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HIV testing preferences in Tanzania: A qualitative exploration of the importance of confidentiality, accessibility, and quality of service


Abstract and Figures

Background HIV counseling and testing (HCT), an effective preventive strategy and an entry point for care, remains under-utilized in Tanzania. Limited uptake of HCT, despite the widespread availability of varied testing options, suggests that existing options may not align well with population preferences for testing. Methods Between October and December 2011, we conducted an exploratory study in the Kilimanjaro Region to develop a conceptual framework for understanding which characteristics of HIV testing are associated with preferences for testing. Forty individuals (55% women, 53% never having tested) participated in in-depth interviews and focus groups to identify factors that influence whether and where people test for HIV. Results A variety of discrete characteristics of testing venues, test providers, and testing procedures (e.g. distance to testing, counselor experience, type of HIV test, and availability of antiretroviral therapy) mapped conceptually to three domains: confidentiality of testing and test results, quality of HCT, and accessibility and availability of ancillary services. We noted heterogeneous preferences and demonstrate that while some test characteristics overlap and reinforce across multiple domains, others demand clients to make trade-offs between domains. Conclusion Testing decisions appear to be influenced by an array of often inter-linked factors across multiple domains, including quality, confidentiality, and accessibility; perceptions of these factors varied greatly across participants and across available testing options. HCT interventions that jointly target barriers spanning the three domains have the potential to increase uptake of HIV testing and deserve further exploration.
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RES E AR C H A R T I C L E Open Access
HIV testing preferences in Tanzania: a qualitative
exploration of the importance of confidentiality,
accessibility, and quality of service
Bernard Njau
, Jan Ostermann
, Derek Brown
, Axel Mühlbacher
, Elizabeth Reddy
and Nathan Thielman
Background: HIV counseling and testing (HCT), an effective preventive strategy and an entry point for care,
remains under-utilized in Tanzania. Limited uptake of HCT, despite the widespread availability of varie d testing
options, suggests that existing options may not align well with population preferences for testing.
Methods: Between October and December 2011, we conducted an exploratory study in the Kilimanjaro Region to
develop a conceptual framework for understanding which characteristics of HIV testing are associated with
preferences for testing. Forty individuals (55% women, 53% never having tested) participated in in-depth interviews
and focus groups to identify factors that influence whether and where people test for HIV.
Results: A variety of discrete characteristics of testing venues, test providers, and testing procedures (e.g. distance
to testing, counselor experience, type of HIV test, and availability of antiretroviral therapy) mapped conceptually to
three domains: confidentiality of testing and test results, quality of HCT, and accessibility and availability of ancillary
services. We noted heterogeneous preferences and demonstrate that while some test characteristics overlap and
reinforce across multiple domains, others demand clients to make trade-offs between domains.
Conclusion: Testing decisions appear to be influenced by an arr ay of often inter-linked factors across multiple
domains, including quality, confidentiality, and accessibility; perceptions of these factors varied greatly across
participants and across available testing options. HCT interventions that jointly target barriers spanning the three
domains have the potential to increase uptake of HIV testing and deserve further exploration.
In Tanzania, an estimated 1.5 million people are living
with HIV, 83,000 people are newly infected each year, and
with an estimated 80,000 deaths annually, AIDS continues
to be a leading cause of death among Tanzanians [1,2].
Despite the widespread availability of varied options for
HIV testing, including more than 2,000 HIV counseling
and testing (HCT) sites [3], and a high-profile nationwide
HIV testing campaign, one third of women and half of
men aged 1549 have never tested for HIV [4]. Further,
only 30% of women and 25% of men tested and received
the results in the past year [1,4].
to HIV testing in sub- Saharan Africa, including Tanzania
[5-13]. Facility-based approaches are most common in
Tanzania and include testing in standalone HIV testing
facilities as well as in clinical settings. The latter includes
client-initiated counseling and testing (CITC) [14] and
provider-initiated counseling and testing (PITC), including
Prevention of Mother to Child HIV transmission (PMTCT)
ser vices [15-17]. Other models , including home-based
counseling and testing, mobile or outreach testing, which
offers testing through mobile vans or organized testing
events, and testing at workplaces or in schools, have also
been occasionally implemented at local levels. Following
considerable investment through the Presidents Emer-
gency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, HIV testing
became available free-of-charge in Tanzania. Rapid HIV
* Correspondence:
Equal contributors
Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University, Durham, USA
Division of Infectious Diseases, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2014 Njau et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838
tests, now the standard of care, ensure that results are
available to clients immediately after the test.
In Tanzania, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)
has been the main model through which individuals learn
their HIV status. Acknowledging that client-initiated test-
ing falls short of capturing important patient groups, the
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in 2007 developed
guidelines for HCT in clinical settings, indicating that
HCT should be recommended by health care providers as
part of the standard of care [15,16]. Despite this recom-
mendation and the widespread availability of diverse HIV
testing options, testing rates remain low [18-20].
Many factors contribute to limited uptake of HIV testing
in Tanzania and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA),
including psychological, cultural, economic, and other fac-
tors such as fear and stigma [21-24]. Some of these factors
may be mitigated over time through community-based
interventions and cultural shifts. Other barriers may be
addressed, or compensated for, by making HIV testing
options more attractive, more convenient, or otherwise
better aligned with population preferences for testing. Dif-
ferent approaches have been developed to address barriers
to testing, such as mobile, school, workplace, or home-
based testing, couples testing, and self-testing [5,6,8-10].
While these approaches were often found to be effective
in getting additional people to test, it is not clear which
characteristics of testing options most influence individ-
uals testing decisions. A better understanding of HIV test-
ing preferences may allow for the design of testing options
that better match the preferences of diverse populations.
In preparation for a structured, population-based
assessment of HIV testing preferences, we conducted in-
depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group discussions
(FGDs) in Northern Tanzania to identify characteristics
of HIV testing options associated with individuals pref-
erences for HIV testing.
IDIs and FGDs were used to identify preference-relevant
characteristics of HIV testing options, and to derive direc-
tional hypotheses with respect to their expected influence
on testing decisions. First, IDIs with diverse community
members were used to inform the development of FGD
guides. FGDs were subsequently conducted with male and
female adults who had previously tested for HIV and with
others who had never tested.
Implementation, analysis, andinterpretationofthisquali-
tative study are consistent with Biomed Centrals Relevance,
Appropr iateness, Transparency, and Soundness (RATS)
guidelines for qualitative research [24]: The study addresses
the highly relevant research question of which characteris-
tics of HIV testing options are associated with individuals
preferences for testing; IDIs and FGDs with participants
representing diverse experiences and opinions were con-
sidered the most appropriate methods to obtain the neces-
sary information; the study transparently describes the
sampling and analytic methods as well as ethical consider-
ations; and the results of sound analysis and inductive
identification of themes, supported by illustrative quotes,
are presented in the context of the existing literature on
barriers to HIV testing.
Study setting
The study was conducted between October and December
2011 in Moshi, Tanzania. In 2012, the town had a night-
time population of 184,292 [25]. At the time of the study,
18 facilities provided HCT services in Moshi, including
hospitals, health centers, and free-standing VCT facilities.
Intermittently, mobile and outreach testing has also been
available at venues such as schools, markets, or work-
places; a prominent example was a high-profile nationwide
HIV testing campaign which in 2007 and 2008 attracted
more than 3 million testers, including more than 24,000
testers in Moshi [26]. For clients who test HIV positive, 8
HIV care and treatment centers (C TCs) provide access to
antiretroviral therapy; an additional 13 CTCs operate in
the two surrounding districts [27].
