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Motor Switching and Motor Adaptation Deficits Contribute to Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease


Abstract and Figures

Background. Patients with freezing of gait (FOG) have more difficulty with switching tasks as well as controlling the spatiotemporal parameters of gait than patients without FOG. Objective. To compare the ability of patients with and without FOG to adjust their gait to sudden speed switching and to prolonged walking in asymmetrical conditions. Methods. Gait characteristics of 10 freezers, 12 non-freezers, and 12 controls were collected during tied-belt conditions (3 and 4 km/h), motor switching and reswitching (increase of speed in one belt from 3 to 4 km/h and vice versa), and adaptation (adjustment to asymmetrical gait) and re-adaptation (returning to symmetrical gait) on a split-belt treadmill. Results. Following switching, freezers showed the largest increase of step length asymmetry (P = .001). All groups gradually adapted their gait to asymmetrical conditions, but freezers were slower and demonstrated larger final asymmetry than the other 2 groups (P = .001). After reswitching, freezers again showed the largest step length asymmetry (P = .01). During re-adaptation, both controls and non-freezers reached symmetrical levels, but freezers did not. Interestingly, only immediately after switching did one episode of FOG and one episode of festination occur in 2 different patients. Conclusions. Freezers have more difficulties adapting their gait during both suddenly triggered and continued gait speed asymmetry. The impaired ability of freezers during both switching and reswitching would suggest that they have an adaptive deficit rather than difficulties with asymmetry per se. Future work needs to address whether these adaptation problems can be ameliorated with rehabilitation. © The Author(s) 2014.
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Neurorehabilitation and Neural
The online version of this article can be found at:
DOI: 10.1177/1545968314545175
published online 21 November 2014Neurorehabil Neural Repair
Farshid Mohammadi, Sjoerd M. Bruijn, Griet Vervoort, Erwin E. van Wegen, Gert Kwakkel, Sabine Verschueren and Alice
Motor Switching and Motor Adaptation Deficits Contribute to Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease
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DOI: 10.1177/1545968314545175
Original Article
A considerable number of patients with Parkinson’s disease
(PD) suffer from freezing of gait (FOG), which is a dis-
abling clinical phenomenon characterized by a brief inabil-
ity to generate effective stepping despite the voluntary wish
to move.1 Recent neuroimaging work suggests that highly
integrated motor and cognitive functions of the basal gan-
glia and related frontal areas are differentially affected in
patients with FOG compared to those without.2,3 In addi-
tion, altered neural activity of the mesencephalic locomotor
region4,5 and white matter integrity changes in neurons con-
necting the mesencephalic locomotor region and frontal
cortical regions were found to be related to FOG.6,7
Behaviorally, freezers have more pronounced gait defi-
cits even during normal gait or more challenging situations
such as turning8 and walking through a doorway.9 However,
it is not clear to what extent these parameters are directly
related to FOG. FOG has been shown to occur more
frequently in situations that incur a progressive reduction in
step length10 and an increase of gait asymmetry.11 These
findings support the hypothesis that FOG can be induced by
several motor deficits that accumulate up to a freezing
Asymmetry has also been suggested to be one of the
potential triggers that could drive the motor system toward
545175NNRXXX10.1177/1545968314545175Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairMohammadi et al
1KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
2VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fujian, People’s
Republic of China
4VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Corresponding Author:
Alice Nieuwboer, PhD, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation,
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Tervuursevest
101 - Box 150, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Motor Switching and Motor Adaptation
Deficits Contribute to Freezing of Gait in
Parkinson’s Disease
Farshid Mohammadi, PhD1, Sjoerd M. Bruijn, PhD2,3, Griet Vervoort, MSc1,
Erwin E. van Wegen, PhD4, Gert Kwakkel, PhD4, Sabine Verschueren, PhD1,
and Alice Nieuwboer, PhD1
Background. Patients with freezing of gait (FOG) have more difficulty with switching tasks as well as controlling the
spatiotemporal parameters of gait than patients without FOG. Objective. To compare the ability of patients with and
without FOG to adjust their gait to sudden speed switching and to prolonged walking in asymmetrical conditions. Methods.
Gait characteristics of 10 freezers, 12 non-freezers, and 12 controls were collected during tied-belt conditions (3 and 4
km/h), motor switching and reswitching (increase of speed in one belt from 3 to 4 km/h and vice versa), and adaptation
(adjustment to asymmetrical gait) and re-adaptation (returning to symmetrical gait) on a split-belt treadmill. Results.
Following switching, freezers showed the largest increase of step length asymmetry (P = .001). All groups gradually adapted
their gait to asymmetrical conditions, but freezers were slower and demonstrated larger final asymmetry than the other
2 groups (P = .001). After reswitching, freezers again showed the largest step length asymmetry (P = .01). During re-
adaptation, both controls and non-freezers reached symmetrical levels, but freezers did not. Interestingly, only immediately
after switching did one episode of FOG and one episode of festination occur in 2 different patients. Conclusions. Freezers
have more difficulties adapting their gait during both suddenly triggered and continued gait speed asymmetry. The impaired
ability of freezers during both switching and reswitching would suggest that they have an adaptive deficit rather than
difficulties with asymmetry per se. Future work needs to address whether these adaptation problems can be ameliorated
with rehabilitation.
Parkinson’s disease, freezing, split-belt treadmill
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2 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
FOG,11 as FOG frequently happens during motor tasks that
require locomotor asymmetry, such as turning,8 initiating
gait,13 and avoiding an obstacle.14 Fasano et al15 reported
direct evidence supporting the role of asymmetry in FOG.
They found that decreasing between-limb asymmetry
through a 50% reduction of subthalamic nucleus stimula-
tion voltage for the least affected limb led to reduced FOG
duration and frequency. In addition, increasing asymmetry
increased FOG duration. However, it was not clear in how
many patients FOG was provoked in this fashion. Therefore,
the direct contribution of imposing asymmetrical gait
demands needs further clarification.
