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World Salt Awareness Week: More action needed in New Zealand



World Salt Awareness Week ran from 21 to 27 March 2011. Increasing attention to the detrimental health effects of a high dietary salt intake has led to substantial public health campaigns in the United Kingdom, New York, Finland, Japan, and Canada. Indeed, recent modelling indicates that salt reduction is likely to be one of the most cost-effective population public health interventions for chronic disease reduction available.
Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association
NZMJ 15 April 2011, Vol 124 No 1332; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 1 of 9
World Salt Awareness Week: more action needed in
New Zealand
Rachael M McLean, Jim I Mann, Janet Hoek
World Salt Awareness Week ran from 21 to 27 March 2011. Increasing attention to
the detrimental health effects of a high dietary salt intake has led to substantial public
health campaigns in the United Kingdom, New York, Finland, Japan, and Canada.
Indeed, recent modelling indicates that salt reduction is likely to be one of the most
cost-effective population public health interventions for chronic disease reduction
US estimates suggest reducing Americans’ salt intake by as little as 3 grams per day
could reduce annual deaths by 44,000 and save between $10 billion and $24 billion in
annual healthcare costs. The benefits with respect to cardiovascular disease outcomes
for the US are estimated to be similar to population tobacco or obesity reduction
Similarly, estimates suggest that among low and middle income countries
salt reduction would be at least as effective as tobacco control for reducing deaths
from cardiovascular disease.
Modelling work undertaken New Zealand in 2003 estimated that a population
reduction of salt intake of 2.5 grams per day would lead to an overall decrease of 1.0
mmHg in the mean population systolic blood pressure (producing a 4-6 mmHg
decrease in systolic blood pressure in adults 65 years of age), and would result in a
total reduction of 282 deaths and 2613 years of life lost per year from heart disease
and stroke.
Health consequences of a high salt intake
There is now a compelling body of evidence that demonstrates a linear dose response
relationship between dietary salt intake and blood pressure.
Large epidemiological
observational studies such as INTERSALT (a cross-sectional study which examined
the association between 24-hour urinary sodium excretion and blood pressure in 32
countries around the world) showed that populations such as the Yanomamo of Brazil
with very low dietary salt intake demonstrated significantly lower blood pressure than
populations with higher dietary salt intakes. These ‘low-salt’ populations also showed
no increase in blood pressure with age, thereby challenging the view that increasing
blood pressure is an inevitable consequence of ageing.
A Cochrane Collaboration systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
demonstrated that for adults, a reduction of sodium intake by at least 40 mmol (or 2.3
grams salt per day) would lead to an average reduction in blood pressure of 5/3
mmHg for hypertensive and 2/1 mmHg for normotensive adults. Furthermore, the
authors estimated that if these changes were to be achieved at a population level this
would reduce stroke deaths by approximately 14% and ischaemic heart disease deaths
by 9% in adults with hypertension, and 6% and 4% respectively in those with normal
blood pressure.
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A meta-analysis of controlled trials investigating salt intake and blood pressure in
children and adolescents (18 years) showed that a modest reduction in sodium intake
would significantly reduce blood pressure.
While there is some evidence that some
individuals and population groups (such as African Americans and obese adults) are
more ‘salt sensitive’ than others,
the overwhelming evidence shows that that the vast
majority of both normotensive and hypertensive people will respond to a reduction in
dietary sodium intake with a small reduction in blood pressure.
There is little evidence to support the notion that only the few ’salt sensitive’
individuals need to monitor their dietary sodium intake. The combination of a diet
high in potassium and low in sodium such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension or DASH diet (a diet high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy
products, and low in saturated and total fat) is particularly effective in reducing blood
pressure in adults with hypertension.
Evidence also links dietary salt intake directly with adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies published 1966–2008
showed that a diet high in salt is associated with significantly increased risk of stroke
and total cardiovascular disease.
While much of this effect is likely to be mediated by elevated blood pressure,
increasingly, dietary salt intake is recognised as having direct adverse cardiovascular
effects such as impaired endothelial function and arterial vascular tone.
In addition
to cardiovascular effects, a high dietary salt intake is also associated with increased
risk of gastric cancer, kidney disease and osteoporosis.
