Bettina Berger

Bettina Berger
Universität Witten/Herdecke · Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine

Dr. phil


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My main interest is the empowerment of patients. A growing number of adults and children suffer from chronic diseases. My interest is to develop and evaluate interventions supporting patients in their capacity to overcome the disease or live with it. I prefer qualitative research designs, but also I am experienced in the development and evaluation of complexe interventions. I am mainly focussed on the development of a concept for integrative treatment of people with diabetes mellitus type 1.
Additional affiliations
February 2010 - present
Universität Witten/Herdecke
  • Research Coordination
  • Studienkoordination, qualitative Forschung, Methoden zur Steigerung der Patientenkompetenz
October 2008 - September 2009
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Studiengangskoordinatorin
  • Aufbau des Masterstudienganges "Komplementärmedizin, Kulturwissenschaften, Heilkunde", Angebot des Moduls "Einführung in die gesundheitswissenschaftliche Forschung" Durchführung qualitativer Forschung in Kooperation mit der AKG Bremen
April 2006 - September 2008
Arbeits- und Koordinierungsstelle Gesundheitsversorgungsforschung
  • Research- Coordination
June 2002 - December 2005
University of Hamburg
Field of study
  • Gesundheitswissenschaften
October 1994 - September 1999
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Field of study
  • Kulturwissenschaften
September 1986 - July 1988
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Field of study
  • Theology


Publications (192)
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Background. Stress and health-related quality of life are important constructs used in treatment evaluation today. This study is based on a randomised controlled trial examining the stress-reducing effect of eurythmy therapy in comparison with step aerobics in 106 healthy but stressed subjects. The aim of the analysis was to characterise changes in...
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Background: Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) must replace lacking endogenous insulin by daily insulin injections or insulin pumps. Standards of treatment include educational programs enabling self-management. The program 'Herdecker Kids with Diabetes' (HeKiDi) is based on an anthroposophic understanding of the human being and intends...
Objective: The purpose was to involve women's personal experiences of daily life with primary dysmenorrhea (PD) and their body perceptions of the dysmenorrhea-related symptoms in relation to the treatment procedure and to explore the perception of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (HRV-BF) or Rhythmical Massage (RM) according to Ita Wegman as a t...
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Aims/Hypothesis: Intermittent as well as prolonged fasting are receiving considerable attention and appear favorable in conditions like the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, rheumatic diseases and others. Fasting for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is generally considered too risky. However, the ability and possibility to change from carbohydr...
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Religious persons may experience phases of spiritual dryness, ranging from spiritual insecurity to a spiritual crisis. The authors analyzed the underlying causes of spiritual dryness in religious brothers and sisters who had lived for several decades in monastic structures. They performed qualitative interviews with 16 brothers and 14 sisters and a...
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Background Paediatric oncology/haematology patients and their families are confronted with a life-threatening situation for which music therapy can be a cross-linguistic field of action. The creative act of making music together offers the possibility to strengthen competences and make conflicts tangible. Besides its complementing of evidence-based...
This research focuses on the impact of Tango Argentino (TA) on the dynamics of relationships in couples who are dealing with Parkinson's disease (PD). In particular, it investigates Neuro Tango Argentino Training as an intervention to explore its effects on participants and the potential benefits for the well-being and relationship dynamics of coup...
In der kindlichen Entwicklungsphase bringen chronische Erkrankungen wie Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 (T1D) besondere Herausforderungen mit sich. Betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche sind mit zusätzlicher Musikerziehung möglicherweise besser in der Lage, sich diesen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Über den Zeitraum von 4 Jahren (2017–2020) wurden in einer mul...
Introduction: The effect of Ayurvedic therapy in type 2 diabetes (t2d) is well documented. For people with type 1 diabetes (t1d), there is little evidence on the applicability of Ayurvedic therapy. This case illustrates the course of Ayurvedic treatment in a person with t1d accompanied by peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). Case presentat...
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Introduction: The introspective experience of cancer patients using mistletoe therapy has received little scientific interest, although it is crucial for a holistic understanding of this therapy. This study contributes to patient-centered research and treatment by documenting the subjective experiences of individuals undergoing mistletoe therapy....
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Background: People with type 1 diabetes (t1d) are fasting with the intention to slow down or halt health deterioration or to improve their health condition.First promising results of research in this field are available. According to current fasting guidelines fasting is only recommended under medical supervision. Objectives: To survey the number o...
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Background: Paediatric oncology/haematology patients and their families are in an existentially threatening situation for which music therapy has proven as a cross-linguistic field of action. The creative act of making music together offers the possibility to strengthen competences and makes conflicts tangible in a direct way. Besides its complemen...