A split-belt treadmill, in which 2 belts can move at the
same or different speeds, offers a controlled means to simu-
late asymmetrical tasks such as turning. It also allows the
time-varying speed manipulations to resemble the gait
demands encountered in daily life. Finally, it enables study-
ing the ability of participants to respond to switching, asym-
metry, and gait adaptation.16 During the immediate switch
to asymmetrical conditions, relative shortening of step
length of the limb on the faster belt occurs in healthy con-
trols.17 Freezers were observed in the clinical setting to have
difficulty altering their locomotor system according to sud-
den changes in the environment (ie, set-shifting).18 This was
confirmed in a treadmill study in which sudden obstacles
elicited short FOG episodes.14 Furthermore, cognitive set-
shifting deficits were specifically associated with FOG
severity18 but not to PD severity.19 Motor switching while
adapting to gait speed changes in a recent study on the split-
belt surprisingly did not show overt gait difficulties in
freezers compared to non-freezers.20 These negative results
may be due to averaging and pooling of the epochs in which
switching occurred and low belt speeds. Therefore, the first
aim of the current study was to test whether freezers adjust
their gait differently following sudden switching from
steady walking to an asymmetrical gait. We hypothesized
that switching would lead to impaired scaling of step length
and larger asymmetry in freezers than in non-freezers.
The second aim of the current study was to investigate
gait adaptation in response to prolonged asymmetrical load
on the gait pattern. Previous studies showed that this gradual
gait adaptation on split-belt might be dependent on the
cerebellum.17 This concurs with recent suggestions that the
cerebellum may exert an important compensatory role dur-
ing motor adaptation in PD.21,22 In addition, reduced struc-
tural connectivity between the cerebellum and other cortical
centers has been reported in freezers.7 Therefore, we hypoth-
esized that asymmetrical walking would lead to greater gait
asymmetry in freezers than in non-freezers. In line with this,
we also expected that re-adaptation is differentially affected
in freezers. Finally, through analyzing the relationship
between clinical measures and adaptive ability, we aimed to
gain insight into the gait adaptation difficulties in PD.
Materials and Methods
The study was approved by the local medical ethics com-
mittee of KU Leuven, and all participants gave their writ-
ten informed consent before the experiment. Twenty-two
patients with idiopathic PD, including 10 freezers and 12
non-freezers and 12 age-matched controls were studied,
who met the following inclusion criteria: patients had to
be diagnosed based on the UK Parkinson’s Disease Brain
Bank Criteria23 by a neurologist. The exclusion criteria
for the patients were other neuromuscular disorders, the
inability to walk independently on the treadmill for 12
consecutive minutes while OFF medication and a score
below 24 on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)
for both patients and controls. Freezers were defined by a
score equal to 1 on item 1 of the New Freezing of Gait
Questionnaire (N-FOGQ).24 Freezing episodes were con-
firmed during previous gait tests in OFF in the laboratory
in all cases. The severity of clinical symptoms of PD
patients was assessed according to the Hoehn & Yahr rat-
ing scale (H&Y)25 and Unified Parkinson Disease Rating
Scale (UPDRS) III.26 In order to characterize the execu-
tive function of participants, we administered the
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)27 and the audi-
tory Stroop task to specifically probe set-shifting abili-
ties. The latter task consisted of a high or low pitched
voice saying the words “high” or “low” in Dutch. Subjects
were required to indicate the pitch of the voice and to
ignore the word said. Hence, the auditory Stroop required
switching from congruent (identical pitch and word) to
incongruent (different pitch and word do not match) stim-
uli.16,28 Verbal responses to the Stroop task were recorded
by a microphone attached to a headphone worn while sit-
ting. All clinical motor and
cognitive testing was carried out in the morning OFF
medication, after at least 12-hour withdrawal from anti-
Parkinsonian medications. The side with the highest
UPDRS III score was determined as the disease-dominant
side. For controls, we used the non-dominant limb as a
comparison, determined by response to the question,
“Which leg would you use to kick a soccer ball?”
The paradigm consisted of walking on a split-belt treadmill
(Motek Forcelink, Culemborg, The Netherlands). The belts
were moving either at the same (tied-belt) or different
speeds (split-belt). Before measurement, retroreflective
markers were placed bilaterally on the lateral malleoli. A
10-camera Vicon 3D motion analysis system (Vicon Nexus,
Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) captured the position of the
markers at a rate of 100 Samples/second. Three-dimensional
by guest on November 23, 2014nnr.sagepub.comDownloaded from
Mohammadi et al 3
ground reaction forces were sampled at 1000 samples/sec-
ond through sensors embedded in the treadmill. For safety
reasons, all participants wore a harness around the upper
chest, which was mounted to the ceiling to prevent falls.
The harness did not support bodyweight nor interfered with
Before data collection, subjects were asked to walk on
the treadmill for 2 minutes (at 3 km/h) to allow familiariza-
tion. They were not given any practice on the split-belt
configuration. Subjects were instructed to look straight
ahead and lift their hands off the rail.
Figure 1A shows step lengths of a control subject during
6 testing conditions (each lasting 2 minutes): (1) slow tied-
belt condition (3 km/h); (2) split-belt walking following an
abrupt increase in speed of one side in a random manner to 4
km/h (speed switching), while the other belt still moved at 3
km/h to induce asymmetry and the adaptation to this speed
(adaptation phase); (3) tied belts at 3 km/h (reswitching) for
Figure 1. (A) Time course for the experimental paradigm showing the different tied- and split-belt conditions in a representative
control subject. The y-axis represents step lengths of the 2 legs (non-dominant leg in black and dominant leg in gray) during different
conditions, and the x-axis shows the number of strides over time. The paradigm consisted of testing periods of 2 minutes, including
slow tied-belt, speed switching, adaptation, speed reswitching, re-adaptation, and fast tied-belt conditions for the 2 legs. During the
first speed switching, the belt speed of the non-dominant leg (in black) increased from 3 km/h to 4 km/h and then returned to 3
km/h after reswitching. During the second speed switching, the belt speed of the dominant leg (in gray) increased from 3 km/h to 4
km/h and then returned to 3 km/h after reswitching. (B) Illustration of the method to calculate step length and limb excursion during
switching. Step length is calculated as the anterior–posterior distance between the ankle markers at foot strike of each leg. Limb
excursion is calculated as the anterior–posterior distance traveled by the ankle marker from foot contact to foot off within the same leg.
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4 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
2 minutes (re-adaptation phase); (4, 5) the same adaptation
and re-adaptation sequences for the other leg; (6) fast tied-
belt condition (4 km/h). The 3 to 4 km/h speed contrast
proved sufficiently challenging to destabilize gait as was
determined during a pilot study. One freezer and one non-
freezer were unable to sustain walking at the 4 km/h speed.