Nutrient reference values
New Zealand and Australia have jointly determined nutrient reference values for
sodium with the recommended upper level of intake (UL) for adults set at
2300mg/day (equivalent to 5.8 grams salt per day). For children and adolescents the
UL has been extrapolated at a lower level based on proportional energy intake.
The New Zealand guidelines state that for some people (older or overweight people
and those with existing hypertension) a lower ‘suggested dietary target’ of 1600 mg
sodium per day or 4 grams salt per day would be beneficial.
US dietary guidelines
released early 2011 now recommend a population upper level of intake of 1500
milligrams per day of sodium or 3.75 grams salt.
‘Salt’ and ‘sodium’
Since the majority (around 90%) of dietary sodium is in the form of sodium chloride
or salt,
many public health initiatives refer to ‘salt’ rather than ‘sodium’. The use of
the word 'sodium' on food labels however can cause some confusion, especially since,
to convert sodium to salt, consumers must multiply the amount of sodium by
approximately 2.5 (so that 1 gram of sodium converts to approximately 2.5 grams of
Consequently many consumers have difficulty understanding the relationship between
‘sodium’ and ‘salt’. For instance, a study of 226 New Zealand shoppers in 2006
showed that only 10% were able to correctly identify the value for the sodium UL
when expressed as salt. Although 67% of participants reported that they monitored
NZMJ 15 April 2011, Vol 124 No 1332; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 3 of 9
their salt intake, only 2% were able to correctly identify the amount of salt in a can of
baked beans, based on information on sodium content in the Nutrition Information
Panel. The majority of participants believed that the terms ‘salt’ and ‘sodium’ were
Estimates of salt intake
New Zealanders have an estimated salt intake of around 9 grams per day, which is
consistent with similar countries around the world. This estimate is based on 24 hour
urine sodium measurements from adults 16 years and older in Milton in the 1970s and
and further 24 hour urinary samples from a range of participants in Dunedin,
Waikato and Taranaki from 1993–1998.
Estimates of salt intake for minority population groups such as Māori and Pacific
people within New Zealand are lacking. Alarmingly, population estimates in many
Asian countries are substantially higher than 9 grams, raising the possibility that
Asian populations within New Zealand may also have particularly high salt intakes.
Recent estimates suggest a mean population dietary salt intake of 11 grams per day in
Japan, 12 grams per day in China, 8.5 grams per day in an urban south Indian
population, and 11–13 grams per day in the Republic of Korea.
While a 24 hour urinary sodium is considered the ‘gold standard’ estimate of dietary
salt intake,
dietary surveys are useful to indicate the key sources of sodium in the
diet. In Western countries it is generally accepted that around 75% of dietary sodium
intake comes from processed foods, 10–15% from sodium naturally inherent in foods,
10% is discretionary added in cooking and at the table, and around 1% comes from
drinking water.
Other populations show different patterns of sodium intake. In China, it is estimated
that around 78% of sodium intake is added during cooking, and in Japan the main
sources of sodium include soy sauce, fish and soups with around 10% as added salt
during cooking.
New Zealand research shows that for all age groups, bread is the leading source of salt
intake from processed foods, with processed meats (such as bacon and sausages)
sauces, breakfast cereals, instant meals (including meat pies and instant noodles) and
baked and dairy products also contributing substantially to dietary salt intake.
Uses of salt in processed food
In modern food processing, salt performs three main functions: taste enhancement,
preservation, and processing functions. Salting is one of the earliest methods of food
preservation. Salt slows microbial growth by reducing water activity at particular
concentrations. The use of salt as a preservative is particularly important in meat and
meat products, pickled vegetables, fermented products (e.g. soy sauce), sauces, and
chilled foods.
In baked products such as bread and cakes, salt delays mould formation thereby
extending shelf life. In processing, salt is reported to improve texture and succulence
by its ability to retain water in products such as sausages.
It also allows producers to
add weight (and therefore value) to meat products, while maintaining that a product is
NZMJ 15 April 2011, Vol 124 No 1332; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 4 of 9
In bread and other baked products, salt helps to control the rate of yeast
fermentation, influencing texture.
