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Stingers, cervical cord neurapraxia, and stenosis


Abstract and Figures

The risk of sustaining a stinger, CCN, or a more serious catastrophic injury to the cervical spine increases with increasing stenosis. The RR of a player sustaining a second stinger or CCN increases exponentially when compared with the risk of a player sustaining an initial stinger or CCN. Intravenous steroids have no role in the management of stingers or CCN. Players who remain symptomatic after a stinger, players with persistently abnormal diagnostic studies after a stinger, and any player who experiences a CCN should be excluded from further participation in contact sports.
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Stingers, cervical cord neurapraxia, and stenosis
Frank P. Castro, Jr., MD
Tulane University Health Sciences Center, 1430 Tulane Avenue SL-32, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
Spine Surgery, P.S.C., 210 East Gray Street, Suite 601, Louisville, KY 40202, USA
The athletic future of a player who has sustained a neurapraxic injury to the
cervical spine is debatable. Numerous variables, such as the position played, head
position at the time of contact, equipment worn, previous history of injuries, body
morphology, and cervical anatomy, all influence the decision-making process.
Tommy Maddox of the Pittsburgh Steelers was recently faced with such an
injury. He experienced a transient episode of quadriplegia during a 2002 National
Football League (NFL) game. Tommy lowered his head during a collision with a
defensive tackler of the Tennessee Titans. By the time he arrived at the hospital
his quadriplegia had resolved.
This article reviews the relationship between cervical spinal stenosis and two
neurological injuries of the cervical spine, stingers and cervical cord neura-
praxia (CCN).
The sagittal diameter of the cervical (C) canal reaches adult dimensions by
about age thirteen [1]. The canal size remains constant while the bony structures
around it continue to enlarge. Vertebral body shape from C3 to C7 remains
constant descending the spinal column, but the size increases. The average
vertebral body width from C3 to C7 increases from 17 mm to 23 mm, depth
increases from 16 mm to 18 mm, and height increases from 11 mm to 13 mm [2].
Sagittal diameters remain fairly constant at 14 mm to 15 mm from C3 to C7 [3,4].
The spinal canal cross-sectional area has been reported to be narrowest at C4,
followed by C5 [5,6]. The cross-sectional area of the spinal cord at the cervical
enlargement has been reported to be largest at both C4-C5 [5,6] and C6 [7].
0278-5919/03/$ see front matter D2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
* Spine Surgery, P.S.C., 210 East Gray Street, Suite 601, Louisville, KY 40202.
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Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483– 492
Pedicle inclination decreases from 40°in the sagittal plane at C3 to 29°degrees
at C7 [2]. Spinous process length increases from C3 to C7, allowing for the
increased torque needed to resist loads on the head. The nerve roots exit at a 45°
angle through the neural foramen, which are approximately 9 mm in height, 4 mm
in width, and 5 mm in length [8]. The exiting nerves are under some tension, as they
retract 10% to 20% of their length when cut in vivo. Nerve root pressures are
highest when the cervical spine is at 40°of extension and neutral rotation [10].
Nerve root pressures are reduced when the arm is moved from the neutral to the
abducted position [11,12]. Intraneural blood flow demonstrates measurable reduc-
tions when strain is increased 8% by stretching of the nerve. When stretching of the
nerve increases strain measurements to 15%, intraneural blood flow stops [13].
The center of rotation for C-spine flexion and extension has been reported to
be anterior to the spinal cord and spinal canal. Consequently, the spinal column
and spinal cord lengthen in flexion and shorten in extension [14]. The spinal
canal and spinal cord slide relative to one another during flexion and extension.
The ‘‘neutral point’’ at which no relative motion between the cord and vertebrae
occurs is at C5 [14].
Extension of the cervical spine results in statistically significant stenosis when
compared with the flexed or neutral positions [15,16]. From flexion to extension
the average disk bulge changes 1.16 mm, or 11% of the canal diameter. More
importantly, the ligamentum flavum undergoes volume redistribution from a
long, slender, taut structure in flexion to a thickened, fat structure in extension.
The ligamentum flavum can encroach the spinal canal by 2.7 mm, reducing the
canal diameter by 20% to 30%. Cervical neuroforamenal diameters demonstrates
a statistically significant 10% to 13% decrease when the neck is positioned in
twenty to thirty degrees of extension [9]. Neuroforaminal size is smallest at C5
and largest at C7 [9].