For these subjects (and their matched healthy control), tread-
mill speeds were reduced to 2 and 3 km/h.
Outcome Variables
Gait events (foot strike and foot off) were detected from the
center of pressure trajectories.29 Limb excursion (the split-belt
treadmill-based estimate of stride length30) was calculated as
the anterior-posterior distance traveled by the ankle marker
from foot contact to foot off within the same leg, in the lab
reference frame. Step length was determined as the anterior-
posterior distance (in the lab reference frame) between the
ankle markers at foot strike of each leg (Figure 1B). Step
length asymmetry, suggested to be the most sensitive measure
of adaptation to split-belt walking,31,32 was calculated as
Right step lengthleftsteplength
Right step lengthleftstepleng
Values of zero mean symmetrical walking.31,32 For split-
belt walking conditions, step length asymmetry, corrected
for tied-belt asymmetry, was calculated as
Fast step lengthslowsteplength
Fast step lengthslowsteplength
Step time asymmetry was calculated in the same manner.
For tied-belt walking conditions, we calculated the mean of
all of these variables over the entire condition, as well as the
coefficient of variation (CV) (standard deviation/mean ×
100) of limb excursion. The mean values of the 2 legs were
used for analysis. To study the switching behavior, we calcu-
lated the difference between the mean of the last 5 strides of
tied-belt walking (3 km/h) and the mean of the first 5 strides
of switching/reswitching condition. In addition, to analyze
the time series of adaptation and re-adaptation conditions,
epochs of 10 strides were compared between groups and con-
ditions. For Stroop performance, the error rate (number of
incorrect responses/number of inputs × 100) was calculated
based on manual analysis of the audiotapes by an indepen-
dent tester for congruent and incongruent responses sepa-
rately. All other calculations were done using custom-made
Matlab programs (Mathworks, Natick, MA).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 19.0. Sets of one-way
analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to analyze differ-
ences in age and cognitive function between the 3 groups.
Independent t-tests were used to compare disease severity
and duration and falls between PD subgroups.
Differences between groups in tied-belt walking condi-
tions were assessed using 3 × 2 (Group × Speed) repeated-
measures ANOVAs. To test the switching behavior, 2
separate (for the 2 legs) 3 × 3 (Group × Condition, ie, tied-
belt, switching, and reswitching) repeated-measures
ANOVAs were performed for each outcome. To assess dif-
ferences in adaptation and re-adaptation between groups,
time series of step length and time asymmetry were divided
into epochs of 10 strides (10 epochs per condition) for each
subject. Two separate (for adaptation and re-adaptation)
Group × Epoch repeated-measures ANOVAs were used.
Tukey’s post hoc testing was used for multiple comparisons
when appropriate. As an exploratory analysis, paired t-tests
with Bonferroni corrections were performed to compare the
values between the most and least impaired legs of patients
during split-belt walking. We also compared the differences
in step length asymmetry at the end of adaptation and re-
adaptation with slow tied-belt speed between PD groups
using independent t tests. Spearman correlations were used
to assess the relationship between gait measures and clinical
parameters. The α level was set at .05 to determine statistical
significance, except when using Bonferroni corrections.
There were no statistically significant differences between
the groups in terms of age and overall cognitive function
(MMSE and MoCA; see Table 1). In addition, freezers and
non-freezers were matched for disease severity (UPDRS III
OFF) and disease duration. There were no significant dif-
ferences between the groups in Stroop performance.
Freezers had significantly more falls during the last 6
months, compared to non-freezers (P = .02).
Tied-Belt Conditions and Effect of Walking
Freezers walked with significantly smaller mean and higher
variability of limb excursion and larger asymmetry than
non-freezers, and non-freezers than controls in both speeds
(P < .05). Increasing speed decreased the variability of limb
excursion only in freezers (P = .01) and non-freezers (P =
.02). Step length asymmetry showed a significant decrease
with increasing walking speed only in freezers (P = .03).
Split-Belt Conditions: Sudden Switching and
Step length asymmetry was negative after the switch, due to
shorter step lengths of the fast leg. After reswitching, values
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Mohammadi et al 5
became positive, as the fast leg took longer steps. The
changes of asymmetry during both switching and reswitch-
ing were significantly larger in freezers (significant group
by condition interaction, P = .001) compared to non-
freezers (P = .001), and in non-freezers compared to con-
trols (P = .03).
Figure 2 shows the difference between the average limb
excursions for the last 5 strides of tied-belt walking and the
first 5 strides after the switch to split-belt condition (Figure
2A) and reswitch to tied-belt walking (Figure 2B). The
increase in excursion after switching was smaller in freezers
(significant group by condition interaction, P < .05), com-
pared to non-freezers (P = .001), and in non-freezers com-
pared to controls (P = .04). Following reswitching, freezers
had a larger decrease in excursion, compared to non-freezers
(P = .01), and non-freezers, compared to controls (P = .03).
Freezers had a greater decrease in limb excursions of the
contralateral (slow) leg compared to non-freezers and controls
(both P < .05). The exploratory analysis of the effect of
disease-dominance on these results revealed that the differ-
ences between the 2 limbs did not survive Bonferroni correc-
tions. There were no significant differences between step time
asymmetry of the groups during switching and reswitching.
Gait Adaptation During Asymmetrical Gait and
Re-Adaptation to Tied-Belt Condition
Figure 3 shows that freezers had a slower adaptation of step
length asymmetry following the switch to split-belt walking
compared to the reference groups and recovered symmetry
slower (significant interaction of group by epoch, P = .001).
Freezers had larger asymmetry for all epochs compared to
the other 2 groups (P = .001), but the asymmetry of controls
and non-freezers was only different for the first 4 epochs (P =
During re-adaptation, as can be seen in Figure 4, there
was a significant interaction of group by epoch (P = .001).
Freezers had larger asymmetry for all epochs compared to
the other 2 groups (P = .001), but there were also significant
differences between asymmetry values of controls and non-
freezers for the first 3 epochs (P = .01).