Study participants
Purposive sampling [28] was used to recruit 4 male and 4
female IDI participants from diverse settings, including a
bus stop, a market, a home, an office setting, and a guest
house. Subsequently, participants in 4 FGDs, stratified by
gender and HIV testing status (previously tested for HIV
vs. never tested for HIV), were recruited through door-to-
door contact in one of Moshis most densely populated
wards. Twelve individuals were invited to each group. In
total, 32 persons participated in FGDs; with 6 to 9 partici-
pants per group. The sampling approach was chosen to
ensure the inclusion of a variety of viewpoints and diverse
experiences among participants.
In-depth interviews and focus group discussions
IDIs and FGD were conducted in Kiswahili, the official
language of Tanzania. Separate interview guides were de-
veloped for IDIs and FGDs. First, semi-structured IDIs,
conducted at the respective enrollment venues and last-
ing approximately 1 hour each, assessed motivators and
barriers to HIV testing , and experiences with and atti-
tudes toward diverse testing options. The results were
used to inform the development of a FGD guide.
Next, FGDs, conducted at a health facility in the vicin-
ity of participants homes, sought to identify characteris-
tics of HIV testing options that are associated either
positively or negatively with preferences for testing, and
as such function as either motivators or barriers. Extant
literature and results of IDIs formed the basis for a list
Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 2 of 9
of characteristics of HIV testing options; all HIV testing
characteristics identified as potentially preference-relevant
were probed and the list was iteratively expanded during
consecutive FGDs. FGD participants were asked to
identify factors that influence whether and where peo ple
test for HIV, and a variety of t est ing options, including
different types of testing facilities (hospital- or health
center-based testing, free- standing VCT facilities) and
venue-based testing options (mobile VCT, home-based
VCT, self -testing) were d iscussed to explore positive
and negative feature s. Each characteristic was discussed
until an understanding was developed of t he mecha-
nisms through which th ey influence testing decisions,
and the direction of the effect could be infe rred. Each
FGD la sted approximately 2.5 hours.
Data management and analys is
IDIs and FGDs were analyzed separately. IDIs were tape-
recorded, transcribed, and translated into English. During
the FGDs, notes were taken by two experienced recorders
and two or more investigators, and expanded immediately
after the discussions. Translated transcripts and text notes
were read independently by multiple investigators, and a
note based approach [28,29] was used to identify cha-
racteristics of HIV testing options associated with testing
preferences and testing decisions. Conceptually related
characteristics were later grouped into domains. Represen-
tative, verbatim quotes from in-depth interviews and focus
groups were selected to illustrate key findings.
Human subjects considerations
The st u d y pro t o co l r ece i ve d eth i c a l c l e a r a nc e fro m the
Institutional Re view Board of Duke University, the
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College Research
Ethics Committee, and Tanzanias National Institute for
Medical Research. Written informed consent was obtained
from all participants. Participants were assigned numbers
to ensure anonymity. Participants were compensated for
their participation (approximately US$ 3.00).
Characteristics of study participants are summarized in
Table 1.
In IDIs and FGDs, a variety of characteristics of HIV
testing options emerged as influencing HIV testing de ci-
sions. Characteristics were grouped into domains, with
some characteristics found to be related to more than
one domain.
Domain 1: confidentiality of testing and test results
Irrespective of gender or HIV testing history, respondents
indicated the importance of confidentiality for the HIV
testing process and disclosure of test results. This was one
of the strongest held views among the four groups, and
there was no dissent as to its importance. Several respon-
dents gave specific examples that highlighted conse-
quences of breaches in confidentiality, including possible
negative reactions by partners, relatives, employers, or
others to a positive HIV test. A female informant who had
never tested (non-tester) said, I am afraid if I am found
to be HIV positive I may be chased away from my job.
a) Confidentiality concerns associated with venue
Perceptions of confidentiality were associated with char-
acteristics of testing venues, as well as the counselors
providing testing. There was a general consensus that
hospital-based testing afforded greater confidentiality.
There is a big difference in confidentiality for HIV test
results. In [large hospitals] there is confidentiality of
clients results. In free-standing HIV sites, you may get
tested and within a few days you may start hearing
people talking about your results. (Male non-tester, IDI).
Several participants indicated that the large size of a hos-
pital provided a greater degree of anonymity, particularly
in comparisons with an alternative such as home-based
testing. Others mentioned that people go to hospitals for
many reasons, masking hospital-based HIV testing. Partici-
pants voiced concern about lack of privacy in high-volume
testing centers or mobile counseling and testing in tents. A
male FGD participant who had previously tested said, You
find that a center has so many people that during an inter-
view by the counselor, others outside the room hear all that
you are discussing. In the context of home-based testing,
there was apprehension that home visits by HIV coun-
selors, identified as such, would be noticed by neighbors; a
female who had never tested was also concerned about
immediate disclosure.
Most people are afraid to get tested for HIV at home,
because people in most relationships are not faithful.
So, if they test at home they have to disclose their HIV
test results. (Female non-tester, FGD)
Table 1 Characteristics of study participants (N = 40)
Women (n = 22) Men (n = 18)
In-depth interviews 5 22.7% 3 16.7%
Focus group discussions 17 77.3% 15 83.3%
Mean age in years (range) 40 (1857) 35 (1960)
Married (vs. not married) 9 40.9% 8 44.4%
Primary education or less
(vs. secondary education or higher)
13 59.1% 6 33.3%
Previously tested for HIV
(vs. never tested for HIV)
9 40.9% 10 55.6%
Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 3 of 9
b) Confidentiality concerns associated with counselor
Counselor characteristics associated with confidentiality
were primarily age and experience.
I would prefer a female counselor, older, around
50 years or above, with nice language, who has respect
for her clients. Young counselors are not well
experienced and may be tempted to expose the test
results of their clients. (Female non-tester, IDI)
Some participants indicated a strong preference against
a counselor th ey know or who resides in t he same
When a counselor come s from your neighborhood it is
bad because she could gossip so I will go far for HIV
testing where I know I will find people who dont know
me. (Male tester, FGD)
For others this was not important because a chance
emains that they will meet the counselor again after
their HIV test.
know th e counselor I found and I did not e ven know
where she live s , but late r she came to rent in my
neighborhood. Therefore, I think there is no reason
to know where a counselor comes from. (Male
tester, FGD)
Domain 2: quality of the counseling and testing
Participants related characteristics of the testing venue
and testing providers, and the type of HIV test, to per-
ceptions of the quality of HIV counseling and to the ac-
curacy of HIV tests.
a. Quality of counseling
Respondents underscored the importance of adequate,
unhurried counseling prior to HIV testing.
It is very important for clients to receive adequate
counseling before being tested for HIV. It is important
for counselors to have enough time for the counseling
sessions. For example, a counselor may want to stay
for 30 minutes, while I would prefer 2 hours, so that I
can be well counseled and then decide to get tested.
(Male tester, IDI)
Concerns about adequate counseling time were voiced
for high volume testing venues, including hospitals and
mobile testing. Some participants considered facilities
with an exclusive focus on HIV testing a s more special-
ized than other settings, such as a hospital.
For other centers it is doubtful that they can be as
specialized, because they provide other services.
Free-standing sites provide the best kind of counseling,
because they are only specialized in HIV testing.
(Male tester, FGD)
Age and experience were the most commonly men-
tioned counselor characteristics associated with testing
preferences. While many participants had no gender pref-
erence, several informants, primarily females, preferred to
be tested by female testers. However, these preferences
were related more to personal comfort than concerns
about quality. Some participants preferred to be tested by
doctors rather than nurses or HIV counselors.