Although risks to microbiological food safety are a potential barrier to salt reduction
in some processed foods, surveys show that sodium content in similar foods varies
greatly, so it should be feasible to reduce salt content in several foods without
compromising food safety, providing the lowest level of salt already in use remains
Modern processing and refrigeration also contribute to preservation and processing
functions thereby enabling further salt reduction. In addition to providing a salty taste,
salt blocks unpleasant tastes such as bitterness and flavours related to food spoilage,
and it enhances the effect of other more palatable flavours such as meaty flavours.
Salt moderates the sweetness of sugars used in breakfast cereals and confectionary.
Humans have a natural preference for salty tastes, thought to be mediated by specific
salt receptors on the tongue, however preference for salty foods is related to salt
intake over the previous 8–12 weeks, and humans adjust their salt preferences to
either a high salt or low salt diet accordingly.
A gradual reduction in salt concentration is therefore unlikely to be noticed by
making this a sensible way of achieving population wide gains in salt
Salt reduction strategies:
Since around three-quarters of dietary salt intake comes from that already in
processed foods interventions with the greatest impact would change food
composition, and thus consumers’ food supply.
Reduction of discretionary salt used
at home in cooking and at the table has limited potential to result in significant overall
reductions in salt intake, and risks lowering dietary iodine intake because much of the
salt used at home is iodised.
Reducing the amount of salt in processed food would have a greater impact in terms
of population salt reduction, and would probably not substantially reduce New
Zealanders’ iodine intake. This is because apart from bread, which has contained
iodised salt since 2009, most of the salt in processed foods non-iodised. However,
monitoring of population iodine status, particularly in childhood, will need to be
If iodine status is threatened by salt reduction a number of alternatives could be
considered such as:
Increasing the concentration of iodine in iodised salt
Mandating the use of iodised salt in all processed foods, not just bread
Making iodisation of other staple foods such as oil, bread, drinking water,
sugar and animal feeds mandatory.
Since 2003 the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has undertaken a salt reduction
strategy that can be seen as a model for the rest of the world. It appears to have been a
success with a 10% reduction in mean population salt intake from an average of 9.5
grams/day salt in 2000–2001 to 8.6 grams/day in 2008.
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Key elements of the FSA strategy include setting a population salt intake target of an
average of 6 grams per day, working with the food industry to reformulate processed
food to contain less salt, making improvements to food labelling which include
introduction of a traffic light labelling scheme, and conducting a public awareness
New Zealand would benefit greatly from a co-ordinated government-led population
salt reduction strategy, similar to that undertaken in the United Kingdom. Based on
the available international evidence the following strategies should be implemented:
Reformulation of processed foods can reduce dietary salt intake for the whole
population without requiring people to alter their dietary habits, thereby
achieving maximum population impact. If done gradually consumers are
unlikely to notice any difference in taste.
In New Zealand, the National Heart Foundation has worked with the food
industry in this area for several years, first with the award winning Project
Target 450 which has reduced the amount of sodium in many low-cost and
high-volume breads to 450 milligrams sodium per 100 grams,
and more
recently with project HeartSAFE.
However, more could be achieved by
setting sodium concentration targets across a wide range of foods, as has been
done in the United Kingdom.
Modelling has shown that the setting of a wide
range of targets relating to specific foods is the most effective and cost-
effective method of population dietary salt reduction.
Raising consumer awareness has been an important part of many successful
salt reduction strategies. Dietary advice on its own is unlikely to be either
effective or cost-effective,
and indeed has largely failed to reduce sodium
intake on a population level in the past,
However as part of a comprehensive
salt reduction programme raising public awareness of the need for dietary salt
reduction has a number of potential benefits. Food industry representatives
have in the past cited lack of consumer demand for low salt products as
barriers to reformulation, pointing out that “public tastes continue to dictate
the marketplace”.
Increased consumer demand for lower salt products is likely to encourage
industry to produce and promote low salt options, as well as reformulate
mainstream products. An evaluation of the UK FSA public awareness
programme indicated changes to self-reported behaviour from consumers such
as cutting down on their salt intake and increased attention to food labels for
sodium/salt levels.