Cervical stenosis
Cervical stenosis, or narrowing of the cervical spinal canal, defined by its
midsagittal diameter or cross-sectional area, has been retrospectively shown to be
an important factor in the occurrence and severity of neurological injury
following cervical trauma [3,12,17]. Sagittal canal diameters were significantly
smaller in patients with spinal cord injuries as compared with normal controls
[3,12]. Football players with stenosis were reported to be at higher risk for
recurrent stingers [18,19] and CCN [20 22]. Complete neurological recovery has
yet to be documented in athletes with fracture-dislocation injuries when magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) documented spinal stenosis. This 0% recovery is
markedly different from the reported 21% complete recovery rate after frac-
ture-dislocation in an athlete with normal spinal canal dimensions [20].
The mean sagittal diameter from C3 through C7 measures approximately
14 mm to 15 mm [3,4]. Canal widths above 15 mm are considered normal; widths
less than 13 mm are considered stenotic [23]. Measurements of the midsagittal
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diameter can vary because of magnification factors and differences in radiographic
technique. In 1986, Torg and Pavlov proposed using the ratio of the midsagittal
diameter of the spinal canal to the vertebral body diameter to define stenosis [22].
The ratio method eliminated measurement differences caused by different target
distances, object-to-film distances, and magnification factors. Torg et al originally
measured C3 through C6 in 24 players who experienced transient quadriplegia
[22]. The averaged Torg ratio from C3 to C6 was 0.63, with the smallest individual
level ranging between 0.31 and 0.77. Only two subjects had Torgratios greater than
0.82 at two or more cervical levels. Pavlov and Torg’s original definition of
‘‘significant cervical stenosis’’ as 0.80 or less was based on a statistical sensitivity
of the relative operating characteristic curve for the average Torg value over the
entire cervical canal, not the smallest level measured [24]. The literature that has
reported a 29% to 49% incidence of collegiate and professional football players
demonstrating a ‘‘significant cervical stenosis’’ at one or more levels is therefore a
misinterpretation of Torg’s original definition [19,25,26].
Castro et al redefined the Torg ratio definition of stenosis to 0.70 or less [18].
The 0.70 represents 1.92 standard deviations below the 0.94 + 0.125 average of
3314 cervical levels reported in the literature [18,19,25,26]. The 0.70 threshold
may also be a better predictor of ‘‘functional stenosis’’ (described below), as 0.80
has been a poor predictor of functional stenosis [4,18,19,25 28].
Clinically, athletes experiencing an initial episode of CCN had an average
Torg ratio of 0.6845. Athletes who experienced a recurrent episode of CCN had
smaller Torg ratios than those who returned to sports without CCN recurrence
(0.65 vs. 0.72; p < 0.05) [21].
With the availability of computerized tomographic (CT) myelography and
MRI, the concept of functional stenosis has been introduced [29]. Functional
stenosis considers bony canal dimensions, cord thickness, and the cushioning
potential of the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). The enfolding of the ligamentum
flavum or disc protrusions may be insignificant if the functional reserve is
adequate. Currently, no guidelines exist to determine adequate versus inadequate
functional stenosis.
A ‘‘burner’’ or ‘‘stinger’’ is a transient neurological event characterized by
pain and paresthesias in a single upper extremity following a blow to the neck or
shoulder. Players may experience tingling, burning, or numbing sensations in a
circumferential rather than a dermatomal distribution [30]. Symptoms may
radiate to the hand on the affected side or may be localized to the neck. The
precipitating event usually involves the downward displacement of the shoulder
with concomitant lateral flexion of the neck towards the contralateral shoulder.
Stingers with prolonged neurological symptoms are the most common reason for
high school and collegiate football players to be referred to emergency rooms and
orthopaedic clinics for evaluation of the cervical spine [18,19].
F.P. Castro, Jr. / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483–492 485
Cervical cord neurapraxia (CCN) or transient quadriplegia
Episodes of CCN are described in terms of the neurological deficit, duration of
symptoms, and anatomical distribution. ‘‘Paresthesia,’’ ‘‘paresis,’’ and ‘‘plegia’
describe a continuum of neurological deficits that range from sensory involve-
ment only, to sensory involvement with motor weakness, to episodes of complete
paralysis. CNN symptoms that last fewer than 15 minutes are considered grade I
injuries. Grade II injuries last between 15 minutes and 24 hours. Grade III injuries
persist for longer than 24 hours. When all four extremities are involved, a ‘‘quad’
pattern is noted. The anatomic pattern may also be considered ‘‘upper’’ for
episodes involving both arms and ‘‘lower’’ for episodes involving the legs. A
‘‘hemi’’ pattern involves an ipsilateral arm and leg [21].