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Objectives Mobile health applications could be means of educating and changing behaviours of their users. Their features and qualities determine the sustainability of use. The FeverApp with two main features of information and documentation is a research-based app. In this observational cohort study, to evaluate the influential predictors of use,...
Objective: Eurythmy Therapy (ET) is a mindfulness oriented therapy developed in the context of anthroposophic medicine. Despite commonly used in practice, it remains unclear whether active participation (Inner Correspondence) during ET can be observed in eurythmy gestures (EGest). So far, no validated peer-report instrument to evaluate EGest exist...
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Die Geschichte dieser Veranstaltung: Zum DDG Kongress 2019 reichte ich meine Studie zum Fasten bei Typ 1 Diabetes ein. Ich-die ich diese Studie so wichtig fand und mit den Diabetologen besprechen wollte, durfte mein Poster neben zwei drei Fetttropfen-Grundlagenforschungspostern vorstellen-ich fand kein Interesse Vielleicht muss ich für diese Studie...
The antecedents and outcomes of individual‐level flow are well documented in a large body of literature. However, flow does not only occur in isolation ‐ quite to the contrary, recent evidence suggests that social interaction can facilitate the experience of flow. Therefore, we propose a taxonomy, which distinguishes five different flow states acco...
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SummaryIntroduction: Quality of care for immi-grants and their direct descendants (I/DDpatients) with diabetes is unsatisfactory.Causes include socioeconomic status,language deficits, and cultural influences.Poorer quality of care may also affecthealth-related quality of life (HRQOL) in chil-dren and adolescents (C/A patients) withtype 1 diabetes m...
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Wie funktionieren Infektionsmodelle, die zur Vorhersage des Corona-Pandemie-verlaufs eingesetzt werden? Wo liegen die Fehlerquellen? I m Laufe der SARS-Cov-2-Pandemie haben In-fektionsmodelle eine herausragende Stellung in der öffentlichen Berichterstattung und politi-schen Entscheidungsfindung eingenommen. Es lohnt sich also, die Grundlagen der In...
Zusammenfassung Fasten ist eine Jahrhunderte alte Praxis, die auch in vielen Religionen zu Hause ist. In die Naturheilkunde hielt das Fasten über Ärzte Einzug, die für ihre eigene Genesung positive Erfahrung damit machten. Die wissenschaftliche Forschung begann in Europa erst vor wenigen Jahren, wobei die gesundheitsförderlichen Abläufe des Fastens...
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Im Rahmen einer Machbarkeitsstudie zum Fasten von Typ 1 Diabetiker:innen mit 29 Teilnehmer:innen, die die Studie beendet haben, wurde neben der Machbarkeit und Sicherheit unter anderem auch das allgemeine Befinden mit dem WHO-5-Fragebogen ermittelt. Dieses verbesserte sich von 54 (±4.4) zu 68.8 (±15; P = 0.01) nach dem Fasten 1. Ebenfalls erfolgte...
Introduction: Patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery often suffer from severe radicular postoperative pain leading to the prescription of high-dose opioids. In Integrative Medicine, Hypericum perforatum is known as a remedy to relieve pain caused by nerve damage. Objectives: This trial investigated whether homeopathic Hypericum leads to a reducti...
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Background Compresses are one of the water treatments of Traditional European Medicine and are used for a variety of indications in patient care. Calf compresses are used for gentle fever reduction. However, little is known about the origin and effectiveness of calf compresses. Aim We aimed to provide an overview regarding the evidence of the effe...
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In dieser Datenanalyse werden Zeitreihen verschiedener Impfungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Auftreten von Meldungen schwerwiegender Impfnebenwirkungen aufgezeigt und ein zeitliche Kausalität zur Diskussion gestellt. Eine überarbeitet englischsprachige Version wird bald in einem Preprintserver erscheinen. Wir werden dann diese Version hier einstellen....
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Viele von uns machen zurzeit die Erfahrung, dass die Erwartungen, mit denen die Impfung als die einzige Lösung zur Beendigung der Corona-Pandemie verbunden wurde, mehr und mehr enttäuscht werden. Das mag-gerade angesichts hoher Inzidenzen-zu Unsicherheit oder gar Verzweiflung führen. Aber zahlreiche andere effektive Möglichkeiten zur Reduktion des...
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Die Evaluation der Wirkungen pflegerischer oder therapeutischer Interventionen basiert in der Regel auf quantifizierbaren Parametern und/oder den subjektiven Deutungen der Empfänger und Empfängerinnen. Die Exploration des sinnlichen Erlebens von Phänomenen, die mit der Wirksamkeit in einem ursächlichen Zusammenhang stehen, fehlt in der Regel. Unser...