Although it is unclear to what extent these self reported
changes have translated to altered purchasing and eating behaviours,
population surveys show a reduction in dietary sodium intake of around 10%
over the period of the salt reduction strategy as a whole.
Healthcare professionals have an ideal opportunity to promote salt reduction,
especially when engaging patients in discussions about cardiovascular risk and
blood pressure.
Labelling of processed food needs to be improved in order to help consumers
identify the amount of salt in foods. Nutrition labelling has been mandatory in
New Zealand since 2002, and includes reference to sodium content. More
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recently, several food manufacturers have voluntarily introduced front of pack
Percent Daily Intake (PDI) labels to complement the mandatory Nutrition
Information Panels.
However, the PDI for sodium is based on upper level of
daily sodium intake for adults of 2300 milligrams/day rather than the
suggested dietary target of 1600 milligrams per day.
The adult reference
values are used in calculating the PDI for all foods, even those which are
marketed to children, despite the upper limit for children under 14 years of age
being lower than the recommended adult levels. This is potentially misleading
for consumers, particularly those shopping for children.
In 2007, the UK FSA introduced a voluntary front of pack labelling scheme
that uses multiple traffic lights (MTL) to communicate fat, saturated fat, salt
and sugar levels of a food. The MTL uses the word ‘salt’ rather than ‘sodium’
and there are set criteria for salt level in foods.
International research
suggests that visual devices such as the MTL, which enable consumers to
assess nutritional composition without the need to process detailed numerical
information, may enable consumers to better differentiate between high and
low sodium foods.
Nutrition claims such as ‘light’, ‘reduced salt’, ‘low salt’
may also enhance understanding of sodium content.
In New Zealand a
product can be labelled ‘low salt’ if it contains less than 120mg/100g of
sodium, and labelled ‘reduced salt’ if the food has at least 25% less sodium
than the comparative reference food.
Current New Zealand legislation prohibits health claims relating to disease
prevention (other than for folate). However, Food Standards Australia New
Zealand (FSANZ) is developing a Nutrition, Health and Related Claims
Standard (Proposal P293) that will outline requirements for nutritional content
claims, general level health claims and high-level health claims.
It is
important to investigate how health claims could influence consumer
purchasing behaviour with respect to claims regarding sodium and salt prior to
their implementation in New Zealand.
Although further research specific to New Zealand context is pending we
should not delay implementation. Further research could then form the basis of
monitoring and evaluation of dietary salt intake in the future.
Many multinational food companies are developing and implementing sodium
reduction strategies in response to public health initiatives overseas. Now is the ideal
time for New Zealand maximise the opportunities presented by these international salt
reduction activities. International evidence shows that a comprehensive public health
programme to reduce population dietary salt intake is one of the most effective and
cost-effective public health interventions available.
A co-ordinated, government-led salt reduction programme should include: setting
sodium concentration targets across a wide range of foods; raising public awareness
of the health consequences of a high salt intake and how to reduce their own salt
intake; and improvements to food labelling. Ongoing monitoring of New Zealanders’
salt intake and salt content in foods should support this. Cardiovascular disease
remains one of the leading causes of death and disability in New Zealand. An
NZMJ 15 April 2011, Vol 124 No 1332; ISSN 1175 8716 Page 7 of 9
effective salt reduction strategy could reduce morbidity from heart disease and stroke,
reduce healthcare costs, and save hundreds of lives a year.
Competing interests: None.
Author information: Rachael M McLean, Senior Research Fellow, Edgar National
Centre for Diabetes and Obesity Research, Department of Medicine, University of
Otago, Dunedin; Jim I Mann, Professor, Edgar National Centre for Diabetes and
Obesity Research, Department of Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin;
Janet Hoek, Professor, Department of Marketing, University of Otago, Dunedin
Acknowledgement: RM is supported by a Health Research Council of New Zealand
Clinical Research Training Fellowship.
Correspondence: Rachael McLean, Senior Research Fellow, Edgar National Centre
for Diabetes and Obesity Research, Department of Medicine, University of Otago,
Dunedin, New Zealand. Email:
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... The 2009 China Health and Nutrition Survey ranked the main sources of sodium intake in the following order: 1) added salt, 2) soy sauce, and 3) processed foods[5]. Unlike western countries, where the primary source of sodium is processed foods, over 70% of sodium intake in China is a result of adding salt during/after cooking (both at restaurants and at home)[17,18]. The participants in the present study similarly complained that restaurant meals were very salty. ...