Exploratory analysis of the effect of disease-
dominance on the results did not survive Bonferroni
corrections in any of the epochs. In the freezer group,
differences in step length asymmetry at the end of adap-
tation and re-adaptation phases with tied-belt value were
larger than in non-freezers (P = .01 and P = .03, respec-
tively). There were no significant between-group differ-
ences for step time asymmetry during adaptation and
Relationship Between Gait Measures and
Clinical Parameters
A significant positive correlation was found between
changes in step length asymmetry following switching
and UPDRS III scores in all patients (r = .45, P = .03) and
FOGQ scores in freezers (r = .56, P = .02). Higher FOGQ
scores were also related to larger asymmetry values at the
end of adaptation (r = .72, P < .001). There was a strong
correlation between the retropulsion test (item 30 of
UPDRS III, a routine measure of postural instability) in all
patients with PD and step length asymmetry following
switching (r = .75, P < .001), indicating that worse perfor-
mance on the pull test (higher scores) are associated with
larger step length asymmetry. There was no significant
correlation between switching parameters and MoCA or
Stroop scores.
Freezing Episodes
One patient experienced FOG (Figure 5A) and another one
had a festination episode (Figure 5B), immediately after
speed switching from 3 to 4 km/h for the most affected leg.
Interestingly, the patients who showed these abnormalities
also had larger increases of step length asymmetry (0.19
and 0.29) following switching compared to the other freez-
ers (0.16 ± 0.04).
Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of 10
Freezers, 12 Non-freezers, and 12 Controls (Mean and Standard
Parameter Controls Non-freezers Freezers P Value
Age (years) 61.9 (6.2) 62.5 (7.4) 60.4 (5.4) .34
Gender (male/
8/4 8/4 8/2 N/A
Disease duration
N/A 11.9 (4.8) 14.6 (5.7) .20
H&Y OFF (II/III) N/A 8/4 4/6 N/A
N/A 34.6 (10.5) 38.1 (7.8) .67
Postural instability
subscale (0-4)
N/A 0.8 (0.4) 1.2 (1.1) .19
side (right/left)
N/A 4/8 4/6 N/A
NFOG-Q (0-28) N/A 0 20.1 (5.4) N/A
MMSE (0-30) 28.8 (1.0) 27.8 (1.2) 27.6 (1.8) .44
MoCA (0-30) 28.0 (0.9) 26.8 (2.3) 26.5 (2.5) .26
Error rate of
Stroop (%)
13.03 (25.05) 19.10 (27.77) 8.58 (3.40) 0.228
Error rate of
Stroop (%)
18.94 (26.15) 26.57 (30.36) 12.18 (18.62) 0.442
Falls during the
last 6 months
N/A 0.3 (0.9) 3.2 (2.9) .02a
Abbreviations: H&Y, Hoehn & Yahr Rating Scale; UPDRS III, Part III of the Unified
Parkinson Disease Rating Scale; NFOG-Q, New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire;
MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MoCA, Montreal Cognitive Assessment;
N/A, not applicable; Postural instability subscale, Retropulsion test, Item 30 of
aGroups significantly different using Mann–Whitney U test.
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6 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
The novel finding of our study was that freezers modified
their gait less well when responding to immediate switching
of gait speed at one belt, compared to non-freezers and con-
trols. Freezers also had a slower adaptation during split-belt
walking and the following tied-belt walking than the other
groups. Based on these results, we propose that freezers
have a primary switching deficit as reduced switching per-
formance was correlated to the severity of freezing and
induced festination and freezing. In addition, switching
problems may be exacerbated by the inability to adapt gait
Figure 2. Differences in limb excursion between the last 5 strides of tied-belt walking and the first 5 strides after switching (A)/
reswitching (B) and the changes in the other legs in freezers, non-freezers, and healthy controls. The mean values of the changes for
the most and least affected legs of patients and dominant and non-dominant legs of controls were shown. Vertical bars represent
standard error of measurements. *Significant difference at P < .05, **Significant difference at P < .01, ***Significant difference at P < .001.
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Mohammadi et al 7
with time, which in turn may contribute to more variable
and asymmetrical gait during tied-belt walking in freezers
compared to non-freezers.
Sudden Switching and Reswitching
Tied-belt conditions induced gait abnormalities that were
more prominent in freezers than in non-freezers, as has
been reported before.11,20 In this study, we aimed to com-
pare how PD subgroups adjust their gait following speed
switching while they were unaware of the upcoming switch,
causing an automatic gait perturbation. Motor switching
from tied to split-belt walking caused a rapid adjustment of
gait in all groups. These modifications were previously
reported in healthy elderly, young subjects, stroke patients,
and patients with cerebellar deficits.17,31,32 However, as we
Figure 4. Step length asymmetry during re-adaptation period in freezers, non-freezers, and healthy controls. Data are represented
by means of the 2 re-adaptation conditions. Values greater than zero mean longer step lengths of the fast leg. Vertical bars represent
standard error of measurements.
Figure 3. Step length asymmetry during adaptation period in freezers, non-freezers, and healthy controls. Data are represented
by means of the 2 adaptation conditions. Values smaller than zero mean shorter step lengths of the fast leg. Vertical bars represent
standard error of measurements.
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8 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
hypothesized, freezers showed a more severe switching
impairment compared to the other 2 groups. Earlier studies
in the cognitive domain indicated switching deficits under
time pressure to be more pronounced in freezers than in
non-freezers. This was interpreted as a primary deficit of
automatic response processing, which did not allow timely
compensation by more consciously generated executive
responses.28 Interestingly in the current study, freezers and
Figure 5. (A) Example of a freezing episode with a nearly complete loss of step length. Data are shown from a trial in which speed
switching from symmetric walking to split-belt walking for the most affected leg (in gray) provoked a freezing episode. The freezing
episode caused a reduction of step length below 50% of the normal step length for both most affected and least affected (in black)
legs. (B) Example of festination gait after the switch from symmetric walking to split-belt walking for the most affected leg (in gray).
The pattern was maintained during the whole adaptation period without any improvement of step length asymmetry. The patient
showed a reduction of step length below 50% of the normal step length for the most affected leg.
