter weight basis
and dressing % on empty weight basis, the obtained results for these traits were 27.78-25.37, 24.76- 22.22, 45.80- 43.45% and
51.41- 49.65%. Carcass cuts (Leg, Loin, Rack, Plate and Neck & shoulder) weight and percentages showed no significant
differences among treatments.
Conclusion: It is concluded that replacing expensive grains with Beta vulgaris bulb can be practiced in sheep fattening
project up to 22% with excellent results.
Keywords: Dressing, Grain, Tenderness, Weight gain
Introduction Many attempts have been made to introduce
unconventional new forages; especially for the
Sudan is predominately an agricultural country. summer season when animals are underfed [4]. Sugar
Livestock population was estimated as 140 million beet is a fleshy root crop grown usually for sugar
head of which 41.1 million head of cattle, 43.1 million production [5]. It is native to temperate countries and
head of goat, 51.1 million head of sheep and 4.4 hence had been associated with temperate
million head of camel [1]. Of these livestock species, environment. Despite being a temperate crop, Sugar
sheep is characterized by economic importance as it beet trials have been going on in some selected tropical
has good productive and reproductive merits over countries (e.g. India and South Africa) [5].
members of the family Bovidae [2]. In recent years, The objective of this study was to evaluate the
there is a dramatic increase in the cost of energy effects of introducing Sugar Beet bulb as a cheap
sources parallel to the increase in demand for animal substitute for grains in rations formulated for sheep
feeds. This situation encouraged the nutritionist to fattening.
search for cheaper high energy feed ingredients [3].
Vet. World, 2012, Vol.5(6):330-334 RESEARCH Veterinary World, Vol.5 No.6 June 2012 330
To cite this article: Mohammed MD, Elamin KM, Amin AE, Hassan HE and Khalid AF (2012) Effects of Feeding
Beta vulgaris saccharifera Bulb for Fattening Desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan, Vet World 5(6):
330-334, doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2012.330-334
Effects of Feeding Beta vulgaris saccharifera Bulb for Fattening Desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan
Materials and Methods A, B, C and D. Dietary formulae utilized sorghum
grains and sugar beet bulb inversely replacing each
Study location: The experiment was conducted at other for the total of 33% energy supplying
Rural development and extension center (University ingredients. Ration A served as the control ration. The
of Gezira) and it extended for ten months. different rations were offered ad labium and fresh
Experimental House: The animals were lodged in clean water was available all the time. Experimental
the Animal House at the Extension and Rural feeding was continued up to ten weeks and then the
Development Centre, Faculty of Animal Production, animals were slaughtered for carcass assessment.
University of Gezira Managil. The house was 7x9 m Data Collection: Feed intake (kg/group) was
and was bounded by metal sheets 2 m in height set over recorded daily by calculating the difference between
a half-meter brick wall. Internally the house was offered feed and refused one. Weekly weights for each
divided into 8 pens and two of them left as a service animal within the different groups were recorded to
area. Each pen was 2x3 m. and has a separate door and the nearest 0.5 kg. Animals were weighed at 7:0 am
equipped with a metal feed trough and a plastic water before feeding.
container. The roof was made of corrugated metal Two animals of each experimental treatment
sheets, slopping from the middle (3-2.5 m) to the side, were selected randomly for slaughter at the slaughter
supported with metal pipes. The ground was made of Platform. The animals were fasted overnight and had
concrete with reasonable inclination for drainage. access to water prior being slaughtered according to
the Muslim practice. The animals were weighed and
Experimental animals: Authors followed the
"International Animal Ethics Committee guideline" then the slaughter weight was recorded. Appendages
for use of animals in the study. Animals used in this (head, tail, skin and feet) were weighed each
study belong to Sudan desert sheep (Ashugr separately. The animal then was eviscerated on a full
ecotype).Twenty four animals at average age of 3-4 linea alba incision. Visceral organs, (liver, spleen,
month were purchased from local market, then kidney, pancreas, intestines full and empty, omental
transported to location of study.The animals were fats and genitals) and Pluck (Heart, lungs and trachea
rested, watered, and then ear-tagged and treated and diaphragm), were separated each and weighed.
against internal parasites using albendazole . They Kidney knob and channel fat were collected and
were also treated for external parasites using topical weighed. The alimentary tract was weighed full and
pyrithrins (Cyper-methrine spray, Cyper, Holland). then empty to calculate the contents (fill). The fill was
The Animals were offered the control feed for subtracted from the slaughter weight to obtain the
adaptation during the first two weeks. Then, the empty body weight (EBW). Warm carcass weight was
animals were weight-distributed and randomly recorded. Then the warm carcass was split into right
allotted to four treatments A, B, C and D, 6 lambs per and left halves by sawing along the vertebral column.