Mechanism of injury
The exact mechanism of injury causing a stinger is still debated. Most
practitioners believe that shoulder depression with lateral flexion to the con-
tralateral side produces a traction injury to the brachial plexus [31,32]. Others
believe that stingers result from ipsilateral head rotation. When the head is turned
towards the affected side, the neuroforamen narrows and compresses the exiting
nerve root. Slipman et al demonstrated how stimulation of a single nerve root
frequently provoked symptoms outside the classic dermatomal distributions [33].
Thus, it is feasible that stingers may result from trauma to a single nerve root
[34]. Direct blunt trauma at Erb’s point has also been proposed as an etiology for
stinger experience [35]. Electromyographical studies have demonstrated abnor-
malities in the roots, cords, trunks, and peripheral nerves of players sustaining
stingers [36,37]. Clinically, long-term muscle weakness with persistent par-
esthesias may result from severe or repeated stingers [38,39].
The pincher mechanism as proposed by Penning is currently believed to
explain the mechanism of injury with CCN [40]. During extension the cervical
spine shortens (in length), the dura mater folds, the spinal cord thickens, the
ligamentum flavum buckles, and the subarachnoid space narrows [16]. These
events, alone or in combination, serve to increase pressure on and decrease blood
flow to the spinal cord. The pincher mechanism also explains the central cord
syndrome seen in elderly patients after hyperextension injuries.
By definition, stingers are transient injuries and usually do not require formal
treatment. Many physicians administer steroids to patients with CCN in accord-
ance with the Bracken protocol [41]. It is important to understand that the
Bracken protocol is experimental [42,43]. The Food and Drug Administration has
never given approval for the use of methylprednisolone in the treatment of acute
spinal cord injuries. There have been no published reports demonstrating any
F.P. Castro, Jr. / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483–492486
significant functional benefits after receiving high-dose steroids. In fact, most
publications report additional morbidity associated with high-dose steroid usage
[44]. As of the writing of this paper, there have been no reports that institution of
the Bracken protocol has altered the natural history of athletes having experi-
enced CCN. Therefore, I believe that the administration of intravenous steroids in
accordance with the Bracken protocol after CCN is contraindicated, as it may be
harmful to the athlete [43,45].
Literature from the 1970s estimated that one or more stingers were experi-
enced by at least 50% of football players at least once during their careers
[31,32]. Rule changes and equipment improvements may have lowered the
prevalence of stingers. Castro et al reported a yearly stinger incidence of 7.7%
(23 collegiate players over 298 player-years) [18]. The prevalence of a stinger in
this study was 18% (23 of the 130 players). Although a small Torg ratio did not
place players at increased risk for experiencing their first stinger, players who
experienced multiple stingers demonstrated significantly smaller Torg ratios. The
relative risk (RR) of a player experiencing recurrent stingers was twice that of the
risk of a player experiencing an initial stinger. Similarly, Meyer et al reported a
yearly stinger incidence of 3.7% (40 collegiate players over 1064 player-years)
and a stinger experience prevalence of 15% (40 of the 266 players) [19]. Players
experiencing a stinger were three times more likely to experience a stinger
recurrence compared with the risk for experiencing an initial stinger for that
cohort (Table 1). The position played and body morphology have also been
identified as risk factors for initially sustaining a stinger independent of cervical
stenosis [18,46,47].
Torg et al estimated the CCN incidence to be 0.06% (24 of 39,377) for
collegiate football players in 1984 [28]. Five of seven athletes who returned to
contact sports experienced a second episode of CCN. Torg later reported that 35
of 62 or 56% of athletes who returned to play after having experienced CCN had
a second CCN episode [21]. Although one might think that 56% represents the
relative risk of experiencing a recurrent CCN, the RR of experiencing a recurrent
CCN is determined by dividing the incidence of recurrent CCN by the incidence
of an initial episode of CCN. Thus, the athlete who has experienced a CCN is
933 times more likely to experience a CCN recurrence than another athlete is to
experience a first CCN episode (see Table 1).
In 2001, one college player and two high school players were reported to the
Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research as having experienced CCN
(Table 2). If one assumes that reporting was 100% compliant, then the yearly
incidence of CCN for high school football players was 0.00013% (2 divided by
1,500,000), and the CCN incidence for collegiate level football players was
0.0013% (1 divided by 75,000). In 1999 and 2002 at least one professional
football player sustained a CCN. The yearly CCN incidence approximates
F.P. Castro, Jr. / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483–492 487
0.003%. Even though the compliance rate of injury reporting is probably
significantly less than 100%, it appears that the risk of CCN increases exponen-
tially from the high school to the professional level. This observation may be
related to several factors. The Torg ratio decreases with skeletal growth [1].