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Mohammadi et al 9
non-freezers performed similarly on the MoCA and Stroop
test, suggesting that cognitive set-shifting, a component of
executive function, was similar in both groups. In addition,
the split-belt switching outcomes were not correlated with
MoCA and Stroop scores, suggesting that the main problem
of freezers was motor switching and independent of cogni-
tive function. Structural and functional disconnections
between frontostriatal pathways in freezers may reduce
freezers’ ability to keep the ongoing motor responses on-
line while adjusting the motor program, resulting in inflex-
ibility to shift from one response set to another.2,6,18 The
work of Shine et al33,34 demonstrated in a virtual reality
functional magnetic resonance imaging study that imposing
high versus low cognitive load in freezers overloaded the
information processing capacity of neural networks in
freezers. This lead to breakdown of motor function, which
was not apparent in non-freezers. These results were inter-
preted as associated with the diminished neural reserve in
freezers, as evidenced by a functional decoupling between
the basal ganglia and the cognitive control networks.34
Earlier split-belt treadmill studies in healthy controls
interpreted the adjustments following speed switching as
modifications of the postural control system.17,32,35,36 As
freezers did not differ in clinical characteristics from their
non-freezing counterparts, except for frequency of falling,
differences between groups may also be explained by the
reduced capacity for postural adjustment in freezers, which
was previously shown during sudden obstacle appearance14
or sudden changes to platform perturbations.37 Correlation
analysis confirmed a strong association between the switch-
ing deficit and the retropulsion test in the patients. Both the
basal ganglia38 and structures at brain stem level have been
reported to be involved in modulating postural adjustment
and gait control.39 In a recent study, Nonnekes et al40 found
a deficient automatic release of motor responses during the
StartReact test in both gait initiation and ankle dorsiflexion
in freezers only. They suggested that FOG could be due to
dysfunctional pontomedullary reticular formation networks
in conjunction with the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN),
involved in integrating anticipatory postural adjustments
with a subsequent stepping response. Furthermore, it was
proposed that time-varying gait demands, such as the
switching task in this study, would further increase the com-
putational load on these structures, leading up to gait break-
down. Hence, the possible neural mechanisms underlying
the observed differences could be the differentially altered
neural activity in these brainstem regions in freezers versus
non-freezers, which is in line with recent neuroimaging
Adaptation and Re-Adaptation
We also aimed to compare gait adaptation of PD sub-
groups in response to asymmetrical walking and the
following symmetrical gait. The results confirmed our
hypothesis that the ability to adapt the gait pattern would
be different for freezers during both phases, although
reverting back to symmetrical tied-belt gait was less
severely affected.
The reduced ability to adjust gait during both adaptation
and re-adaptation in split-belt paradigms has traditionally
been ascribed to functions of the cerebellum.17,32 A recent
review suggested that altered cerebellar activity is impli-
cated as part of the compensatory networks to generate
movement in patients with PD.21 Besides, the cerebellum
and its projections to the brainstem and basal ganglia are
also thought to be part of the so-called indirect gait pathway
involved in modulating complex gait.22 The deficient gait
adaptation found in freezers could be related to reduced
structural connectivity between the brainstem (PPN in par-
ticular) and the cerebellum,7 which was recently highlighted
using diffusion tensor imaging.6 Alternatively, the greater
adaptation difficulties in freezers could be interpreted as a
greater reliance on cerebellar compensatory function, which
may have reached a ceiling effect earlier in freezers than in
Nanhoe-Mahabier et al20 reported increased stride time
variability during split-belt walking for freezers, but no dif-
ferences in spatial measures between PD subgroups. These
discrepant results may be explained by differences in calcu-
lating the gait parameters and the fact that they excluded the
first 30 seconds of switching and analyzed the 10 consecu-
tive strides. It has been suggested that at least 50 consecu-
tive steps are needed to have an accurate measure of gait
variability.41 Furthermore, variability is not a greatly useful
measure in split-belt walking, when the mean is slowly
changing. Although freezers and non-freezers were well-
matched for disease severity in this study, their patients had
lower UPDRS scores and the freezers had lower NFOG-Q
scores compared to the patients in the current study.
Roemmich et al36 investigated long-term adaptation and
aftereffects during split-belt conditions of patients with PD
in the ON state (the slow speed was 50% of the fast speed).
PD patients and their matched controls adapted their gait in
the same manner as reported in the current study. However,
patients did not improve their gait asymmetry as in our
study, which may reflect medication state and different dis-
ease profiles.
In this study, FOG episodes were rare, which is not an
uncommon finding in FOG research in general1,42 and dur-
ing treadmill walking in particular.14,20 Low freezing rates
may be due to the fact that the treadmill acted as an external
pacemaker.43 Also, split-belt walking is different from real
asymmetric gait during turning, which requires head and
trunk rotation to achieve a directional change.20 It is of note
that the episodes could be predicted by the response to
switching, in that patients with greater adaptive difficulties
also tended to have FOG.
by guest on November 23, 2014nnr.sagepub.comDownloaded from
10 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
Our results may have implications for rehabilitation of
freezers. Split-belt treadmill training has been used to
improve symmetry in stroke patients.17 The authors found
that this improvement maintained with repeated exposures
and partially transferred to over-ground walking.44 Such a
training protocol could be used for freezers as it may
enhance the perception of leg speed and remedy gait asym-
metry. Repetitive exposure to a split-belt treadmill may also
be helpful to facilitate rapid adjustments and gait adaptation
to novel situations. In addition, this form of implicit error-
based motor learning could enhance the involvement of the
cerebellum. These suppositions warrant further research.
Concluding, the results of the current study showed that
fast switching to asymmetrical walking was more affected
in patients with FOG compared to their non-freezing coun-
terparts. Although it is difficult to distinguish between
switching deficits and asymmetry problems in our study (as
switching and asymmetrical walking happened simultane-
ously), the results strongly suggest that switching is a pri-
mary deficit in freezers. In addition, freezers showed more
difficulty with slow gait adaptation to asymmetrical walk-
ing. These results are robust as subgroups were matched for
disease severity and cognitive ability. The findings point to
future rehabilitation interventions targeting these switching
deficits using split-belt training.
The authors would like to thank Jasper Van der Donck, Aniek
Bengevoord, and Pieter Ginis for their help with data collection.
With great sadness we want to acknowledge the death of Farshid
Mohammadi, the main author of this paper, on the 23rd of August
2014. He was a much appreciated colleague.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) received the following financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research
was funded by the European Commission through MOVE-AGE, an
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Program (2011-2015), awarded to
Alice Nieuwboer, Gert Kwakkel and Erwin E. van Wegen.
Additional support for this study was provided through a grant from
the Research Council of KU Leuven, Belgium (contract OT/11/091).