I would prefer a doctor, because a doctor is more
knowledgeable than a nurse The doctor should be
40 years or older and experienced in HIV counseling
and testing. (Female non-tester, FGD)
b. Accuracy of HIV tests at different venues
Participants believed that the accuracy of tests differed be-
tween testing sites. Reasons for such differences included
the availability of more than one type of test, the use of mul-
tiple tests, and the training of those administering the test.
There are differences in HIV tests in free-st anding
sites compared with hospitals. For example, you may
test at a free-standing site, and receive positive HIV
results. Nevertheless, if we decide to re-test in a
hospital you may get negative HIV results. In addition,
at a hospital you may test urine, sputum, and saliva,
etc. (Male non-tester, IDI).
Informants generally associated large hospitals with
more accurate HIV tests; private facilities were associ-
ated with less accurat e HIV tests. A male IDI informant
who had ne ver tested, said, Private HIV counseling and
testing site s [] dont use accurate HIV tests. I dont trust
the results from such sites.
Counselor training was also mentioned as a reason for
differing accuracy between venues. Counselors who test
many people at a large hospital were perceived to pro-
vide more accurate results. By contrast, a female tester
was concerned about mobile testing:
It is possible that people who conduct the mobile
testing are untrained and may fail to interpret my
HIV results correctly. You may receive incorrect HIV
test results, and this may cause unnecessary anxiety.
(Female tester, FGD)
Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 4 of 9
c. Accuracy of different HIV testing procedures
Significant discussion revolved around the accuracy of
different HIV testing procedures. While several partici-
pants suggested that fear of needles is an important bar-
rier to testing, when asked about their preference for
specific procedures, the primary concern was accuracy.
Participants were roughly evenly split between those
who preferred venipuncture and those who preferred a
finger prick for obtaining the blood sample. Participants
who preferred venip uncture generally considered blood
samples from a large vein in the arm to be more reliable
than a finger prick for HIV testing.
Blood from a finger prick is to test for Malaria. Blood
to test for HIV comes from the big vein, because it
flows with pressure and I will be sure that my HIV test
results will be accurate. (Female tester, FGD)
Self-test kits were not considered a feasible option for
wide-spread HIV testing in this setting ; participants
voiced concerns about accuracy, and about the lack of
support from trained counselors to assist with a positive
test result.
I wont be sure if the self-test results are accurate. For
example, I wont be sure on how long the reagents have
stayed in the drug shop/or pharmacy. In such cases,
I may get an incorrect test results. It will be very
difficult. (Male tester, IDI)
Literacy concerns were also raised.
Most people, particularly in the rural areas are
illiterate; they cant read even a newspaper. How can
they be able to read and follow the instructions of how
to use the HIV testing kits? (Male tester, IDI)
Domain 3: accessibility of testing and other services provided
Additional discussion centered on the importance of dis-
tance to the testing venue, transport cost, testing times,
and waiting times for the accessibility of HIV testing,
and on options for making testing more attractive, by
offering HIV testing in conjunction with other services
or even paying people to test.
a) Accessibility of HIV testing
Many participants did not consider transport costs a
barrier in an urban setting due to the availability of local
testing sites, however, others indicated that they, or
other people, may prefer not to test close to home:
Personally, I will not go far to test for HIV. But there
are people in the community who travel to other
places to test for HIV. (Male non-tester, IDI)
Most participants indicated that they are ready to wait
for a substantial amount of time before seeing a
counselor. However, a longer waiting time was also asso-
ciated with an increased risk of compromi sing confiden-
tiality; a female tester was concerned that someone who
knows you may come. (Female tester, FGD)
Time conflicts with other activi ties were only men-
tioned in the context of home-based testing.
[……..] it depend s on my time availability. For
example a health worker may come, while I am
leav ing to go to work , or any other activitie s. I will
not agree to test because of lack of time."
(Male tester, IDI)
Nonetheless, participants indicated that providing HIV
testing services off hours or during weekends could be
beneficial to some, particularly to people who are busy
or employed.
b) Ancillary services
Availability of antiretroviral medications at the testing
site wa s perceived as a motivating factor for HIV test-
ing among some respondents. A male participant pre-
ferred to test in a hospital setting a s the transition
from being a testing client to be coming a patient would
be smoother.
“… you receive your results on the spot and if you have
any problems it is easier to see a doctor or enroll for HIV
treatment or other support. (Male non-tester, IDI)
Other participants indicated that the availability of
other services would help to reduce stigma and increase
Several female discussants mentioned antenatal care as
an entry point for their first testing experience; and both
male and female discussants saw antenatal care a s an
opportunity to get more men to test.
Pregnant women should be encouraged to ask
their spouses or partners to accompany them to
clinic. It should be conditio nal, that if they are not
accompanied by their spouses or partner, then they
will not receive any serv ices or retain their clinic
attendance cards. They will come in the ne xt
visit with their spouses or partners. (Female
non-tester, FGD)
c) Payment for testing
Testing is generally provided free of charge in the study
area. Respondents reacted very differently when asked if
they would agree to test for HIV if they are paid. Several
Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 5 of 9
participants disagreed strongly with payments for test-
ing, as illustrated by a male non-tester.
No. Because that will look like I am tempted to be tested
for HIV and it is not my own decision or will. It will
appear as if I am being bought. (Male non-tester, IDI)
Others suggested that payments could be used to get
more people to come for testing.
My experience is that if it is announced that people
will be paid Tsh 5,000/= (US$3) to test for HIV, and
considering the harsh economic conditions, the space
at [VCT site] will be small. (Male tester, FGD)
Payment in the form of a transport cost reimbursement
was also considered to have the potential to influence test-
ing decisions, or enable people to mitigate confidentiality
concerns, as indicated by a female discussant who said, If
my transport costs will be reimbursed, I will travel outside
Moshi to get tested for HIV. (Female non-tester, FGD)
Concept mapping
Figure 1 summarizes the preference-relevant characteris-
tics of HIV testing options identified in FGDs and IDIs
(in boxes) and visually describes their relationship to the
three underlying domains (in ovals). The domains are
broadly defined as quality of counseling and testing,
confidentiality of testing and test results, and accessibil-
ity and ancillary services. The quality domain includes
characteristics such as the accuracy of the HIV test, the
perceived quality of testing procedures, adequate time for
counseling, and the e xperie nce of coun selors. The con-
fidentiality domain includes characteristics perceived to
be assoc iated with a potenti al disclosure of HIV test re -
sults (e.g. by a younger counselor, or in a mobile setting)
and characteristics associated with the inadvertent dis-
closure of testing per se. Examples for the latter include
testing close to home, familiarity with the counselor,
te sting at a facility that onl y offers HIV test ing, and long
waiting times or large numbers of client s that increase
the risk of familiar encounter s. The accessibility domain
describes the time and moneta ry cost of accessing test-
ing, and opportunities for c ombining HIV testing with
other services.
Most characteristics of HIV testing options related to
multiple domains. For example, counseling by a counselor
who is known to a participant may be associated with per-
ceptions of a higher quality of counseling or with concern
about confidentiality. Similarly, the type of facility is asso-
ciated with the concepts of quality (e.g. perceived more
accurate test results in hospitals or better counseling in
dedicated HIV testing facilities), accessibility (e.g. by com-
bining HIV testing with other screening or treatment
services), and confidentiality (e.g. by having other reasons
to be seen at a hospital). Associations between characteris-
tics and domains are indicated by the placement and shad-
ing of each characteristic. The multi-faceted relationship
of testing characteristics with the three domains is indi-
cated by each boxs shading with multiple colors.