treatment. The experiment lasted for 10 weeks. Each half was weighed separately. The left half was
then divided into fore and hind saddles cutting
Table 1. Percent inclusion rates of ingredients between the 12th and 13th rib. The hind saddle was
(as fed)And chemical composition (dry matter further dissected into two wholesale cuts (leg and loin)
basis) of experimental diets by cutting proximal to ala of the os ileum of the pelvic
girdle. The fore saddle was separated into two anterior
and posterior parts between the 5th and 6th ribs. The
anterior part was separated into two cuts neck and
shoulder and brisket and foreshank by cutting mid
distance horizontally parallel to the vertebral column.
The posterior part was separated also into two cuts
rack (upper) and plate (lower) by cutting mid distance
horizontally parallel to the vertebral column. The
weight of each commercial cut was recorded [7].
Meat samples for sensory evaluation were taken
Animal Feeding: Four isocaloric (10 MJ ME/kg) and from the Longissimus dorsi muscle over the loin
isonitrogenous (14% CP) rations were formulated region of the right half and were kept in a deep freezer
(Table 1), meeting the nutritional requirements of till organoleptic evaluation. Test samples were thawed
desert lambs [6]. The rations were labeled as treatment at 30 C for 1 hour, wrapped in an aluminum foil paper
Ingredients A B C D
Sorghum 33 22 11 -
Sugar Beet Bulb - 11 22 33
Molasses 14 16 16 15
Groundnut meal 6 11 12 15
Cottonseed meal 15 09 09 05
W. Bran 12 11 12 15
Groundnut hulls 15 15 13 12
NaCl 01 01 01 01
Vitamin /mineral 04 04 04 04
CP % 14.04 14.31 14.06 14.33
Energy (Mcal ME /kg) 2.32 2.32 2.33 2.34
Energy /Protein ratio 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6 1 / 6 Veterinary World, Vol.5 No.6 June 2012 331
Effects of Feeding Beta vulgaris saccharifera Bulb for Fattening Desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan
oTotal weight gain was in the range of 10.67-5.59
and cooked in an electric oven at 300 C for ten
minutes. Five panelists were selected randomly out of kg. This finding is similar to that reported by [10] for
ten who are trained on the sensory procedure. Cooked Sudan desert sheep for 45 days (5.30 -8.59 kg) and [11]
meat samples were served warm in small pieces for desert sheep (9.84-11.49 kg) but lower than the
randomly to panelists. The panelists were asked to results reported by [8] in Awassi lambs for 90 days
score color, tenderness, flavor and juiciness out of an (13.48- 15.65 kg) . Treatments significantly (p<0.05)
eight sensory evaluation unit scale. Water was used by affected total weight gain as ration A and C showed
panelists for masking taste. highest gain and ration D gave the lowest gain. Daily
feed intake in this trial was 1.17- 0.94 kg. This is in
Statistical Analysis: Data was subjected to SPSS accordance with the findings reported by [9] in Awassi
program version 10. lambs (1.123- 1.186 kg).,, [12] who reported 1.06
Results and Discussion 1.10 kg , [10] who reported 0.98- 1.26 kg, [11] who
reported 1.14 -1.35 kg [9] who reported 0.932- 1.030
Table 2 shows average performance values of kg. This is lower than the results reported by [13] who
Desert lambs fed different levels of sugar beet bulbs reported 1.40 1.35 , and [14] who reported 1.32
for 70 days. Initial body weight for Ashugr sheep at 1.01 kg/ day in Sudan desert sheep.
about 4 month of age ranged from 18.54 to 18.51. Treatments significantly (p<0.05) affected feed
These findings were lower than the results reported by intake as ration D practiced the lowest intake. Daily
[8] for body weight in Awassi lambs at same age dry matter intake and daily energy intake showed no
(26.05-30.66 kg) and by [9] who reported 24.6- 24.97 significant (p<0.05) difference among treatments.
kg. Normal values for initial weights of experimental Feed conversion ratio in this study is 8.12- 7.68
groups exhibit insignificant variations in weight due to which is in agreement with the results reported by [14]
different backgrounds of breeds, breeding systems, who found a range of 8.74 to 6.48 and [13] who
raising conditions and nutritional experience. Final reported 7.63 kgfeed/ kh gain. Treatments showed no
body weight at 7 month of age in this study was 29.21- significant differences.