Sjoerd M. Bruijn was supported by an F.W.O grant (G.0901.11) to
J. Duysens, and a grant from the Netherlands Organization for
Scientific Research (NOW#451-12-041).
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by guest on November 23, 2014nnr.sagepub.comDownloaded from
... People with Parkinson's disease (PD) have wellknown difficulties with automatically adjusting their gait to challenging and asymmetrical conditions such as turning. [1][2][3] Turning often triggers freezing of gait (FOG), which is highly associated with falls, 4 immobility, and reduced quality of life. [5][6][7] Levodopa treatment is only partially effective in ameliorating gait difficulties in PD, 8 pointing to the complex interactions between dopaminergic, noradrenergic, and cholinergic neurotransmitters involved in gait control. ...
... Previous studies found that particularly patients with FOG showed impaired adaptation to SBT-conditions. 2,17 However, when comparing mild PD to healthy controls a very similar adaptive ability was found. 18 This largely preserved response may be explained by the fact that the so-called "fine-tuning" locomotor network, including the frontoparietal cortex and the cerebellum, is relatively spared in PD taking on a compensatory role. ...
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Background: Gait deficits in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) are triggered by circumstances requiring gait adaptation. The effects of gait adaptation training on a split-belt treadmill (SBT) are unknown in PD. Objective: We investigated the effects of repeated SBT versus tied-belt treadmill (TBT) training on retention and automaticity of gait adaptation and its transfer to over-ground walking and turning. Methods: We recruited 52 individuals with PD, of whom 22 were freezers, in a multi-center randomized single-blind controlled study. Training consisted of 4 weeks of supervised treadmill training delivered three times per week. Tests were conducted pre- and post-training and at 4-weeks follow-up. Turning (primary outcome) and gait were assessed over-ground and during a gait adaptation protocol on the treadmill. All tasks were performed with and without a cognitive task. Results: We found that SBT-training improved gait adaptation with moderate to large effects sizes (P < 0.02) compared to TBT, effects that were sustained at follow-up and during dual tasking. However, better gait adaptation did not transfer to over-ground turning speed. In both SBT- and TBT-arms, over-ground walking and Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale III (MDS-UPDRS-III scores were improved, the latter of which reached clinically meaningful effects in the SBT-group only. No impact was found on freezing of gait. Conclusion: People with PD are able to learn and retain the ability to overcome asymmetric gait-speed perturbations on a treadmill remarkably well, but seem unable to generalize these skills to asymmetric gait off-treadmill. Future study is warranted into gait adaptation training to boost the transfer of complex walking skills.
... Three distinct phenomenological types of FOG have been identified in previous studies (5,33): asymmetric-motor, sensory-attention, and anxious freezing. Asymmetric motor freezing occurs mainly during turning, movement initiation, or when walking through narrow passages (5,(33)(34)(35). Sensory attentive freezing is often a result of walking in the dark, walking through an unorganized space, or when the surface is sloped (5,33). ...
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Background Freezing of Gait (FOG) is a motor symptom frequently observed in advanced Parkinson’s disease. However, due to its paroxysmal nature and diverse presentation, assessing FOG in a clinical setting can be challenging. Before FOG can be fully investigated, it is critical that a reliable experimental setting is established in which FOG can be evoked in a standardized manner, but the efficacy of various gait tasks and triggers for eliciting FOG remains unclear. Objectives This study aimed to conduct a systematic review of the existing literature and evaluate the available evidence for the relationship between specific motor tasks, triggers, and FOG episodes in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD). Methods We conducted a literature search on four online databases (PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library) using the keywords “Parkinson’s disease,” “Freezing of Gait”, “triggers” and “tasks”. A total of 128 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in our analysis. Results The review found that a wide range of gait tasks were employed in studies assessing FOG among PD patients. However, three tasks (turning, dual tasking, and straight walking) emerged as the most frequently used. Turning (28%) appears to be the most effective trigger for eliciting FOG in PwPD, followed by walking through a doorway (14%) and dual tasking (10%). Conclusion This review thereby supports the utilisation of turning, especially a 360-degree turn, as a reliable trigger for FOG in PwPD. This finding could be beneficial to clinicians conducting clinical evaluations and researchers aiming to assess FOG in a laboratory environment.
... Three distinct phenomenological types of FOG have been identified in previous studies [5,39]: asymmetric-motor, sensory-attention, and anxious freezing. Asymmetric motor freezing occurs mainly during turning, movement initiation, or when walking through narrow passages [5,[39][40][41]. Sensory attentive freezing is often a result of walking in the dark, walking through an unorganized space, or when the surface is sloped [5,39]. ...
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Background: Freezing of Gait (FOG) is a motor symptom frequently observed in advanced Parkinson's disease. However, due to its paroxysmal nature and diverse presentation, assessing FOG in a clinical setting can be challenging. Before FOG can be fully investigated, it is critical that a reliable experimental setting is established in which FOG can be evoked in a standardised manner, but the efficacy of various gait tasks and triggers for eliciting FOG remains unclear. Objectives: This study aimed to conduct a systematic review of the existing literature and evaluate the available evidence for the relationship between specific motor tasks, triggers, and FOG episodes in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PwPD). Methods: We conducted a literature search on four online databases (PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library) using the keywords "Parkinson's disease," "Freezing of Gait," and "triggers." A total of 128 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in our analysis. Results: The review found that a wide range of gait tasks were employed in gait assessment studies on PD patients. However, three tasks (turning, dual tasking, and straight walking) were the most frequently used. Turning (28%) appears to be the most effective trigger for eliciting FOG in PwPD, followed by walking through a doorway (14%) and dual tasking (10%). Conclusions: This review thereby supports the use of turning especially 360 degrees as a reliable trigger for FOG in PwPD. This could be beneficial to clinicians during clinical evaluations and researchers who wish to assess FOG in a laboratory environment.
... Note that it is reasonable to assume that patients do adapt to the orthosis, at least partially, considering that Parkinson's patients adapt successfully their gait to split-belt treadmill [34]. This adaptation occurred within the first 50 strides [35]. Further research is needed to investigate whether and how quickly they can adapt to a robotic device. ...