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We aimed to evaluate the effects of yoga and eurythmy therapy compared to conventional physiotherapy exercises in patients with chronic low back pain. In a three-armed, multicentre, randomized controlled trial, patients with chronic low back pain were treated for 8 weeks in group sessions (75 minutes once per week). Primary outcome was patients’ ph...
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Dietary intake: The intake of all food was documented by the participants per collection time in the dietary protocol. The energy supply of the respective foods and beverages was calculated in kcal. PRAL was calculated according to Remer and Manz [4, 5]. Measurements and laboratory analyses: Blood glucose and ketone bodies were measured daily at 4...
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Aims/Hypothesis: Intermittent as well as prolonged fasting are receiving considerable attention and appear favorable in conditions like the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, rheumatic diseases and others. Fasting for people with type 1 diabetes is generally considered too risky. However, the ability and possibility to change from carbohydrate to...
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Aims/Hypothesis: Intermittent as well as prolonged fasting are receiving considerable attention and appear favorable in conditions like the metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, rheumatic diseases and others. Fasting for people with type 1 diabetes is generally considered too risky. However, the ability and possibility to change from carbohydrate to...
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Background: Recent studies have proved the relevance of salutogenetic variables for fatigue management in breast cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue (CRF). This comprehensive cohort design study is the first to examine the impact of 2 multimodal therapies, multimodal therapy (MT) and combined therapy (CT), compared with standard aerobic tr...
Zusammenfassung Einleitung Da für den deutschen Sprachraum kein geeignetes Instrument zur Erfassung der spezifischen, diabetesbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeit bei Kindern mit Typ-1-Diabetes vorliegt, wird in dieser Arbeit die Konstruktion und Validierung der deutschsprachigen Pediatric Self-Efficacy for Diabetes Type-1 Scale (PSEDT-1) dargestellt. Auf d...
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Nachhaltigkeit der Fastenintervention nach Buchinger für Menschen mit Typ 1 Diabetes mellitus (T1DM) Berger B1, Jenetzky E1,4, Stange R2, Büssing A1 Michalsen A2, Schmelzer K3, Martin DD1 1 Institut für Integrative Medizin, Universität Witten/Herdecke 2 Abt.f. Naturheilkunde, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin und Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin-...
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erstmals seine Tore. Noch nie hatte es so eine Klinik gegeben: Zwölf Ärzte hatten, so schrieb seinerzeit die Zeitschrift "Constanze", das "billigste und dennoch eines der besten Krankenhäuser Deutschlands" gebaut. Finanziert aus Eigenmitteln und mit zwei hohen Hypotheken. Vor allem aber mit einer komplett neuen Struktur: ohne Chefärzte! "Gemeinscha...
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Background: Whole medicine and health systems like traditional and complementary medicine systems (T&CM) are part of healthcare around the world. One key feature of T&CM is its focus on patient-centered and multimodal care and the integration of intercultural perspectives in a wide range of settings. It may contribute to good health and well being...
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Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease whose occurrence is explained in a multifactorial manner. The disease-causing factors are not identified in individual cases. Although research indicates that stress and trauma may be relevant risk factors, they are neither individually diagnosed nor treated. Based on a single cas...
Background: Persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) experience somatic and psycho-emotional limitations. As a neurodegenerative disease with increasing motor symptoms, PD changes the body experience. Embodied activities like dancing are beneficial to individuals with PD regarding mobility, balance and body feeling. The objective of this study was to...
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Background Chronic cardiovascular disease (CAD) still is the leading cause of death in industrialized countries in spite of substantial progress in diagnostics and therapy. Programs of lifestyle management are effective but insufficiently established in usual patient care. The authors provide multi professional educational courses to strengthen sel...
Zusammenfassung Typ-1-Diabetes mellitus (T1DM) ist eine fortschreitende und herausfordernde chronische Erkrankung, welche immer wieder neue emotionale Anpassungsleistungen erfordert 1. Im folgenden Studienprotokoll wird das geplante Vorgehen zur Überprüfung der Machbarkeit und Sicherheit einer Buchinger-Fastenintervention bei Menschen mit Typ-1-Dia...
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Kinder durchleben in der mittleren Kindheit oftmals eine Phase, die von Eltern und Erziehern als eine Art verfrühte Pubertät oder verspätete Trotzphase wahrgenommen werden kann, auf die angemessen zu reagieren eine Herausforderung darstellt. Von manchen Forschern wird die Zeit zwischen 7-11 Jahren als empfindlicher "developmental switch point" beze...