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Objectives This research investigated the barriers, attitudes, and dietary behaviors related to sodium reduction among the elderly Korean–Chinese population in Yanbian, China. Methods We conducted this pilot study using both descriptive research and a focus group interview at the elderly community center in Yanbian. Results In total, 21 elderly Korean–Chinese (average age, 71 years) were examined. The findings showed that the top three barriers to sodium reduction were 1) the difficulties associated with having meals with others, 2) a preference for liquid based-dishes, and 3) the lack of taste in low-sodium dishes. Although the participants strongly believed that a reduced-sodium diet would improve their health, they were poorly aware of the amount of sodium in various foods and dishes. In particular, the focus group interviews with eight participants (mean age, 67 years) revealed that salt-preserved foods (e.g., Korean pickled cabbage called ‘kimchi’ and soybean paste) were frequently consumed as part of their food culture, and that very salty dishes were served at restaurants, both of which lead to a high sodium intake. Conclusion This study provides useful preliminary data to help design a nutrition intervention program for sodium reduction that targets the elderly Korean–Chinese population in China.
... In addition to differences in their substrate specificity, these two enzymes differ in substrate affinity. At low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, organic peroxides are preferably catalyzed by peroxidase, whereas at high concentrations catalases work [19]. ...
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Oxidation of lipids and myoglobin in raw meat are interrelated processes that affect the overall meat quality. The intensity of oxidation processes in meat raw material is regulated by its own antioxidant system (catalase, peroxidase, glutathione, etc.), the activity of which should be considered in the development of new technological solutions. Oxidation of lipids and myoglobin, directly affect the quality and safety of meat products, and reducing of the intensity of these processes contributes to the life time of raw meat, as well as that of finished products. The paper presents the study results of the salt curing mixture, including combination with yeast extract, affecting on the activity of the antioxidant system of the main types of raw meat - pork and beef. The basic systems, minced pork and beef being subjected to salting with curing salt (sodium chloride) and curing mixture consisting of 70% sodium chloride and 30% of composition KCl + CaCl2 at the ratio of 1:1 are investigated. The influence of curing mixture on the intensity of oxidation of lipids and myoglobin of raw meat of different species is stated. It is found, that reducing the amount of sodium chloride in curing composition of the mixture brings down oxidative changes of heme pigments and meat lipids. Introduction of yeast extract into raw meat, in the amount of 2% enhances the inhibitory effect on oxidation in raw minced meat.
... Whilst food availability and purchases are key determinants of consumption [4,5], we were careful not to extrapolate our findings to consumption as can be seen from the discussion in our published paper. It is important to note however that data from national urinary sodium excretion surveys show there has been no change in average sodium intake of New Zealand adults since the 1980s [6,7]. Furthermore, the unreferenced assertion that "a weighted average . . . . . . ...
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A letter to Nutrients from the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council [1] questioned the validity of methods and findings reported in our recent paper, “Changes in the Sodium Content of New Zealand Processed Foods: 2003–2013” [2]. [...]
... Mandatory reformulation targets, such as those recently implemented in South Africa and Argentina, would provide a level playing field to ensure that companies are not penalised commercially for lowering the Na content of their foods (19,52) . In addition to reformulation, greater diversity in fast-food menus could encourage the selection of lower-Na options and these could be easily identified by including 'at a glance' nutrition information on fast-food packaging (53) . ...