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Gait variability of healthy adults exhibits Long-Range Autocorrelations (LRA), meaning that the stride interval at any time statistically depends on previous gait cycles; and this dependency spans over several hundreds of strides. Previous works have shown that this property is altered in patients with Parkinson’s disease, such that their gait pattern corresponds to a more random process. Here, we adapted a model of gait control to interpret the reduction in LRA that characterized patients in a computational framework. Gait regulation was modeled as a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian control problem where the objective was to maintain a fixed velocity through the coordinated regulation of stride duration and length. This objective offers a degree of redundancy in the way the controller can maintain a given velocity, resulting in the emergence of LRA. In this framework, the model suggested that patients exploited less the task redundancy, likely to compensate for an increased stride-to-stride variability. Furthermore, we used this model to predict the potential benefit of an active orthosis on the gait pattern of patients. The orthosis was embedded in the model as a low-pass filter on the series of stride parameters. We show in simulations that, with a suitable level of assistance, the orthosis could help patients recovering a gait pattern with LRA comparable to that of healthy controls. Assuming that the presence of LRA in a stride series is a marker of healthy gait control, our study provides a rationale for developing gait assistance technology to reduce the fall risk associated with Parkinson’s disease.
... For speed of adaptation, studies have demonstrated that when the energy demands of a motor task increase, patients with bradykinesia are more likely to move slowly (Mazzoni et al., 2007). Moreover, freezers showed poorer gait adjustment and longer adaptation times to sudden changes in belt speed compared with non-freezers, with aggravation under time pressure (Mohammadi et al., 2015). In this study, confronted with the abruptly changing and continuously accelerating walking area, freezers were required to not only constantly restrain anticipatory postural adjustments at the previous speed but also rapidly generate new gait patterns for the current speed. ...
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Objective Efficient methods for assessing walking adaptability in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are urgently needed. Therefore, this study aimed to assess C-Gait for detecting freezing of gait (FOG) in patients with early- to middle-stage PD. Method People with PD (PWP) diagnosis (Hoehn and Yahr stages 1–3) were recruited from April 2019 to November 2019 in Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital. The participants performed six items of walking adaptability on an instrumented treadmill augmented with visual targets and obstacles (C-Mill). The patient’s walking adaptability was evaluated by C-Gait assessment and traditional walking tests, and FOG-related indexes were collected as outcome measures. Two discriminant models were established by stepwise discriminant analysis; area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) was used to validate the models. Result In total, 53 patients were included in this study. Most C-Gait assessment items had no or low correlations with traditional walking tests. The obstacle avoidance (r = −0.639, P = 0.003) and speed of adaptation (r = −0.486, P = 0.035) items could lead to FOG with high sensitivity. In addition, the C-Gait assessment model (AUC = 0.755) had slightly better discrimination of freezers from non-freezers compared with traditional walking test models (AUC = 0.672); specifically, obstacle avoidance and speed of adaptation have uniquely discriminant potential. Conclusion C-gait assessment could provide additional value to the traditional walking tests for PD. Gait adaptability assessment, as measured by C-Gait, may be able to help identify freezers in a PD population.
The frontal lobe is crucial and contributes to controlling truncal motion, postural responses, and maintaining equilibrium and locomotion. The rich repertoire of frontal gait disorders gives some indication of this complexity. For human walking, it is necessary to simultaneously achieve at least two tasks, such as maintaining a bipedal upright posture and locomotion. Particularly, postural control plays an extremely significant role in enabling the subject to maintain stable gait behaviors to adapt to the environment. To achieve these requirements, the frontal cortex (1) uses cognitive information from the parietal, temporal, and occipital cortices, (2) creates plans and programs of gait behaviors, and (3) acts on the brainstem and spinal cord, where the core posture-gait mechanisms exist. Moreover, the frontal cortex enables one to achieve a variety of gait patterns in response to environmental changes by switching gait patterns from automatic routine to intentionally controlled and learning the new paradigms of gait strategy via networks with the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and limbic structures. This chapter discusses the role of each area of the frontal cortex in behavioral control and attempts to explain how frontal lobe controls walking with special reference to postural control.
Background: Split-belt treadmill (SBTM) training has been proposed to improve gait symmetry and overall gait performance of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Objectives: To determine whether patient's baseline features affect gait adaptation to SBTM in PD with freezing of gait (FOG). Methods: Twenty participants with idiopathic PD and treatment-resistant FOG underwent several clinical assessments including the Toronto Cognitive Assessment (TorCA) prior to treadmill training. Velocity of the treadmill was adjusted to over-ground walking speed. During SBTM training, the belt velocity on the least-affected side was reduced by 25%. Results: Participants who adapted to SBTM training demonstrated cognitively intact TorCA scores (p < 0.001), particularly intact working memory (p < 0.001). After-effects correlated with normal total TorCA (p = 0.02), working memory and visuospatial (p < 0.001) function. Conclusions: Cognitive impairment, particularly impaired working memory, reduces gait adaptation and after-effects in PD with FOG. This is informative for trials studying prolonged effects of SBTM training in FOG.
Freezing of gait (FOG) is a common and disabling symptom in people with Parkinson's Disease (PwPD). Although cognition is thought to be worse in PwPD who freeze, a comprehensive analysis of this relationship will inform future research and clinical care. This systematic review and meta-analysis compared cognition between PwPD who do and do not exhibit FOG across a range of cognitive domains and assessed the impact of disease severity and medication status on this relationship. 145 papers (n=9010 participants) were included in the analysis, with 144 and 138 articles meeting the criteria to assess moderating effects of disease severity and medication status, respectively. PwPD who freeze exhibited worse cognition than PwPD without FOG across global cognition, executive function/attention, language, memory, and visuospatial domains. Greater disease severity and "ON" levodopa medication status moderated the FOG status-cognition relationship in global cognitive performance but not in other cognitive domains. This meta-analysis confirmed that cognition is worse in PwPD with FOG and highlights the importance of disease severity and medication status in this relationship.