24.10 kg which is lower than the results depicted by Table-3 shows average dressing out percentages
Mousa [8] in Awassi lambs (36.86-40.06 kg) and by on slaughter weight and on empty body basis values of
[9] who reported 42.46- 49.86 kg. The final weights as
they were statistically similar, but the trend is that it Desert lambs fed different levels of sugar beet bulbs
increases at low and medium beet bulb replacements for 70 days. Treatment effect was not significant
(11-22%) and decreases below the control at (p>0.05) on slaughter and empty body weights and
maximum beet bulb replacement (33%). also in dressing percentages on both slaughter and Veterinary World, Vol.5 No.6 June 2012 332
Parameters A B C D
Initial weight(kg) 18.54±2.02 18.51±2.09 18.54±2.23 18.51±2.12
Final weight(kg) 28.19±5.40 28.60±3.54 29.21±5.72 24.10±3.85
ab a ab b
Total weight gain(kg) 910.65±3.76 10.09±1.45 10.67±3.49 5.59±1.73
a a a b
Daily feed intake(kg) 1.12±0.12 1.11±0.09 1.17±0.01 0.94±0.13
Daily DM intake (kg) 0.97 0.96 1.0.3 0.83
Daily energy intake (MJ ME) 0.33 0.30 0.33 0.27
F.C.R. 8.12 7.7 7.68 11.77
Table-2. Analysis of variance and average (mean ± SD) performance values of lambs fed different
levels of sugar beet bulb for 70 days.
Means in a row bearing the same letter or no letter subscript are similar (p>0.05)
Parameters A B C D
Slaughter weight 25.37±0.69 27.78±12.93 27.48±4.87 25.52±4.82
Empty body weight 22.27±0.28 24.75±6.28 24.76±3.46 22.22±4.69
Dressing % (slaughter weight basis) 45.11±0.66 43.74±2.75 45.80±1.35 43.45±0.72
Dressing%(empty body weight basis) 51.41±0.79 49.65±1.51 51.31±0.72 50.06±1.28
Table-3. Analysis of variance and average (mean± SD) of Slaughter weight , Empty body weight ,
dressing out percentages on empty body and slaughter weight basis of lambs fed different levels of
sugar beet bulb for 70 days.
Means in a row are similar (p>0.05).
Effects of Feeding Beta vulgaris saccharifera Bulb for Fattening Desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan
empty body weight basis. Dressing percentage value 100%. For juiciness, percentages recorded were 93.3
on empty body weight basis ranged from 51.41to and 86.70% for groups A and B respectively. Groups
C and D are equal in values (80%). Meat quality
49.56%. This is in agreement with [15] and [13] , but attributes are well tied to carcass yield. Most of these
higher than the results reported by [16]. attributes are functions of breed type, carcass weight
Table-4 shows average weights of carcass cuts and the degree of fatness. Fat pressure starts at the
and their percentages out of the warm carcass. intracellular level, intercellular and finally the
Treatment effect was significant (p<0.05) only for the extracellular. Factors influencing and determining the
rack average absolute values. Warm carcass, right and meat quality attributes are well overviewed by [19].
left halves, leg, rack and plate, performed highest
values in Group B. Most of the lowest values were Conclusions
recorded by the control group in warm carcass, right It is concluded from study results that replacing
and left halves, leg, neck and shoulder and brisket and sorghum grains with Sugar Beet bulb can reduce
foreshank. For the percentages, values of the different
cuts in treatment groups were following an irregular mutton production cost without significantly affecting
pattern. lamb carcass traits and meat attributes up to 22%.
The wholesale cuts values reported by [17] and Acknowledgements
Hassan [18] for Sudan Desert lambs agreed with the
findings reported in this study for most components. The authors are grateful to University of Gezira
Variations may be due to age, initial live weights and for permission and support of this work. Dean faculty
differences in managerial techniques. of animal production and manager of Rural and
Table-5 shows average subjective assessment Development center are also acknowledged for providing
values of meat quality attributes of lambs fed different the experimental house.