Figure 1 Concept map of HIV testing characteristics.
Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 6 of 9
In-depth interviews with key informants and focus group
discussions elucidated a variety of preference-relevant char-
acteristics of HIV testing options, which map conceptually
to three domains: confidentiality, quality, and accessibility.
Not surprisingly, as others have clearly documented
[21-23,30], concerns about confidentiality were preeminent
and likely to affect HCT utilization. Our data highlight a
level of unease about potential inadvertent disclosure of
HIV status or HIV testing in association with specific test-
ing venues, including free-standing and mobile VCT sites
and testing at home. Similar apprehension was expressed
about HIV testing conducted by young counselors, who
were perceived to be possibly less discreet than older ones.
Because the desire for confidentiality is linked to stigma,
our findings highlight the importan ce of addressing
both confide ntiality and stigma in the design of new er
approaches to HCT .
Concerns about accuracy were related to specific
venues, the training of test providers, and the type of
test. Some respondents feared that private or free-
standing testing sites were prone to providing false posi-
tive results , whereas counselors with more experience,
especially those working in large hospitals , are likely to
deliver more ac curate results. Variati on in perceived ac-
curacy was also related to differences in test s and test-
ing proced ures across venues . Home testing did not
appear to be a popular option, even among those who
had previously tes ted, in part due to confidentiality con-
cerns , but also be c ause the qu ality of home testing was
potentially suspe c t. It has b een p re viously documented
that perceived unreliability oftestresultsanddistrustof
HIV tes ting tech nologies can discourage uptake of HIV
testing [22,31,32].
The findings highlight the conceptual overlap between
testing venue, counselor, and test characteristics and sug-
gest that individuals make important trade-offs in consid-
ering testing options. Some prefer to test at venues that
see more clients, where they perceive the accuracy of the
test to be better. Others, concerned more about confiden-
tiality, may be willing to sacrifice perceived more accurate
testing at a high-volume testing center for a perceived
lower risk of being seen testing at testing sites with fewer
clients The heterogeneity of preferences and the complex
links between the domains of quality, confidentiality, and
accessibility should be accounted for in the design or re-
design of testing options.
To address both confidentiality and quality concerns,
the integration of testing services into a hospital or
health center setting may be preferable to isolated test-
ing services offered at free-standing facilities. As attend-
ance at free-standing HIV testing sites appears to be
declining [33], plausibly because clients prefer to access
HCT services within health facilitie s, HCT policy makers
should examine ways to re-define the roles of free-
standing VCT sites in this context.
The focus group discussions demonstrated heteroge-
neous preferences with respect to the accessibility of
testing. For many participants, distance wa s not a signifi-
cant barrier due to the local availability of a variety of
testing options. For others, traveling seemed advanta-
geous, as testing done farther from home is more likely
to be confidential. Disparate views were expressed re-
garding direct payments as means of increasing accessi-
bility of testing. We note that in the context of selected
studies that addressed a slightly different question, high
value conditional cash transfe rs, given in exchange for
testing negative for sexually transmitted infections, were
associated with reduced infection [34-36].
With the introduction of newer approaches of HCT
delivery such as the use of community based lay coun-
selors [37], couples counseling and testing [7,8,38],
provider-initiated [39,40], home base d [5,11,12], and mo-
bile HCT [13,23,41], it is important for planners of HIV
testing interventions to re cognize that many barriers are
inextricably linked. Some are overlapping and reinfor-
cing (e.g. concerns about both quality and confidentiality
with home testing), and others demand that patients
make trade-offs as they choose to test (e.g. paying for
travel to reduce risk of disclosure within ones commu-
nity). Novel approaches to HCT delivery must weigh the
benefits of addressing heterogeneous preferences against
the costs and complexities of addressing the multi-
faceted and interlinked barrie rs.
Our st udy is subje ct to important limitations. IDIs and
FGDs afforded an opportunitytoidentifyavarietyof
characteristics of HIV testing options associated with
preferences, and to begin to understand which features
are most important. Howev er, our study sug gests sig-
nificant preference heterogeneity among participants ,
which precluded the development of a consensus re-
garding the relative importance of specific characteris -
tic to participants, or to differentiate the preferences of
individual sub-groups. The existence of heterogeneous
preferences has been confirmed by a quantitative follow-
up study in the area [42].
Second, it is not clear how participants stated prefer-
ences relate to actual testing decisions. The preferences
and characteristics of individuals are likely to interact with
characteristics of testing options (e.g. venue, method for
obtaining the sample for the HIV test) to influence actual
testing decisions. Further, due to the focus of FGDs and
IDIs on characteristics of testing options, several import-
ant elements of the decision process could not be explored
in detail, including differences between first-time and re-
peat testing, external motivators, such as social support
Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 7 of 9
for testing, and internal barriers to testing, such as fears of
knowing the result.
Finally, an inherent weakness of this qualitative study
is that the findings may not be representative of the
population in the study area and may not be applicable
to other settings. Because study participants were re-
cruited from an urban setting with comparatively wide-
spread access to a variety of HCT services, our findings
may not be as relevant in rural areas.
This study identified several important attributes of HIV
testing options that are associated with HIV testing prefer-
ences. Testing decisions appear to be influenced by an
array of often inter-linked factors across multiple domains,
including quality, confidentiality, and accessibility; and
perceptions of these factors varied greatly across partici-
pants and with available testing options. HCT interven-
tions that jointly target barriers across these domains have
the potential to increase uptake of HIV testing and de-
serve further exploration.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors contributions
All authors (BN, JO, DB, AM, ER, and NT) planned the study activities and
developed the study protocols. BN led the qualitative components of the
study, oversaw their implementation, and conducted the FGDs. BN, JO, and
NT developed the FGD guides. JO, DB, ER, and NT attended FGDs. BN, JO,
and NT analyzed the data and prepared a draft manuscript. All authors
contributed to the final version of the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
This publication was made possible by Grant Number R21 MH096631 from
the National Institute of Mental Health, and supported by the Duke
University Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program
(5P30 AI064518). The contents of this publicati on are solely the responsibility
of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the
National Institute of Mental Health or the National Institutes of Health. We
gratefully thank all study participants and acknowledge Elizabeth Mbuya and
Beatrice Mandao for study implementation and data collection; Bernard
Agala and Tara Mtuy for assistance with qualitative research; and the
Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute for administrative support.
Author details
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, United Republic of Tanzania.
Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University, Durham, USA.
Brown School,
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, USA.
Neubrandenburg, Stiftungsinstitut Gesundheitsökonomie und
Medizinmanagement (IGM), Neubrandenburg, Germany.
Division of
Infectious Diseases, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USA.
Received: 11 February 2014 Accepted: 4 August 2014
Published: 12 August 2014
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Cite this article as: Njau et al.: HIV testing preferences in Tanzania: a
qualitative exploration of the importance of confidentiality, accessibility,
and quality of service. BMC Public Health 2014 14:838.
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Njau et al. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:838 Page 9 of 9
... This study further points to the importance of integrating HTS and ARV refills with other non-HIV-related services in the community to enhance confidentiality. Integrated services fit into the DSD model by simplifying access to services because it is more difficult to identify PLHIV in clinics shared by clients with diverse needs (Njau et al., 2014;Bond et al., 2019). Our findings on designating a community outreach clinic as integrated rather than HIV-specific relates to measures to mitigate stigma (Njau et al., 2014). ...