Professional athletes have larger masses and are capable of generating greater
velocities prior to contact; thus, the potential kinetic energy of a collision (one-
half the mass times the velocity squared) is greater. Expectations also play a
significant role in the occurrence of cervical spine injuries. Offensive players
usually have the greatest ability to determine the extent of a collision because
they have the option to change directions at the last second, whereas defensive
players must try to anticipate what the other player is going to do. The
unexpected collision may leave a player vulnerable to injury. An analogous
situation is that of central cord syndrome in the elderly, in which the unexpected
nature of the fall rather than the velocity of impact seems to affect the injury.
Table 1
The relative risk of experiencing a stinger or CCN
N Denominator Incidence RR
Initial 63 396 16% 5% players/year
Recurrent 26 63 41% 2.6 *
(1984) 24 39,377 0.06%
Recurrent 35 62 56% 933 **
Permanent neurological injury
after having experienced a
CCN episode***
Risk for permanent neurological
injury after initial CCN experience
compared to risk for permanent
neurological injury without
previous CCN
Adapted from Cantu RC. Sports medicine aspects of cervical spinal stenosis. Exerc Sport Rev
1995;23:399 – 409.
* Risk for stinger recurrence compared to risk for initial stinger experience based on combined
data of Castro et al [18], and Meyer et al [19] papers
** RR for CCN recurrence compared to risk for initial experience of CCN experience based on
paper by Torg et al [21]
*** See text for calculation
Table 2
The 2001 cervical spine injury list
High school College Professional
Incomplete neurological recovery 6 0 0
CCN 2 1 0
C-spine Fracture 3 2 0
F.P. Castro, Jr. / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483–492488
Similarly, if one analyzed the total number of CCN cases in the literature and
applied realistic denominators, similar conclusions would be made. Torg et al
reported 28 cases of CCN in professional athletes, 49 collegiate cases, 29 high
school cases, and 4 recreational cases [41]. The denominator for an equal
comparison would be player-years. The Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury
Research estimated that there are approximately 35,000 professional and semi-
professional football players, 75,000 college athletes, and 1,500,000 high school
football players [48]. The difference in the denominator applied to determine
player-years grows geometrically with each year. For example, let us assume that
the 110 cases above were collected over a 10-year interval. The respective
denominators would be: 350,000 player-years at the professional level, 750,000
player-years at the college level, and 15,000,000 player-years at the high school
level. The estimated incidences would be 80 cases for every 100,000 professional
player-years, 6 cases for every 100,000 collegiate player-years, and 2 cases for
every 100,000 high school player-years.
Cantu reported one case of quadriplegia in an athlete who experienced CCN;
however, the year in which the athlete experienced the catastrophic injury was not
reported in the article [29]. For the sake of argument, let us assume that the CCN
injury occurred in 1995 and that the quadriplegic injury occurred before the 2000
season. This time period was arbitrarily chosen to maximize the number of
catastrophic cervical spine injuries that occurred each year [15]. To make the
estimate even more conservative, we will assume that all 62 players reported by
Torg et al played all 5 years [21]. The estimated RR for a player having already
experienced a CCN and subsequently having a catastrophic neck injury would
then be 3225 ([1/62], [9/1,800,000]) if the injury occurred in 1995. If the injury
occurred in 1999, the RR would equal 645.
Eighty-six football players were reported to experience incomplete neuro-
logical recovery after a cervical cord injuries between 1990 and 2001. Seventy-
one of these injuries occurred in high school players, 11 in college players, and 4
in professional players [48]. Using the player-years denominator, one sees that
the incidence for incomplete neurological recovery is 0.4 high school players per
100,000 player-years, the risk for incomplete recovery for collegiate athletes is
1.2 players per 100,000 player-years, and the incidence in professional players is
1 player per 100,000 player-years.
Return to play
When the risks outweigh the benefits, players should not be allowed to return
to contact sports. Isolated stingers are considered benign injuries. With the
appropriate rest, diagnostic studies, and rehabilitation, players may return to play
[49]. Players with residual muscle weakness, cervical anomalies, or abnormal
electromyographic studies should be excluded from contact sports.
Return to play after CCN is highly controversial. Although guidelines for
return to play after CCN have been published [20,22], many physicians exclude
F.P. Castro, Jr. / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483–492 489
further participation after CCN. Even in the description of spear tackler’s spine
[50], the key element is the technique used to tackle. Based on the above
statistical arguments, I recommend no further participation in contact sports after
CCN experience. Variables such as stenosis, position played, and body morpho-
logy may increase the risk of CCN several-fold, but a positive history of CCN
increases the risk for CCN recurrence 993-fold. Risk of a quadriplegic injury after
a CCN may be 3225 times greater than the risk of having a catastrophic neck
injury without a previous neck injury.