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(i) To determine the Na content of commonly consumed fast foods in New Zealand and (ii) to estimate Na intake from savoury fast foods for the New Zealand adult population. Commonly consumed fast foods were identified from the 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey. Na values from all savoury fast foods from chain restaurants (n 471) were obtained from nutrition information on company websites, while the twelve most popular fast-food types from independent outlets (n 52) were determined using laboratory analysis. Results were compared with the UK Food Standards Agency 2012 sodium targets. Nutrient analysis was completed to estimate Na intake from savoury fast foods for the New Zealand population using the 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition Survey. New Zealand. Adults aged 15 years and above. From chain restaurants, sauces/salad dressings and fried chicken had the highest Na content (per 100 g) and from independent outlets, sausage rolls, battered hotdogs and mince and cheese pies were highest in Na (per 100 g). The majority of fast foods exceeded the UK Food Standards Agency 2012 sodium targets. The mean daily Na intake from savoury fast foods was 283 mg/d for the total adult population and 1229 mg/d for fast-food consumers. Taking into account the Na content and frequency of consumption, potato dishes, filled rolls, hamburgers and battered fish contributed substantially to Na intake for fast-food consumers in New Zealand. These foods should be targeted for Na reduction reformulation.
... However, the current New Zealand dietary pattern is a poor point-of-departure for such analysis. This is because it is relatively expensive and unhealthy, particularly in terms of cardiovascular risk, i.e., largely the high saturated fat intake [19] but also the high sodium intake [20]. Given these problems, we took a different ''bottom-up'' approach. ...
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Global health challenges include non-communicable disease burdens, ensuring food security in the context of rising food prices, and environmental constraints around food production, e.g., greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions. We therefore aimed to consider optimized solutions to the mix of food items in daily diets for a developed country population: New Zealand (NZ). We conducted scenario development and linear programming to model 16 diets (some with uncertainty). Data inputs included nutrients in foods, food prices, food wastage and food-specific GHG emissions. This study identified daily dietary patterns that met key nutrient requirements for as little as a median of NZ$ 3.17 per day (US$ 2.41/d) (95% simulation interval [SI] = NZ$ 2.86 to 3.50/d). Diets that included "more familiar meals" for New Zealanders, increased the cost. The optimized diets also had low GHG emission profiles compared with the estimate for the 'typical NZ diet' e.g., 1.62 kg CO2e/d for one scenario (95%SI = 1.39 to 1.85 kg CO2e) compared with 10.1 kg CO2e/d, respectively. All of the optimized low-cost and low-GHG dietary patterns had likely health advantages over the current NZ dietary pattern, i.e., lower cardiovascular disease and cancer risk. We identified optimal foods and dietary patterns that would lower the risk of non-communicable diseases at low cost and with low greenhouse gas emission profiles. These results could help guide central and local government decisions around which foods to focus policies on. That is which foods are most suitable for: food taxes (additions and exemptions); healthy food vouchers and subsidies; and for increased use by public institutions involved in food preparation.
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BackgroundA “diet high in sodium” is the second most important dietary risk factor for health loss identified in the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. We therefore aimed to model health gains and costs (savings) of salt reduction interventions related to salt substitution and maximum levels in bread, including by ethnicity and age. We also ranked these four interventions compared to eight other modelled interventions. MethodsA Markov macro-simulation model was used to estimate QALYs gained and net health system costs for four dietary sodium reduction interventions, discounted at 3 % per annum. The setting was New Zealand (NZ) (2.3 million adults, aged 35+ years) which has detailed individual-level administrative cost data. ResultsThe health gain was greatest for an intervention where most (59 %) of the sodium in processed foods was replaced by potassium and magnesium salts. This intervention gained 294,000 QALYs over the remaining lifetime of the cohort (95 % UI: 238,000 to 359,000; 0.13 QALY per 35+ year old). Such salt substitution also produced the highest net cost-savings of NZ$ 1.5 billion (US$ 1.0 billion) (95 % UI: NZ$ 1.1 to 2.0 billion). All interventions generated relatively larger per capita QALYs for men vs women and for the indigenous Māori population vs non-Māori (e.g., 0.16 vs 0.12 QALYs per adult for the 59 % salt substitution intervention). Of relevance to workforce productivity, in the first 10 years post-intervention, 22 % of the QALY gain was among those aged <65 years (and 37 % for those aged <70). Conclusions The benefits are consistent with the international literature, with large health gains and cost savings possible from some, but not all, sodium reduction interventions. Health gain appears likely to occur among working-age adults and all interventions contributed to reducing health inequalities.