... Integrated services fit into the DSD model by simplifying access to services because it is more difficult to identify PLHIV in clinics shared by clients with diverse needs (Njau et al., 2014;Bond et al., 2019). Our findings on designating a community outreach clinic as integrated rather than HIV-specific relates to measures to mitigate stigma (Njau et al., 2014). Over time, research has recommended the simplification of HIV services, such as ARVs refills in the community, including integrated delivery of other chronic disease interventions (Bemelmans et al., 2014). ...
... HTS and ARV refills were preferred to be offered during specific times when the market is less crowded. This uses the benefit of providing community HTS and ARVs during off-peak hours and weekends to accommodate those who are pressed for time (Njau et al., 2014). Other results were inclined towards the provision of the same services and VMMC at their preferred locations daily for the successful implementation of the DSD principal on time so that traders can access these services at their convenience. ...
Full-text available
Background: Reaching all people with HIV services, including traders in the informal economy, is critical to meeting UNAIDS’ 95-95-95 goals. However, traders prioritise their business over attendance at health facilities. This limits their access to health services. This study explores market traders’ preferences for the potential type and delivery methods of HIV services at Lilongwe Central market. Method: The study used an exploratory qualitative study design in Lilongwe, Malawi. Sixteen in-depth interviews were conducted among traders at Lilongwe Central Market between June and September 2022. In the same period, we also conducted four key informant interviews involving three officers responsible for HIV services at the district and council levels, and the market chairman. Results: HIV services preferred by market traders include HIV testing, antiretroviral therapy, condom dispensation, voluntary medical male circumcision and HIV awareness campaigns. These services should be offered daily or when the market is less crowded, and they could be delivered in the market. These services can be provided by both lay and health workers, depending on traders’ preferences, and must be integrated with other health services to mitigate unintended HIV status disclosure concerns. Conclusion: The achievement of UNAIDS’ 95-95-95 goals by 2030 requires that HIV services should be available to all those who require them at times and locations that are convenient for them, through providers they have chosen either as integrated or standalone, depending on the target group perception of the role of these two models in mitigating stigma. This will necessitate the development of new approaches targeting underserved groups, such as traders in markets.
... Factors that informed the preferences for at-home HIVST among trans-women include the need for privacy and con dentiality, the cost associated with time and transportation, as well as avoidance of negative and stigmatizing experiences in healthcare facilities. Consistent with previous studies, our ndings suggest that concerns around the potential disclosure of HIV testing to unauthorized individuals in healthcare facilities can deter trans-women from seeking testing in healthcare facilities [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31]. Therefore, the potential for HIVST to provide transwomen the ability to test and interpret their results without interference from third parties drives interest in at-home HIVST. ...
... However, the prevailing culture of stigma toward the sexuality of AGYW has posed challenges to providing AGYW-friendly services that ensure their privacy. With rates of HIV testing and use of FPRH products remaining low, and concerns about privacy, stigma, and access reported as some of the biggest barriers to greater use of health center-based services [16][17][18], there is an urgent need to develop creative points of access tailored to the unique needs of AGYW. This study demonstrates the potential of engaging drug shops as partners to expand access to HIVST and FPRH information and products to AGYW in places such as Tanzania and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. ...
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Background Adolescent girls and young woman (AGYW) comprise a significant proportion of new HIV infections and unintended pregnancies in sub-Saharan Africa yet face many barriers to accessing family planning and reproductive health (FPRH) information and services. Developed via human-centered design, the Malkia Klabu (“Queen Club”) program aimed to facilitate access to HIV self-testing (HIVST) and FPRH information and products at privately-owned drug shops. We sought to understand barriers and facilitators to program implementation in a 4-month pilot in Tanzania. Methods Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants in a cluster randomized trial of the Malkia Klabu program from November 2019 through March 2020, including 11 with AGYW, 26 with drug shopkeepers, and three with counselors at health facilities to whom AGYW were referred. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed to identify key themes. The Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was used to assess barriers and facilitators to program implementation at multiple levels. CFIR considers the outer setting (e.g., culture and systemic conditions), the inner setting where the intervention is implemented (e.g., incentives, relationships, and available resources), the individuals involved, the innovation as it relates to stakeholder needs, and the implementation process. Results The Malkia Klabu program reshaped and directed the role of drug shopkeepers as providers of information and resources rather than FPRH gatekeepers. Key implementation facilitators included the program’s adaptability to a wide range of needs and stages of readiness among AGYW, ability to capitalize on AGYW social networks for driving membership, responsiveness to AGYW’s need for privacy, and positive contributions to the income and community standing of drug shopkeepers. Components such as HIVST were highly acceptable to both AGYW and shopkeepers, and the introduction of the loyalty program and HIVST kits in shops opened doors to the provision of FPRH products and information, which was further facilitated by program tools such as videos, product displays, and symbol cards. Although some shopkeepers maintained beliefs that certain contraceptive methods were inappropriate for AGYW, most appeared to provide the products as part of the program. Conclusions The Malkia Klabu intervention's success was due in part to its ability to address key motivations of both AGYW and drug shopkeepers, such as maintaining privacy and increasing access to FPRH products for AGYW and increasing business for shops. Better understanding these implementation barriers and facilitators can inform the program’s future adaptation and scale-up. Trial registration: #NCT04045912.
... Despite these benefits and the wider availability of HTS options and ART for HIV-infected patients, testing rates remain low in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) [7]. The low rates of HTS uptake in SSA are inextricably linked to stigma and discrimination related to HIV-positive results [8][9][10]. Health system barriers contributing to limited uptake, particularly in clinical settings, include fear of visibility, lack of confidentiality of HIV-positive test results [8], and a lack of privacy and waiting time to obtain a test result [11]. ...
... Peers help address psychological barriers to HIV testing including lack of confidentiality, stigma and discrimination [36]. User-friendly interventions, confidentiality and peer motivation have been shown to increase prevention uptake in other studies [37,38]. Our study suggests that peer navigation can help circumvent these barriers. ...
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Background: Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) account for 29% of new HIV infections in Uganda despite representing just 10% of the population. Peer support improves AGYW linkage to HIV care and medication adherence. We evaluated the feasibility and acceptability of peer delivered HIV self-tests (HIVST) and oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to young women in Uganda. Methods: Between March and September 2021, we conducted a pilot study of 30 randomly selected young women, aged 18-24 years, who had received oral PrEP for at least three months, but had suboptimal adherence as measured by urine tenofovir testing (< 1500 ng/ml). Participants were offered daily oral PrEP and attended clinic visits three and six months after enrollment. Between clinic visits, participants were visited monthly by trained peers who delivered HIVST and PrEP. Feasibility and acceptability of peer-delivered PrEP and HIVST (intervention) were measured by comparing actual versus planned intervention delivery and product use. We conducted two focus groups with young women, and five in-depth interviews with peers and health workers to explore their experiences with intervention delivery. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: At baseline, all 30 enrolled young women (median age 20 years) accepted peer-delivered PrEP and HIVST. Peer delivery visit completion was 97% (29/30) and 93% (28/30) at three and six months, respectively. The proportion of participants with detectable tenofovir in urine was 93% (27/29) and 57% (16/28) at months three and six, respectively. Four broad themes emerged from the qualitative data: (1) Positive experiences of peer delivered HIVST and PrEP; (2) The motivating effect of peer support; (3) Perceptions of female controlled HIVST and PrEP; and (4) Multi-level barriers to HIVST and PrEP use. Overall, peer delivery motivated young women to use HIVST and PrEP and encouraged persistence on PrEP by providing non-judgmental client-friendly services and adherence support. Conclusion: Peer delivery of HIVST and oral PrEP was feasible and acceptable to this sample of young women with suboptimal PrEP adherence in Uganda. Future larger controlled studies should evaluate its effectiveness among African AGWY.