Objectives Art therapy (ArT) such as mindfulness-oriented painting therapy is increasingly used in psychosomatic, oncological integrative and rehabilitative medicine. Though it remains unknown how ArT works, we hypothesize that an engaged participation with painting (‘Inner-Correspondence’) contributes to improved symptom scores. In the context of...
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Background Neural Therapy (NT) is a common complementary treatment approach using injections with short-acting local anesthetics to treat pain and chronic diseases. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms and the domains of treatment response. This study therefore analyzed patient experiences following NT injections with procaine....
Conference Paper
s der JA-PED 2018 Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische Diabetologie e. V. (AGPD) und der Deut-schen Gesellschaft für Kinderendokrinologie und-diabe-tologie e. V. (DGKED) Weimar, 23.-25. Fragestellung: Bei der Behandlung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Typ-1-Diabetes (DMT1) entfällt ein hoher Anteil der mittleren, direkt...
Background: Psychological interventions may enhance health-related quality of life in people with epilepsy. The concepts of self-efficacy and mastery may be particularly relevant in the context of epilepsy. To date, the investigation of psychological interventions has not included a qualitative analysis of the effects of such interventions on the...
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Background: Spinal disc herniation is a frequently occurring degenerative disease of the spine. Many patients undergoing surgery suffer from radicular pain, known as memory pain, beginning from the third post-operative day. This results in the prescription of high-dose opioid medications. In homeopathy, Hypericum perforatum is known as a remedy fo...
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Der im Durchschnitt 7minütigen Begegnung zwischen Patient und Arzt pro Quartal steht das tägliche lebenslange Händling einer chronischen Erkrankung gegenüber. Die Wahrnehmung der Zeit des Professionellen, der seinen Wochentag angemessen gestalten will und dem Betroffenen, der versucht, seinem Leben mit oder trotz oder gerade durch die Erkrankung ei...
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In public discussions of Waldorf education certain notions are regularly bandied about supposedly as ways of explaining it. Thus not a few people nowadays will be well versed in certain key explanatory tags, such as "eurythmy", "block teaching" or "education without exams". And undoubtedly among these is a more or less diffuse idea of the "Rubicon"...
Conference Paper
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Background: High expectations about acupuncture might contribute to larger treatment effects (Prady et al., 2015). However, problems in the assessment are well known: 1) floor or ceiling effects lower variance; 2) expectation measures include general beliefs about complementary medicine; 3) construct validity of expectation measures remains unclear...
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Objective: Because of the increased demand for the availability of independent information regarding the efficacy, the lack of efficacy and the possible harm of medical interventions, the study aims to evaluate the information package „Menopause" , published by the German Institute for Quality in Healthcare (IQWiG). Methods: Qualitative, guideline-...
Conference Paper
Objectives: In the community hospital Herdecke, children and adolescents with T1DM receive an integrated diabetic training integrating traditional modules as well as applications from complementary medicine. The objective of the study was to survey the characteristics of participants in integrated diabetes training and to compare these with partici...
Conference Paper
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DRG Vergütung der INTRAOPERATIVEN RADIOTHERAPIE (IORT) IM GKV-System und Einfluss auf die Fallzahlenentwicklung bei Brustkrebspatientinnen im Frühstadium (2008-2015) Both B, Berger B, Vaidya A 16. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF). Berlin, 04.-06.10.2017. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2017. DocP071 (P071)...
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Background: Epilepsy is a serious, common and chronic neurological condition characterized by an increased disposition to suffer occasional seizures. Psychological interventions may enhance the well-being of individuals with epilepsy. So far, no qualitative study has investigated the complex effects of psychotherapeutic interventions in epilepsy....
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diastolic BP (DBP) (OR = 1.034) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) (OR = 0.783) at week 4; FPG (OR = 0.783) at week 6, DBP (OR = 1.037) and FPG (OR = 0.730) at week 8; FPG (OR = 0.741) at week 10; weight (OR = 0.705), body mass index (OR = 2.385), waist-hip ratio (OR < 0.001), DBP (OR = 1.016), FPG (OR = 0.872), and 2 h-PBG (OR = 0.943) at week 12wer...
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Präsentation des 1. Einzelfalls zur erfolgreichen Durchführung eines 9 tägigen Fastens bei Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
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Prolonged Fasting in T1DM – case study from patient perspective Berger B.1, Stange R. 2, Michalsen A. 2, Martin D.D. 3,4 1 University Witten/Herdecke, Health, Herdecke, Germany 2 Immanuel Hospital , Berin, Germany 3 Hospital of Children , University , Tuebingen, Germany 4 Hospital of Children , Filderstadt , Germany BACKGROUND: Fasting as a medical...