Torg has stated that young patients who have had an episode of CCN, with or
without transient quadriplegia, were not predisposed to permanent neurological
injury [22,28]. This position was valid until someone who had a CCN episode
later experienced a quadriplegic injury, as has now been reported [29]. The RR of
sustaining a catastrophic injury decreases from 3325 in the first year to 645 in the
fifth year. More important, no long-term follow-up studies on athletes after CCN
exist. Studies have shown that patients with a Torg ratio of 0.72 were statistically
more likely to suffer from spondylotic myelopathy compared with normal
controls with a Torg ratio of 0.95 [52]. The male predominance of cervical
spondylotic myelopathy has also been attributed to smaller canal-to-vertebral
body ratios [51]. Trauma in addition to an already stenotic spine may accelerate
the spondylotic condition.
The risk of sustaining a stinger, CCN, or a more serious catastrophic injury to
the cervical spine increases with increasing stenosis. The RR of a player
sustaining a second stinger or CCN increases exponentially when compared
with the risk of a player sustaining an initial stinger or CCN. Intravenous steroids
have no role in the management of stingers or CCN. Players who remain
symptomatic after a stinger, players with persistently abnormal diagnostic studies
after a stinger, and any player who experiences a CCN should be excluded from
further participation in contact sports.
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F.P. Castro, Jr. / Clin Sports Med 22 (2003) 483–492492
... Although cervical stingers are self-limiting injuries that do not require intervention, the sole therapy is prevention, such as strengthening neck muscles and adequate exercise and training. However, they should be regarded as a warning flag for cervical canal stenosis and should be investigated [53,54]. ...
... The symptoms aren't permanent and aren't linked to a spinal fracture. It was found that football players with cervical canal stenosis were more likely to get stingers and neuropraxia, which can be a careerending injury in those athletes [54,55]. ...
... As a result, history-taking, physical examination, suitable imaging, and neurophysiological investigations should all be included in the evaluation of athletes with radiculopathy [9,50,54,56]. Pain, reduced range of motion, and sensory and motor impairments are all common clinical findings. MRI is required to confirm the diagnosis and characterize the degree and extent of disc herniation, despite the fact that a neurological examination can locate the level of the herniated disc [53,57]. ...
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Management of Sports-related injuries have long been recognized and reported to improve medical care for sports-related injuries as well as improve athletes’ health, fitness, safety, and well-being. Various anatomical regions are affected by sports activities involving the head and spine, which account for 9.4% and 8–15% of total sports injuries, respectively. Furthermore, sports-related brain injuries have been associated with a 3% mortality rate following hospitalization. Neurosurgery is the medical discipline with the greatest experience in dealing with brain and spinal damage, as all patients who report to the emergency room with head injuries are treated by neurosurgeons. There are also numerous cases of acute and chronic spinal abnormalities that are common in athletes of all ages and ability levels. The frequency of sports-related spinal and brain injuries is expected to rise as the number of individuals participating in sports activities, whether professionally or recreationally, grows. As a result, the neurosurgeon's role is projected to grow over time, covering not only hospital treatment and management of sports-related head, spine, and peripheral nerve injuries but also on-field assessment and sideline medical team, as well as participation in sports injury research. Sport neurosurgeons have more to contribute in both clinical care and research to the field of sports medicine. This role could include not only hospital care and management of sports-related head, spine, and peripheral nerve injuries, but also on-field assessment and sideline care of athletes, as well as a significant role in sports injury research. The purpose of this literature is to provide an overview of sport-specific neurosurgical injuries and treatment, and outcomes and to identify who is a sports neurosurgeons and why do they exist? Traumatic brain injuries, spinal injuries, peripheral nerve injuries, and neurological diseases that are more likely to get worse during sports seem to be examples of sports-related neurosurgical injuries. Neurosurgeons and the neurosurgical community should be concerned about the growing knowledge and evolution in the field of sports medicine, and they should embrace significant advances in our understanding of sports-related neurological syndromes, as well as sports neurosurgery should be considered as an individualized aspect of neurological surgery.
... In adult athletes, cervical cord neurapraxia is often related to cervical stenosis. The relative risk of an athlete sustaining cervical cord neurapraxia a second time increases exponentially compared with the risk of sustain-ing cervical cord neurapraxia the first time [17] . Boockvar et al. reported 13 children, aged 7 to 15 years, with cervical cord neurapraxia with no evidence of spinal stenosis [9] . ...
... Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research |Vol. 10|Issue 1| January 2022 cm) and Castro et al. 13 on Japanese population (SCD mean range 1.24 -1.33 cm) and further it is suggested that cervical canal measurements are quite helpful in preoperative planning of cervical surgeries 14 . Variations in the dimensions of spinal canal may also attribute to difficulties during neuroaxial anesthesia in Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH) patients 15 . ...
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The study was conducted on random sample of 82 dried (13 cervical (excluding C1 & C2) + 46 thoracic + 23 lumbar) vertebrae. The data on the age, sex and built was not available. Using sliding caliper, vertebral body height anterior (VBHa), vertebral body height posterior (VBHp), vertebral body height central (VBHc), spinal canal depth (SCD), spinal canal width (SCW), spinous process length (SPL), upper end plate width (UEPW), upper end plate depth (UEPD), lower end plate width (LEPW) and lower end plate depth (LEPD) were measured. Mean vertebral body height (VBH) and spinal canal depth (SCD) appears to be maximum in lumbar vertebrae (VBHa 2.26cm, VBHp 2.27, VBHc 2.29, SCD 1.37cm) whereas mean spinal canal width (SCW) is maximum in cervical (2.18cm) and mean spinous process length (SPL) is found to be maximum in thoracic (3.60cm). Mean UEPW (3.85cm) , UEPD (2.90 cm), LEPW (4.06cm) and LEPD (2.87cm) are maximum in lumbar vertebrae. Differences for all the vertebral measurements except spinal canal depth (SCD) are statistically highly significant among cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
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Purpose of Review Congenital cervical stenosis (CCS) is a phenomenon in which an individual has a narrow canal due to abnormal anatomy which can present with earlier degenerative symptoms due to a reduced sagittal diameter. The diagnosis of CCS is important to individual treatment and preventative measures. Often, athletes are warned against sport participation that may cause damage to the cervical spine. There may be a predisposition in certain populations, but lack of data limits conclusions. The current review investigates recent literature on the definition, pathoanatomy, clinical presentation, and management of CCS. It specifically interrogates potential populations predisposed to this condition. Recent Findings The current literature reveals a potential predisposition for CCS in the black population when compared to the white population; however, many studies do not report race when discussing CCS patients. The lack of data limits a consensus on specific populations with a congenitally narrow canal. Summary CCS may be more prevalent in specific populations. With knowledge of populations more at risk for this condition, physicians and teams can be alert when evaluating players and young adults. Furthermore, this may provide insight into risk for symptoms with degenerative disease. These findings introduce an avenue for further research into CCS.
Acute spinal cord injuries in athletes are rare. However, on-field management of such injuries requires a well-planned approach from a team of well-trained medical staff. Athletes wearing protective gear should be handled with care; a primary survey should be conducted to rule out life-threatening injury while concomitantly immobilizing the spine. Treatment with steroids or hypothermia have not been shown to be beneficial, ultimately time to surgery provides the athlete with the best chance of a good outcome.
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Background: The morphometery of the cervical spine vertebra is of clinical importance in traumatic, degenerative and inflammatory condition requiring surgery and instrumentation. The aim of this study was to determine the mid-sagittal, AP Transverse diameter, AP diameter of cervical vertebral body, surface area of canal and torg ratio at level C2 –C7.Methods: Study was performed in the department of general surgery, GMC and Hamidia Hospital Bhopal from January 2016 - June 2020 in 300 patients with clinically apparent cervical spondylosis and cervical spine injury belongs to central India of age group 20- 88 years including males and females by gathering their parameters (height and weight) and CT of cervical region from C1 to D1 spine.Results: In our study maximum sagittal canal diameter in males was found at C2 vertebral level (14.14 mm) and minimum at C4 vertebral level (14.00 mm) whereas the maximum sagittal canal diameter in females was found at C2 and C7 vertebral level (14.00 mm) and minimum at C4 vertebral level (13.82 mm) while mean sagittal canal diameter was greater in males than females. The maximum transverse canal diameter in both males and female was found at C7 level, it measures 21.09 mm in males and 21.38 mm in females.Conclusions: The CT scan can provide accurate cervical canal measurement that could serve as useful guide in preoperative surgical planning, instrumentation and size of prosthesis.
The mechanical response of peripheral nerves is crucial to understand their physiological and pathological conditions. However, their response to external mechanical solicitations is still partially unclear, since peripheral nerves could behave in a quite complex way. In particular, nerves react to longitudinal strains increasing their stiffness to keep axons integrity and to preserve endoneural structures from overstretch. In this work, the strain stiffening of peripheral nerves was investigated in vitro through a recently introduced computational framework, which is able to theoretically reproduce the experimental behaviour of excised tibial and sciatic nerves. The evolution and the variation of the tangent modulus of tibial and sciatic nerve specimens were quantitatively investigated and compared to explore how stretched peripheral nerves change their instantaneous stiffness.