... Furthermore, HIVST assures greater confidentiality of test results than at the health facility (9). Several studies have reported challenges with the uptake of HIVST including concern about the unreliability of tests and low literacy levels about HIVST (10), the anxiety of the repercussions of a reactive test result and the unaffordable cost of the self-test kits (7). Additional concerns raised regarding HIVST include the potential for coercion into taking a test (6). ...
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Introduction HIV self-testing at workplaces has the potential to reach men at risk of HIV infection with lower access to HIV testing services. While several studies have reported high uptake of HIV self-testing, linkage to HIV care following a positive result remains a challenge. This study, therefore, explored the motivators for and barriers to linkage to HIV care and treatment among men who returned positive results following workplace-based HIV self-testing. Methods A qualitative descriptive study, among men in private security services in Kampala district, Uganda. The men were eligible to participate if they were aged 18 to 60 years and had worked at the company for more than 6 months. Following HIV self-testing, participants with reactive (positive) self-test results were purposively sampled and engaged in key informant interviews. Inductive content analysis was employed to identify the motivators and barriers to the men's linkage to HIV treatment and care. Results Overall, 12 men participated in the study, of whom 9 (75%) were security guards, and the rest held management positions. The motivators for linkage to care coalesced under five categories. (i) Communication (open communication, phone reminders, consistent communication) (ii) Navigating health facility systems and processes (enabling health facility environment, easy access to health care, employing ART clinic counselors as part of the study team, health workers) (iii) Linkage support (linkage companions, referral forms, linkage facilitation, individualized linkage plan, pre-arranged clinic appointments) (iv) Psychosocial support (counseling sessions, family support, online and social media support, peer support) (v) workplace environment (employer's support, work schedules and policies). The barriers to linkage to HIV care included (i) Inflexible work schedules, (ii) Far distances to travel to access ART (iii) mandatory work transfers, (iv) disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, (v) Denial of HIV-positive results and (vi) fear of stigma and discrimination at health facilities. Conclusion The findings suggest the need for innovative interventions to facilitate regular follow-up and open communication with workplace-based HIV self-testers, to improve linkage to HIV care and treatment. Furthermore, initiating linkage plans during pre-test counseling and working in collaboration with health facilities and clinics may improve linkage to care.
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The study examined self-esteem, anxiety and gender as predictors of attitude towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS among undergraduates. The study utilizes purposive sampling technique to select 200 undergraduates. Self-esteem Scale (SS), Anxiety Scale (AS) and HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing Attitude Scale (HVCTS) were used for the study. The study adopted a predictive design and multiple linear regression analysis was used for data analysis.The result showed that the ages of the participants ranged from 17 to 28 years,with a mean age of 23. It equally showed that self-esteem had a mean score 24.50, anxiety had a mean score of 23.25, gender had a mean score of 14.10 and HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing had a mean score of 33.48. Furthermore, it showed that anxiety significantly predicted attitude of undergraduates towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS (t=0.030, p<.05), self-esteem significantly predicted attitude of undergraduates towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS (t=0.010, p<.05) but gender did not significantly predict attitude of undergraduates towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS (t=0.082, p<.05). The finding showed that self-esteem and anxiety significantly predicted the attitude of undergraduates towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS but gender of the undergraduates did not predict attitude towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS.
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Introduction. Le dépistage de l’infection par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) demeure lacunaire en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) car la stigmatisation, la discrimination et l’absence de confidentialité constituent des obstacles majeurs à l’accès aux systèmes traditionnels de dépistage. L’autotest VIH est une innovation ayant le potentiel de contourner ces obstacles, car il offre un moyen discret, pratique et habilitant de faire le test. L’objectif de ce travail était d’analyser l’implémentation de l’autotest VIH en termes d’acceptabilité, de praticabilité et de performances analytiques chez des utilisateurs profanes en vue de contribuer à la réduction de la transmission du VIH en RDC. Matériel et méthodes. Cette enquête multicentrique a été menée dans quatre villes de la RDC (Kinshasa, Kisangani, Kindu et Bunia) de 2016 à 2020. L’acceptabilité a été opérationnellement définie comme le consentement à utiliser l’autotest VIH fourni. La praticabilité a été définie par la réussite de la manipulation de l’autotest et l’interprétation correcte des résultats du test. Les performances analytiques consistaient à calculer la sensibilité (Se) et la spécificité (Sp) des kits d’autotest VIH. L’autotest sanguin Exacto HIV Test (Biosynex, France) et l’autotest à fluide gingival OraQuick HIV Self-test (OraSure, Etats-Unis) ont été utilisés dans cette étude. Résultats. Dans l’ensemble, l’autotest VIH était associé à un niveau très élevée (supérieure à 90%) d’acceptabilité. Les niveaux de réussite de la manipulation de l’autotest VIH étaient élevés (97 % à 99,8 %) et similaires pour les différents types d’autotest (sanguin : 97,0 % à 99,8 % ; à fluide gingival : 99,8 %) et les différentes approches de dispensation de l’autotest (directement assistée : 93,2 % à 99,8 % ; non-assistée : 93,2 %). Les niveaux d’interprétation correcte des résultats ont été généralement élevés (80,2 % à 95,1%). Cependant, les erreurs d’interprétation des résultats ont été majoritairement observées devant les résultats invalides, lors de l’utilisation de l’autotest VIH non-assisté, et chez les utilisateurs ayant un faible niveau éducationnel. Enfin, la sensibilité et la spécificité de l’autotest sanguin (Se : 99,6 % ; Sp : 100%) et de l’autotest à fluide gingival (Se : 99,2 % et Sp : 98,1 %) étaient élevées et similaires.Conclusion. Notre étude a démontré que l’autotest VIH est acceptable et pratique avec des niveaux élevés et satisfaisants de sensibilité et de spécificité chez les utilisateurs profanes en RDC. Pris ensemble, l’autotest VIH est une option utilisable qui pourrait être implémentée en RDC pour accroitre l’accès au dépistage du VIH.
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To achieve the UNAIDS target of diagnosing 95% of all persons living with HIV, enhanced HIV testing services with greater attractional value need to be developed and implemented. We conducted a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to quantify preferences for enhanced HIV testing features across two high-risk populations in the Kilimanjaro Region in northern Tanzania. We designed and fielded a survey with 12 choice tasks to systematically recruited female barworkers and male mountain porters. Key enhanced features included: testing availability on every day of the week, an oral test, integration of a general health check or an examination for sexually transmitted infections (STI) with HIV testing, and provider-assisted confidential partner notification in the event of a positive HIV test result. Across 300 barworkers and 440 porters surveyed, mixed logit analyses of 17,760 choices indicated strong preferences for everyday testing availability, health checks, and STI examinations. Most participants were averse to oral testing and confidential partner notification by providers. Substantial preference heterogeneity was observed within each risk group. Enhancing HIV testing services to include options for everyday testing, general health checks, and STI examinations may increase the appeal of HIV testing offers to high-risk populations. Trial registration: identifier: NCT02714140.