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Any neonatologist acting conscientiously has an integrative and holistic view in a wider sense anyway. This is based on the awareness that the first days or weeks of life are critical for the further development of the infants – and thus for their whole lives. All this is part of the training for pediatricians and especially for neonatologists. Hen...
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Personalised and contextualised care has been turned into a major demand by people involved in healthcare suggesting to move toward person-centred medicine. The assessment of person-centred medicine can be most effectively achieved if treatments are investigated using ‘with versus without’ person-centredness or integrative study designs. However, t...
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Background Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) and insomnia are major complaints in breast cancer survivors (BC). Aerobic training (AT), the standard therapy for CRF in BC, shows only minor to moderate treatment effects. Other evidence-based treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, e.g., sleep education/restriction (SE) and mindfulness-based thera...
Die Verheißungen der Homöopathie, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 4639, 2015 Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Schmacke aus Bremen ruft zum Generalangriff auf die Sonderreglung für die Arzneimittel der besonderen Therapierichtungen (Phytotherapie, Homöopathie und Anthroposophische Medizin) in Deutschland auf (S. 80). Für diese Mittel sieht das deutsche Arzneimittelgeset...
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Background Good communication is a major factor in delivering high quality in care. Research indicates that current communication skills training alone might not sufficiently enable students to find context-specific creative solutions to individual complex personal and interpersonal challenges in the clinical context. This study explores medical st...
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Objective It was the aim of this bibliometric analysis to identify all publications dealing with so-called 'context effects/placebo effects' to bring some organisation into the publication landscape of the past 35 years. Design An electronic database search was carried out in Pubmed from its inception to November 2011. Participants Already publis...
Eurythmietherapie ist ein Mind-Body-Verfahren aus dem Kontext der Anthroposophischen Medizin. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bewegungstherapie, bei der Sprache oder Musik in körperliche Bewegung umgesetzt wird. In der hier referierten Studie wurde sie eingesetzt um zu untersuchen, ob gesunde Probanden, die sich subjektiv in stressigen Lebensumständen...


Questions (7)
Metabolic flexibility in health and disease Metabolic flexibility is the ability to respond or adapt to conditional changes in metabolic demand. This broad concept has been propagated to explain insulin resistance and mechanisms governing fuel selection between glucose and fatty acids, highlighting the metabolic inflexibility of obesity and type 2 diabetes. In parallel, contemporary exercise physiology research has helped to identify potential mechanisms underlying altered fuel metabolism in obesity and diabetes.
Do you already use metabolic flexibility as an outcome parameter of intervention? Which parameter do you use? In basic research several aspects have been investigated, but not all of them are fitting in a clinical setting. What you would advise ? Which experiences did you made?
Many people suffering from Typ one diabetes mellitus, could be identify as almost depressive as well.
Sehr geehrte Herr Vormann,
mit großem Interesse habe ich von Ihrer Konferenz gelesen. Ist hier weiteres geplant? Wie finde ich weitere Informationen? Wir haben gerade eine NAE. Studie bei Menschen mit Typ 1 Diabetes durchgeführt, die wir gerne auf Ihrer nächsten Tagung präsentieren würden. Eine Promotenden von uns hat gerade im Labor von Prof. Remer eine NAE-Messung beim Menschen mit T1DM durchgeführt. gerne würden wir diese Ergebnisse in einen grösseren Zusammenhang der Säure_BAsenmessungen stellen. Gibt es hierzu einen Konferenzband oder umfassendere Publikationen? Für weitere Informationen wäre ich Ihnen ehr dankbar!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Bettina Berger
Lieber Ottomar Bahrs, 
so lange bitten Sie mich, in Kontakt zu Ihnen zu treten und Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit auszuloten, nun endlich bin ich bereit dazu, ich hoffe , Sie haben die Hoffnung noch nicht aufgegeben - endlich konnte ich die Verbindung zwischen den patientenseitigen Bedürfnissen nach salutogener Orientierung und Ihren Forschungsansätzen innerlich erschliessen. Der TSF Kurs von Theo Petzoldt hat mir die Augen geöffnet. Herzlichst Bettina Berger 
Ich durfte den Review dazu schreiben und finde sie ausgesprochen wichtig für Dein Projekt:
Peetoom et al. BMC Health Services Research (2016) 16:240 DOI 10.1186/s12913-016-1488-1
Herzliche Grüße 


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