The authors determine the dynamic changes of the spinal canal during flexion and extension in patients with cervical spondylosis. Forty-six patients were studied inside a whole-body magnetic resonance (MR) scanner with between 50 degrees of flexion and 30 degrees of extension, using a positioning device. At neutral position (0 degree) and maximum flexion and extension sagittal T2-weighted turbo spin echo sequences were acquired. A significant (P < or = 0.05) increase of spinal stenosis was found at extension (48%, 22 of 46 patients) when compared with flexion (24%, 11 of 46). Cervical cord compression was diagnosed at flexion in 5 patients (11%) and at extension in 9 patients (20%). Concerning the number of patients with cervical cord compression at flexion and extension, significant differences (P < or = 0.05) were found in patients with degenerative changes at four segments compared with patients with one segment involvement. Magnetic resonance imaging identified a significant percentage of increased spinal stenosis at flexion and, especially, at extension, which was not observed at neutral position (0 degree). Flexion and extension MR imaging demonstrates additional information using a noninvasive technique concerning the dynamic factors in the pathogenesis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
Special considerations must be brought into play when the physician is consulted about when to allow an athlete to return to play following injury. This is especially true for brain and spinal cord injury. Although it is generally best to be on the conservative side, being too reticent about allowing any athlete to return may be very detrimental to the athlete and/or the entire team. Therefore, it behooves the sports physician to be circumspect with regard to not only the type of injury the athlete has suffered but also the nature, duration, and the repetitive aspects of the trauma along with the inherent strengths of any player. This article will provide the sports physician with criteria for making sound decisions regarding return to competition after cervical spine injury and "functional" cervical spinal stenosis.
Ten football players seen from 1973 through 1977 at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals were found to have clinical and electrodiagnostic evidence of injury to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. Each had upper limb paresis following one or more blows to the head or shoulders. The development of persistent weakness often was preceded by burning paresthesias in the upper limb. Our experience suggests that the syndrome of burning paresthesias and subsequent arm weakness frequently is secondary to stretching of the brachial plexus. (JAMA 241:1480-1482, 1979)
Objective. —To compare the efficacy of methylprednisolone administered for 24 hours with methyprednisolone administered for 48 hours or tirilazad mesylate administered for 48 hours in patients with acute spinal cord injury.Design. —Double-blind, randomized clinical trial.Setting. —Sixteen acute spinal cord injury centers in North America.Patients. —A total of 499 patients with acute spinal cord injury diagnosed in National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS) centers within 8 hours of injury.Intervention. —All patients received an intravenous bolus of methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg) before randomization. Patients in the 24-hour regimen group (n=166) received a methylprednisolone infusion of 5.4 mg/kg per hour for 24 hours, those in the 48-hour regimen group (n=167) received a methylprednisolone infusion of 5.4 mg/kg per hour for 48 hours, and those in the tirilazad group (n=166) received a 2.5 mg/kg bolus infusion of tirilazad mesylate every 6 hours for 48 hours.Main Outcome Measures. —Motor function change between initial presentation and at 6 weeks and 6 months after injury, and change in Functional Independence Measure (FIM) assessed at 6 weeks and 6 months.Results. —Compared with patients treated with methylprednisolone for 24 hours, those treated with methylprednisolone for 48 hours showed improved motor recovery at 6 weeks (P=.09) and 6 months (P=.07) after injury. The effect of the 48-hour methylprednisolone regimen was significant at 6 weeks (P=.04) and 6 months (P=.01) among patients whose therapy was initiated 3 to 8 hours after injury. Patients who received the 48-hour regimen and who started treatment at 3 to 8 hours were more likely to improve 1 full neurologic grade (P=.03) at 6 months, to show more improvement in 6-month FIM (P=.08), and to have more severe sepsis and severe pneumonia than patients in the 24-hour methylprednisolone group and the tirilazad group, but other complications and mortality (P=.97) were similar. Patients treated with tirilazad for 48 hours showed motor recovery rates equivalent to patients who received methylprednisolone for 24 hours.Conclusions. —Patients with acute spinal cord injury who receive methylprednisolone within 3 hours of injury should be maintained on the treatment regimen for 24 hours. When methylprednisolone is initiated 3 to 8 hours after injury, patients should be maintained on steroid therapy for 48 hours.