levels of sugar beet bulb for 70 days. Competing interests
Group A had the best tenderness (100%) while a
least tenderness attribute (80%) was for groups C and The authors declare that they have no competing
D. For flavor and color percent, all groups are equal at interests. Veterinary World, Vol.5 No.6 June 2012 333
Components (wt. n kg) A B C D
Warm carcass 11.10±2.18 12.60±2.36 12.23±3.46 11.45±0.48
Right half 5.5±1.04 6.22±1.23 6.07±1.81 5.6±0.35
Left half 5.6±1.12 6.33±1.16 6.08±1.65 5.87±0.23
Leg 1.91±0.49 2.37±0.60 2.08±0.46 2.03±0.008
Loin 0.60±0.17 0.57±0.10 0.66±0.25 0.58±0.003
Rack 0.59±0.07 0.71±0.01 0.50±0.09 0.59±0.006
Plate 0.38±0.09 0.44±0.06 0.36±0.12 0.40±0.005
Neck & shoulder 1.12±0.19 1.27±0.32 1.53±0.42 1.28±0.24
Brisket & foreshank 0.87±0.20 1.03±0.14 1.03±0.26 0.94±0.006
Leg % 17.11±1.58 18.69±2.41 17.21±1.29 17.77±0.21
Loin% 5.35±0.48 4.15±0.56 5.29±0.69 5.09±0.32
Rack% 5.38±0.39 5.76±1.15 4.21±0.54 5.14±0.74
Plate% 3.52±0.26 3.55±0.34 2.94±0.21 3.51±0.29
Neck & shoulder% 10.16±0.64 9.96±0.81 12.58±1.61 11.18±2.09
Brisket & foreshank% 7.80±0.37 8.27±0.56 8.44±0.58 8.22±0.29
Table-4. Analysis of variance and average (mean ± SD) weights (kg) of carcass cuts and their
percentages out of the warm carcass of lambs fed different levels of sugar beet bulb for 70 days
Means in a row bearing the same letter or no letter subscript are similar (p>0.05).
Parameters A B C D
Tendernes% 100 86.7 80 80
Flavor % 100 100 100 100
Color % 100 100 100 100
Juiciness % 93.3 86.7 80 80
Table-5. Average subjective assessment values of meat quality attributes of lambs fed different
levels of sugar beet bulb for 70 days.
Effects of Feeding Beta vulgaris saccharifera Bulb for Fattening Desert lambs under tropical conditions of Sudan
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The aim of this experiment, conducted at the Livestock Research Center of the National Agriculture and Forestry Institute (NAFRI), Lao PDR, was to study intake and digestibility in growing pigs fed different levels of sweet potato leaves and water spinach as supplements to a mixture of rice bran and cassava root meal. Three local male pigs of average live weight 13.3 kg were housed in individual cages. The design was a 3*3 Latin square with periods of 10 days, the treatments being ratios of sweet potato vines and waters sponach of 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50 (DM basis). The cassava root meal and rice bran (50:50 mixture) was restricted to 2% (DM basis) of live weight, the sweet potato leaves mixed with water spinach were fed ad libitum (120% of observed intake). Fresh sweet potato leaves and water spinach were harvested everyday in the Livestock Research Center and were chopped into small pieces prior to feeding.. Increasing the level of water spinach did not effect total dry matter intake of the diet, nor the coefficients of apparent digestibility of DM, organic matter, nitrogen and crude fiber, nor the retention of nitrogen. It is concluded that water spinach and sweet potato leaves appear to have the same nutritive value when used to supplement a basal diet of cassava root meal and rice bran for growing pigs.
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The study was conducted for 132 days on forty growing Arsi-Bale male goats of 16.78±0.61kg initial body weight to evaluate the use of fresh sweet potato vines (SPV) and concentrate given as sole or mixtures and also to determine the optimum level of substitution. Browsing goats were supplemented with SPV and concentrate, which was gradually replaced with fresh sweet potato vines at five levels: 0% SPV (T1), 25% SPV (T2), 50% SPV (T3), 75% SPV (T4) and 100% SPV (T5). There were no significant differences between T1, T2 and T3 in average daily gain (ADG). T1, T2 and T3 had significantly (P<0.05) higher ADG (g) (60.13 ± 0.004, 59.52 ± 0.002 and 56.34 ± 0.003 vs. 33.01 ± 0.003 and 20.83 ± 0.001) than T4 and T5, respectively. T5 had significantly (P<0.05) lower ADG (20.83 ± 0.001 g) than other treatments. There were no significant differences among treatments in carcass traits except in fat thickness (mm) which was highest (P<0.05) for T1 (1.67 ± 0.33) followed by T3 (1.33 ± 0.33), T2 (1.17 ± 0.44), T4 (1.17 ± 0.17) and lowest for T5 (1.23 ± 0.15). In general, there was no significant difference among treatments in primal cut (kg) except for T5 which had lowest (P<0.05) leg, loin and shoulder and neck than T1. Similarly, there were no significant differences among T1, T2 and T3 in muscle, fat and bone tissue. Therefore, from this study it can be concluded that 25 and 50% sweet potato vines substitution for concentrate can be used for growing Arsi-Bale male goats finishing with acceptable weight gain, carcass traits and compositions.