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Efforts to reduce Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) transmission through treatment rely on HIV testing programs that are acceptable to broad populations. Yet, testing preferences among diverse at-risk populations in Sub-Saharan Africa are poorly understood. We fielded a population-based discrete choice experiment (DCE) to evaluate factors that influence HIV-testing preferences in a low-resource setting. Using formative work, a pilot study, and pretesting, we developed a DCE survey with five attributes: distance to testing, confidentiality, testing days (weekday vs. weekend), method for obtaining the sample for testing (blood from finger or arm, oral swab), and availability of HIV medications at the testing site. Cluster-randomization and Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) sampling methodology were used to enroll 486 community members, ages 18-49, in an urban setting in Northern Tanzania. Interviewer-assisted DCEs, presented to participants on iPads, were administered between September 2012 and February 2013. Nearly three of five males (58%) and 85% of females had previously tested for HIV; 20% of males and 37% of females had tested within the past year. In gender-specific mixed logit analyses, distance to testing was the most important attribute to respondents, followed by confidentiality and the method for obtaining the sample for the HIV test. Both unconditional assessments of preferences for each attribute and mixed logit analyses of DCE choice patterns suggest significant preference heterogeneity among participants. Preferences differed between males and females, between those who had previously tested for HIV and those who had never tested, and between those who tested in the past year and those who tested more than a year ago. The findings suggest potentially significant benefits from tailoring HIV testing interventions to match the preferences of specific populations, including males and females and those who have never tested for HIV.
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Introduction Lack of universal, annual testing for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in health facilities suggests that expansion of HIV testing and counselling (HTC) to non-clinical settings is critical to the achievement of national goals for prevention, care and treatment. Consideration should be given to the ability of lay counsellors to perform home-based HTC in community settings. Methods We implemented a community cluster randomized controlled trial of home-based HTC in Sisonke District, South Africa. Trained lay counsellors conducted door-to-door HIV testing using the same rapid tests used by the local health department at the time of the study (SD Bioline and Sensa). To monitor testing quality and counsellor skill, additional dry blood spots were taken and sent for laboratory-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated using the laboratory result as the gold standard. Results and discussion From 3986 samples, the counsellor and laboratory results matched in all but 23 cases. In 18 cases, the counsellor judged the result as indeterminate, whereas the laboratory judged 10 positive, eight negative and three indeterminate, indicating that the counsellor may have erred on the side of caution. Sensitivity was 98.0% (95% CI: 96.3–98.9%), and specificity 99.6% (95% CI: 99.4–99.7%), for the lay counsellor field-based rapid tests. Both measures are high, and the lower confidence bound for specificity meets the international standard for assessing HIV rapid tests. Conclusions These findings indicate that adequately trained lay counsellors are capable of safely conducting high-quality rapid HIV tests and interpreting the results as per the kit guidelines. These findings are important given the likely expansion of community and home-based testing models and the shortage of clinically trained professional staff.
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In sub-Saharan Africa models of care need to adapt to support continued scale up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and retain millions in care. Task shifting, coupled with community participation has the potential to address the workforce gap, decongest health services, improve ART coverage, and to sustain retention of patients on ART over the long-term. The evidence supporting different models of community participation for ART care, or community-based ART, in sub-Saharan Africa, was reviewed. In Uganda and Kenya community health workers or volunteers delivered ART at home. In Mozambique people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) self-formed community-based ART groups to deliver ART in the community. These examples of community ART programs made treatment more accessible and affordable. However, to achieve success some major challenges need to be overcome: first, community programs need to be driven, owned by and embedded in the communities. Second, an enabling and supportive environment is needed to ensure that task shifting to lay staff and PLWHA is effective and quality services are provided. Finally, a long term vision and commitment from national governments and international donors is required. Exploration of the cost, effectiveness, and sustainability of the different community-based ART models in different contexts will be needed.
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Effective national and global HIV responses require a significant expansion of HIV testing and counselling (HTC) to expand access to prevention and care. Facility-based HTC, while essential, is unlikely to meet national and global targets on its own. This article systematically reviews the evidence for community-based HTC. PubMed was searched on 4 March 2013, clinical trial registries were searched on 3 September 2012, and Embase and the World Health Organization Global Index Medicus were searched on 10 April 2012 for studies including community-based HTC (i.e., HTC outside of health facilities). Randomised controlled trials, and observational studies were eligible if they included a community-based testing approach and reported one or more of the following outcomes: uptake, proportion receiving their first HIV test, CD4 value at diagnosis, linkage to care, HIV positivity rate, HTC coverage, HIV incidence, or cost per person tested (outcomes are defined fully in the text). The following community-based HTC approaches were reviewed: (1) door-to-door testing (systematically offering HTC to homes in a catchment area), (2) mobile testing for the general population (offering HTC via a mobile HTC service), (3) index testing (offering HTC to household members of people with HIV and persons who may have been exposed to HIV), (4) mobile testing for men who have sex with men, (5) mobile testing for people who inject drugs, (6) mobile testing for female sex workers, (7) mobile testing for adolescents, (8) self-testing, (9) workplace HTC, (10) church-based HTC, and (11) school-based HTC. The Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale and the Cochrane Collaboration's "risk of bias" tool were used to assess the risk of bias in studies with a comparator arm included in pooled estimates. 117 studies, including 864,651 participants completing HTC, met the inclusion criteria. The percentage of people offered community-based HTC who accepted HTC was as follows: index testing, 88% of 12,052 participants; self-testing, 87% of 1,839 participants; mobile testing, 87% of 79,475 participants; door-to-door testing, 80% of 555,267 participants; workplace testing, 67% of 62,406 participants; and school-based testing, 62% of 2,593 participants. Mobile HTC uptake among key populations (men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, female sex workers, and adolescents) ranged from 9% to 100% (among 41,110 participants across studies), with heterogeneity related to how testing was offered. Community-based approaches increased HTC uptake (relative risk [RR] 10.65, 95% confidence interval [CI] 6.27-18.08), the proportion of first-time testers (RR 1.23, 95% CI 1.06-1.42), and the proportion of participants with CD4 counts above 350 cells/µl (RR 1.42, 95% CI 1.16-1.74), and obtained a lower positivity rate (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.37-0.96), relative to facility-based approaches. 80% (95% CI 75%-85%) of 5,832 community-based HTC participants obtained a CD4 measurement following HIV diagnosis, and 73% (95% CI 61%-85%) of 527 community-based HTC participants initiated antiretroviral therapy following a CD4 measurement indicating eligibility. The data on linking participants without HIV to prevention services were limited. In low- and middle-income countries, the cost per person tested ranged from US$2-US$126. At the population level, community-based HTC increased HTC coverage (RR 7.07, 95% CI 3.52-14.22) and reduced HIV incidence (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.73-1.02), although the incidence reduction lacked statistical significance. No studies reported any harm arising as a result of having been tested. Community-based HTC achieved high rates of HTC uptake, reached people with high CD4 counts, and linked people to care. It also obtained a lower HIV positivity rate relative to facility-based approaches. Further research is needed to further improve acceptability of community-based HTC for key populations. HIV programmes should offer community-based HTC linked to prevention and care, in addition to facility-based HTC, to support increased access to HIV prevention, care, and treatment. International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42012002554 Please see later in the article for the Editors' Summary.