Study Design. Literature review. Objectives. The purpose of this article is to review the available literature and formulate evidence-based recommendations for the use of methylprednisone in the setting of acute spinal cord injury (SCI). Summary of Background Data. Since the early 1990s, methylprednisolone has become widely prescribed for the treatment of acute SCI. Arguably, it has become a standard of care. Methods. Through an electronic database search strategy and by cross-reference with published literature, appropriate clinical studies were identified. They were reviewed in chronologic order with respect to study design, outcome measures, results, and conclusions. Results. Nine studies were identified that attempted to evaluate the role of steroids in nonpenetrating (blunt) spinal cord injury. Five of these were Class I clinical trials, and four were Class II studies. All of the studies failed to demonstrate improvement because of steroid administration in any of the a priori hypotheses testing. Although post hoc analyses were interesting, they failed to demonstrate consistent significant treatment effects. Conclusions. From an evidence-based approach, methylprednisolone cannot be recommended for routine use in acute nonpenetrating SCI. Prolonged administration of high-dose steroids (48 hours) may be harmful to the patient. Until more evidence is forthcoming, methylprednisolone should be considered to have investigational (unproven) status only.
Study Design. This prospective study consisted of mechanical stimulation of cervical nerve roots C4 to C8 in patients with cervical radicular symptoms undergoing diagnostic selective nerve root block. Objectives. To document the distribution of pain and paresthesias that result from stimulation of specific cervical nerve roots and compare that distribution to documented sensory dermatomal maps. Summary of Background Data. Cervical dermatomes were first studied in the late 19th century. The results of those studies underpin current clinical decision making for patients with neck and arm pain. However, it has been observed that patients with radicular symptoms may have cervical pathology by radiographic imaging that is not corroborative, or have imaging studies that suggest a lesion at a level other than the one suggested by the patient's dermatomal symptoms. These observations may suggest that cervical dermatomal mapping is inaccurate or the distribution of referred symptoms (dynatome) from cervical root irritation is different than the sensory deficit outlined by dermatomal maps. Methods. Inclusion criteria consisted of consecutive patients undergoing fluoroscopically guided diagnostic cervical selective nerve root blocks from C4 to C8. Immediately preceding contrast injection, mechanical stimulation of the root was performed. An independent observer interviewed and recorded the location of provoked symptoms on a pain diagram. Visual data was subsequently compiled using a 793 body sector bit map. Forty‐three clinically relevant body regions were defined on this bit map. Frequencies of symptom provocation and likelihood of symptom location from C4 to C8 stimulation of each nerve root were generated. Results. One hundred thirty‐four cervical nerve root stimulations were performed on 87 subjects. There were 4 nerve root stimulations at C4, 14 at C5, 43 at C6, 52 at C7, and 21 at C8. Analyzing the frequency of involvement of the predetermined clinically relevant body regions either individually or in various combinations yielded more than 1,000 bits of data. Although the distribution of symptom provocation resembled the classic dermatomal maps for cervical nerve roots, symptoms were frequently provoked outside of the distribution of classic dermatomal maps. Conclusion. The current study demonstrates a distinct difference between dynatomal and dermatomal maps.
The somewhat unusual, but by no means rare, occurrence of a severe injury to the cervical spinal cord without roentgenographic evidence of recent trauma to the cervical spine has perplexed physicians for many years. The common explanation that there had been a dislocation of the body of one vertebra on another with subsequent spontaneous reduction, although generally accepted, was not entirely satisfactory. The fact that the usual postmortem examination does not include examination of the spinal cord, much less the bony cervical spine, does not contribute to a better understanding of the problem. The publications of Taylor and Blackwood in 1948,1 Barnes in 1948,2 and Taylor in 19513 lead to at least a partial, and certainly a plausible, solution of the question. They demonstrated in clinical case reports and in postmortem studies that extreme hyperextension of the cervical spine, particularly of a cervical spine already affected by
This study was designed to determine the cause of upper trunk brachial plexopathy, which is referred to as a "stinger" or a "burner." This injury often has been thought to occur secondary to traction when an athlete sustains a lateral flexion injury of the neck. At the United States Military Academy, a 4-phase study was begun with 261 tackle football players (236 intramural- and 25 varsity-level players) to investigate this injury. Electro myography and nerve root stimulation studies were used to delineate the lesion, which was found in a total of 32 players who continued throughout the study. This study demonstrated that a much more common mech anism of injury resulting in the stinger syndrome is probably compression of the fixed brachial plexus be tween the shoulder pad and the superior medial scapula when the pad is pushed into the area of Erb's point, where the brachial plexus is most superficial. An or thosis was designed to protect the brachial plexus from the compressive force of the shoulder pad. In prelimi nary trials, this orthosis had been very effective in decreasing the number of episodes in which stinger injuries occurred.