Twenty-four lactating goats (F1 of Bachthao*Jamnapary or Barbary) were used to investigate supplementation with cassava foliage hay (Manihot esculenta Crantz) of a low-protein based on rice straw sprayed with urea, a molasses urea block (MUB) and dried cassava root. The treatments were offer levels of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 g dry matter (DM) of cassava hay. with corresponding reduction in the offer level of the urea-rice straw. The milk yields increased linearly from 880 to 1532 ml/day as cassava hay was increased from zero to 25% of the diet DM. Milk quality was improved slightly and growth rates of kids suckled for restricted periods after milking were increased.
Twenty four weaned goats (Bach Thao*local) with initial weights of 9.7±0.32 kg and ages ranging between 3 to 4 months were used in an experiment to evaluate the use of fresh sweet potato vines (SPV) and Sesbania grandiflora foliage (SG) given as sole diets or as mixtures. Sesbania foliage was gradually replaced with fresh sweet potato vines at four levels: 0% (SPV0), 50% (SPV50), 75% (SPV75) and 100% (SPV100), based on DM content of the feeds. The same amount of DM was offered to all treatment groups, but intake decreased linearly as Sesbania foliage was replaced by sweet potato vines. When given as the sole feed to growing goats, the foliage of Sesbania grandiflora was superior to fresh sweet potato vines, in terms of feed intake and live weight gain, the latter being 50% greater on Sesbania (64 g/day versus 44 g/day). Replacement of Sebania with 50% fresh sweet potato vines on a dry matter basis resulted in acceptable live weight gains (60.6 g/day). Farmer experience indicates that the constraint to the widespread use of Sesbania grandiflora for feeding goats is the relatively low yield and slow rate of re-growth after pruning.
Voluntary dry matter intake, nutrient digestibility and nutritive value of foliage of fluted pumpkin (Talfairia occidentialis) - haylage [85% carpet grass (Axonopuscompressus); 10% guinea grass (Panicum maximum) and 5% batiki grass (Ischaemum aristatum var. indicum)] mixtures fed to goats was investigated. Five crossbred Anglo-Nubian goats, 12-14 months old, a pre-trial mean live weight of 11.1± 0.34 kg were allocated in a randomized 5×5 Latin Square design to five dietary treatments: 100% haylage (FP0); 75% haylage: 25% fluted pumpkin foliage (FP25); 50% haylage: 50% fluted pumpkin foliage (FP50); 25% haylage: 75% fluted pumpkin foliage (FP75) and 100% fluted pumpkin foliage (FP100). The goats also received 200 g each of a concentrate. CP and gross energy contents of FP0, FP25, FP50, FP75 and FP100 were, 9.3%, 12.0%, 14.7%, 17.4% and 20.1%; 17.0, 16.5, 16.1, 15.5 and 15.8 (MJ/kg DM) respectively. Dry matter intake (DMI) of FP0, FP25, FP50, FP75 and FP100 was 88.3, 76.1, 66.4, 67.1 and 67.5g/kg0.75/d, respectively. DMI between the haylage (FP0) and fluted pumpkin foliage (FP100) was significantly different (P<0.05). DMI of the mixed haylage/fluted pumpkin diets (FP25, FP50 and FP75) were significantly better (P<0.05) than FP0. Digestibilities of DM and OM were 42.7, 52.8, 57.5, 65.3 and 47.4%; 43.9, 54.2, 61.6, 68.7 and 52.4%, for FP0, FP25, FP50, FP75 and FP100 respectively. Digestible CP (DCP) was 3.9, 6.1, 8.6, 10.1 and 11.1 g/kg0.75/d for FP0, FP25, FP50, FP75 and FP100 respectively. Daily protein intake (DPI), was lower in FP0 (haylage). DPI, digestible energy intake (DEI) and metabolizable energy intake (MEI) followed the trend of voluntary DMI. The goats on FP75 had higher OM digestibility, nutritive value index (NVI) and higher ADG. This indicates that the foliage of fluted pumpkin is a potential cheap protein source and in total daily forage allowance its inclusion lies between 50 to 75% levels; with the 75% level giving the best performance Based on performance data the ratio of 25% haylage:75% fluted pumpkin foliage was more beneficial and thereby recommended for goat farmers. Its' nutritional importance in human diets in West African countries where it is cultivated may however, limits its usage as a cheap protein supplement for small ruminants on low quality feeds during the dry season period.