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The uptake of HIV testing and counselling services remains low in risk groups around the world. Fear of stigmatisation, discrimination and breach of confidentiality results in low service usage among risk groups. HIV self-testing (HST) is a confidential HIV testing option that enables people to find out their status in the privacy of their homes. We evaluated the acceptability of HST and the benefits and challenges linked to the introduction of HST. A literature review was conducted on the acceptability of HST in projects in which HST was offered to study participants. Besides acceptability rates of HST, accuracy rates of self-testing, referral rates of HIV-positive individuals into medical care, disclosure rates and rates of first-time testers were assessed. In addition, the utilisation rate of a telephone hotline for counselling issues and clients` attitudes towards HST were extracted. Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria (HST had been offered effectively to study participants and had been administered by participants themselves) and demonstrated universally high acceptability of HST among study populations. Studies included populations from resource poor settings (Kenya and Malawi) and from high-income countries (USA, Spain and Singapore). The majority of study participants were able to perform HST accurately with no or little support from trained staff. Participants appreciated the confidentiality and privacy but felt that the provision of adequate counselling services was inadequate. The review demonstrates that HST is an acceptable testing alternative for risk groups and can be performed accurately by the majority of self-testers. Clients especially value the privacy and confidentiality of HST. Linkage to counselling as well as to treatment and care services remain major challenges.
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Children in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) are the least touched by recent successes in the diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS globally. Early treatment is essential for a child's longer and higher quality of life; however, by 2011, only a small proportion of HIV-seropositive children in LMIC countries were receiving treatment, in part because of persisting low rates of diagnosis. This study of the prevalence and characteristics of children tested for HIV was embedded in the Coping with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania (CHAT) study in which HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative adults, and adults with unknown HIV status were asked about HIV testing for their children. Data were gathered from November 2009 to August 2010 during the scale-up of Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission and Early Infant Diagnosis programs in the region. Reports on 1776 children indicate that 31.7% of all children were reported to have been tested, including only 42.9% of children with an HIV-seropositive caregiver. In general, children more likely to be HIV tested were biological children of study participants, younger, of widowed adults, living in urban areas, and of HIV-seropositive parents/caregivers. Children belonging to the two indigenous tribes, Chagga and Pare, were more likely to be tested than those from other tribes. Rates of testing among children less than two years old were low, even for the HIV-seropositive caregiver group. The persistence of low testing rates is discussed in terms of the accessibility and acceptability of child testing in resource poor settings.
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HIV counselling and testing (HCT) services can play an important role in HIV prevention by encouraging safe sexual behaviours and linking HIV-infected clients to antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, regular repeat testing by high-risk HIV-negative individuals is important for timely initiation of ART as part of the 'treatment as prevention' approach. To investigate HCT use during a round of HIV serological surveillance in northwest Tanzania in 2010, and to explore rates of repeat testing between 2003 and 2010. HCT services were provided during the fourth, fifth and sixth rounds of serological surveillance in 2003-2004 (Sero-4), 2006-2007 (Sero-5) and 2010 (Sero-6). HCT services have also been available at a government-run health centre and at other clinics in the study area since 2005. Questionnaires administered during sero-surveys collected information on socio-demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and reported previous use of HCT services. The proportion of participants using HCT increased from 9.4% at Sero-4 to 16.6% at Sero-5 and 25.5% at Sero-6. Among participants attending all three sero-survey rounds (n = 2,010), the proportions using HCT twice or more were low, with 11.1% using the HCT service offered at sero-surveys twice or more, and 25.3% having tested twice or more if reported use of HCT outside of sero-surveys was taken into account. In multivariable analyses, individuals testing HIV-positive were less likely to repeat test than individuals testing HIV-negative (aOR 0.17, 95% CI 0.006-0.52). DISCUSSIONCONCLUSIONS: Although HCT service use increased over time, it was disappointing that the proportions ever testing and ever repeat-testing were not even larger, considering the increasing availability of HCT and ART in the study area. There was some evidence that HIV-negative people with higher risk sexual behaviours were most likely to repeat test, which was encouraging in terms of the potential to pick-up those at greatest risk of HIV-infection.
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Background Despite Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) being the epicenter of the HIV epidemic, uptake of HIV testing is not optimal. While qualitative studies have been undertaken to investigate factors influencing uptake of HIV testing, systematic reviews to provide a more comprehensive understanding are lacking. Methods Using Noblit and Hare’s meta-ethnography method, we synthesised published qualitative research to understand factors enabling and deterring uptake of HIV testing in SSA. We identified 5,686 citations out of which 56 were selected for full text review and synthesised 42 papers from 13 countries using Malpass’ notion of first-, second-, and third-order constructs. Results The predominant factors enabling uptake of HIV testing are deterioration of physical health and/or death of sexual partner or child. The roll-out of various HIV testing initiatives such as ‘opt-out’ provider-initiated HIV testing and mobile HIV testing has improved uptake of HIV testing by being conveniently available and attenuating fear of HIV-related stigma and financial costs. Other enabling factors are availability of treatment and social network influence and support. Major barriers to uptake of HIV testing comprise perceived low risk of HIV infection, perceived health workers’ inability to maintain confidentiality and fear of HIV-related stigma. While the increasingly wider availability of life-saving treatment in SSA is an incentive to test, the perceived psychological burden of living with HIV inhibits uptake of HIV testing. Other barriers are direct and indirect financial costs of accessing HIV testing, and gender inequality which undermines women’s decision making autonomy about HIV testing. Despite differences across SSA, the findings suggest comparable factors influencing HIV testing. Conclusions Improving uptake of HIV testing requires addressing perception of low risk of HIV infection and perceived inability to live with HIV. There is also a need to continue addressing HIV-related stigma, which is intricately linked to individual economic support. Building confidence in the health system through improving delivery of health care and scaling up HIV testing strategies that attenuate social and economic costs of seeking HIV testing could also contribute towards increasing uptake of HIV testing in SSA.
Decentralization of HIV care is promoted to improve access to antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. This study describes care transitions among HIV-infected persons in Northern Tanzania during a period of rapid decentralization of HIV care and treatment centers (CTCs) from hospitals to local health centers. Between November 2008 and June 2009, 492 HIV-infected patients in established care at two referral hospitals in Moshi, Tanzania, and 262 persons newly diagnosed with HIV were selected for participation in a prospective cohort study entitled Coping with HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. Clinical records and participant self-reports, collected between June and November 2012, were used to describe retention in care and transitions between CTCs during the study period. After a mean follow-up period of 3.5 years, 10% of participants had died, 9% were lost to follow-up, and 11% had moved. Of the remaining participants enrolled from CTCs, more than 90% reported at least one CTC visit during the previous six months, with 98% still in care at the CTC at which they were enrolled. Nearly three out of four newly diagnosed clients listed a referral hospital as their primary CTC. Fewer than 10% of participants ever sought care at another CTC in the study area; nearly 90% of those in care bypassed their closest CTC. Administrative data from all facilities in the study area indicate that new clients, even after the scale-up from 8 CTCs in 2006 to 21 CTCs in 2008, disproportionately selected established CTCs, and client volume at newly approved facilities was highly variable. Despite the decentralization of HIV care and treatment in this setting, many patients continue to bypass their closest CTC to seek care at established facilities. Patient preferences decentralized for HIV care, which may inform optimal resource utilization, are largely unknown and warrant further investigation.
Designed for introductory courses, this book strikes a balance between specific techniques and the underlying logic of social inquiry--the how-to and wherefore of research. Opening chapters illustrate the practicality of the study of research methods and the vital relationship between theory and research. Ensuing chapters follow the follow the ideal-typical research project--beginning with research design, measurement, and sampling, proceeding to data collection, and then to data processing and analysis. The authors focus on four major approaches to research--experimentation, survey research, field research, and the use of available data--and bring the material to life with numerous examples drawn from classic and current research. Advocating a multiple-methods strategy, the authors provide a full account of the benefits and drawbacks of using each approach, and describe the actual processes involved in conducting each.