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Background: Given the high importance of dietary sodium (salt) as a global disease risk factor, our objective was to compare the impact of eight sodium reduction interventions, including feasible and more theoretical ones, to assist prioritisation. Methods: Epidemiological modelling and cost-utility analysis were performed using a Markov macro-simulation model. The setting was New Zealand (NZ) (2.3 million citizens, aged 35+ years) which has detailed individual-level administrative cost data. Results: Of the most feasible interventions, the largest health gains were from (in descending order): (i) mandatory 25% reduction in sodium levels in all processed foods; (ii) the package of interventions performed in the United Kingdom (UK); (iii) mandatory 25% reduction in sodium levels in bread, processed meats and sauces; (iv) media campaign (as per a previous UK one); (v) voluntary food labelling as currently used in NZ; (vi) dietary counselling as currently used in NZ. Even larger health gains came from the more theoretical options of a "sinking lid" on the amount of food salt released to the national market to achieve an average adult intake of 2300 mg sodium/day (211,000 QALYs gained, 95% uncertainty interval: 170,000-255,000), and from a salt tax. All the interventions produced net cost savings (except counseling--albeit still cost-effective). Cost savings were especially large with the sinking lid (NZ$ 1.1 billion, US$ 0.7 billion). Also the salt tax would raise revenue (up to NZ$ 452 million/year). Health gain per person was greater for Māori (indigenous population) men and women compared to non-Māori. Conclusions: This study substantially expands on the range of previously modelled salt reduction interventions and suggests that some of these might achieve major health gains and major cost savings (particularly the regulatory interventions). They could also reduce ethnic inequalities in health.
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Dietary salt is related to blood pressure (BP), and cardiovascular disease and increased sodium intakes have been shown to impair vascular function. The effect of salt on endothelial function postprandially is unknown. The aim was to investigate the postprandial effect of dietary salt on endothelial function as measured by flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) and peripheral arterial tonometry in healthy subjects. Sixteen healthy, normotensive subjects received a meal with added salt (HSM; 65 mmol Na) and a control low-salt meal (LSM; 5 mmol Na) on 2 separate occasions in a randomized order. Endothelial function was measured while fasting and postprandially at 30, 60, 90, and 120 min by using FMD and reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry. BP was also measured. Baseline FMD, reactive hyperemia index (RHI), and BP values were similar across interventions. Overall FMD was reduced 2 h postprandially. FMD was significantly more impaired after the HSM than after the LSM at 30 min [HSM (mean ± SD): 3.39 ± 2.44%; LSM: 6.05 ± 3.21%; P < 0.01] and at 60 min (HSM: 2.20 ± 2.77%; LSM: 4.64 ± 2.48%; P < 0.01). No significant differences in BP or RHI were observed between meals. An HSM, which reflects the typical amount of salt consumed in a commonly eaten meal, can significantly suppress brachial artery FMD within 30 min. These results suggest that high salt intakes have acute adverse effects on vascular dilatation in the postprandial state. This trial was registered at as ACTRN12610000124033.
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To evaluate population health benefits and cost-effectiveness of interventions for reducing salt in the diet. Proportional multistate life-table modelling of cardiovascular disease and health sector cost outcomes over the lifetime of the Australian population in 2003. The current Australian programme of incentives to the food industry for moderate reduction of salt in processed foods; a government mandate of moderate salt limits in processed foods; dietary advice for everyone at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and dietary advice for those at high risk. Costs measured in Australian dollars for the year 2003. Health outcomes measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALY) averted over the lifetime. Mandatory and voluntary reductions in the salt content of processed food are cost-saving interventions under all modelled scenarios of discounting, costing and cardiovascular disease risk reversal (dominant cost-effectiveness ratios). Dietary advice targeting individuals is not cost-effective under any of the modelled scenarios, even if directed at those with highest blood pressure risk only (best case median cost-effectiveness A$100 000/DALY; 95% uncertainty interval A$64 000/DALY to A$180 000/DALY). Although the current programme that relies on voluntary action by the food industry is cost-effective, the population health benefits could be 20 times greater with government legislation on moderate salt limits in processed foods. Programmes to encourage the food industry to reduce salt in processed foods are highly recommended for improving population health and reducing health sector spending in the long term, but regulatory action from government may be needed to achieve the potential of significant improvements in population health.