Background and Purpose Upper extremity studies suggest that implicit adaptation is less impaired than explicit learning in persons with Parkinson disease (PD). Little work has explored implicit locomotor adaptation and savings in this population, yet implicit locomotor learning is critical for everyday function. This cross-sectional study examined adaptation and savings in individuals with PD during split-belt treadmill walking. Methods Fourteen participants completed the following treadmill protocol: Baseline (6 minutes belts tied), Adaptation (10 minutes split), Washout (10 minutes tied), and Readaptation (10 minutes split). Step length and step symmetry index (SSI) were calculated to determine magnitude and rate of adaptation and savings. Rate was calculated as strides to reach SSI plateau during Adaptation and Readaptation. Results During Early Adaptation and Early Readaptation, SSI was perturbed from Baseline ( P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively). Less perturbation in Early Readaptation ( P < 0.001) demonstrated savings. In Late Adaptation and Late Readaptation, participants returned to Baseline symmetry ( P = 0.026 and P = 0.022, respectively, with adjusted level of significance = 0.007). Adaptation was also seen in reverse asymmetry observed in Early Washout ( P = 0.003 vs Baseline). Readaptation rate was faster than in Adaptation ( P = 0.015), demonstrating savings. Discussion and Conclusions Individuals with PD showed locomotor adaptation in an implicit sensorimotor adaptation task. They also demonstrated savings, with less perturbation and faster adaptation during the second split-belt exposure. However, performance was variable; some individuals showed minimal adaptation. Variations in learning, savings, and clinical presentation highlight the need to further explore characteristics of individuals with PD most likely to benefit from adaptation-based locomotor training. Video Abstract available for more insights from the authors (see the Video, Supplemental Digital Content 1, available at:
Exercise has become increasingly relevant in the treatment of people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), especially for gait and balance impairments where pharmacological and surgical therapy does not fully alleviate symptoms. Split-belt treadmill (SBT) is a tool which can introduce artificial asymmetry and motor switches through belts running at different velocities and has been used to study motor control or as exercise intervention. This narrative review summarizes the current literature of SBT as a therapeutic tool for people with PD. Studies have shown that walking on an SBT is safe and feasible for people with PD and results suggest that training should best be carried out under antiparkinsonian medication. Compared to healthy adults, people with PD adapt their gait in a similar manner during and after SBT walking, but effects are smaller. One session of SBT training improved gait adaptation as well as gait during dual tasking, with results being partially retained for 24 hours. With regard to endurance, tendencies are visible that SBT training has generic health benefits similiar to aerobic exercise. Further studies are ongoing investigating long term training interventions of SBT in people with PD, including the study of retention effects. However, the clinical relevance of the above-mentioned benefits remains unclear. Finally, the aerobic benefit of the training and the potential for alleviation of fall risk in the PD population need to be investigated.
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Freezing of gait (FOG) is a disabling feature of Parkinson's disease. Emerging evidence suggests that dysfunction of the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and pontomedullary reticular formation (pmRF) plays a role in the causation of FOG. These brainstem structures can be examined by the StartReact paradigm, which utilizes a startling stimulus to accelerate reaction times (StartReact). Here, we examined gait initiation in PD patients with and without FOG using this paradigm. Twenty-six patients with Parkinson's disease (12 freezers and 14 non-freezers) and 15 controls performed two tasks: rapid gait initiation in response to an imperative 'go' signal; and a control condition, involving a simple reaction-time task involving ankle dorsiflexion. During both tasks, a startling acoustic stimulus was combined with the imperative signal in 25 % of trials. In controls, the startle accelerated gait initiation and shortened the onset latency of tibialis anterior responses during ankle dorsiflexion. This acceleration was intact in non-freezers, but was significantly attenuated in the freezers. Independent of the occurrence of a startle, freezers showed a reduced length of the first step compared to non-freezers and controls. The diminished StartReact effect in freezers probably reflects deficient representation or release of motor programs at the brainstem reticular level due to dysfunction of the PPN, the pmRF, or both. These brainstem structures are presumably involved in integrating anticipatory postural adjustments with subsequent stepping movements. We suggest that with time-varying demands, these structures may no longer be able to coordinate the integration of anticipatory postural adjustments with steps, leading to FOG episodes.
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Freezing of gait (FOG) is a disabling symptom of advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) that leads to an increased risk of falls and nursing home placement. Interestingly, multiple lines of evidence suggest that the manifestation of FOG is related to specific deficits in cognition, such as set shifting and the ability to process conflict-related signals. These findings are consistent with the specific patterns of abnormal cortical processing seen during functional neuroimaging experiments of FOG, implicating increased neural activation within cortical structures underlying cognition, such as the Cognitive Control Network. In addition, these studies show that freezing episodes are associated with abnormalities in the BOLD response within key structures of the basal ganglia, such as the striatum and the subthalamic nucleus. In this article, we discuss the implications of these findings on current models of freezing behavior and propose an updated model of basal ganglia impairment during FOG episodes that integrates the neural substrates of freezing from the cortex and the basal ganglia to the cognitive dysfunctions inherent in the condition.
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Locomotor adaptation enables safe, efficient navigation among changing environments. We investigated how healthy young (HYA) and older (HOA) adults and persons with Parkinson's disease (PD) adapt to walking on a split-belt treadmill, retain adapted gait parameters during re-adaptation, and store aftereffects to conventional treadmill walking. Thirteen PD, fifteen HYA, and fifteen HOA walked on a split-belt treadmill for ten minutes with one leg twice as fast as the other. Participants later re-adapted to the same conditions to assess retention of the split-belt gait pattern. After re-adaptation, we assessed aftereffects of this pattern during conventional treadmill walking. Persons with PD exhibited step length asymmetry throughout many adaptation and adaptive learning conditions. Early adaptation was similar across groups, though HYA and HOA continued to adapt into late adaptation while PD did not. Despite pervasive step length asymmetry among conditions which were symmetric in HYA and HOA, persons with PD demonstrated significant step length aftereffects during conventional treadmill walking after split-belt walking. Though they may exhibit a default asymmetry under various walking conditions, persons with PD can adapt and store new walking patterns. Locomotor adaptation therapy may be effective in ameliorating asymmetric gait deficits in persons with PD.
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Freezing of gait is one of the most debilitating symptoms in Parkinson's disease as it causes falls and reduces mobility and quality of life. The pedunculopontine nucleus is one of the major nuclei of the mesencephalic locomotor region and has neurons related to anticipatory postural adjustments preceding step initiation as well as to the step itself, thus it may be critical for coupling posture and gait to avoid freezing. Because freezing of gait and postural impairments have been related to frontal lesions and frontal dysfunction such as executive function, we hypothesized that freezing is associated with disrupted connectivity between midbrain locomotor regions and medial frontal cortex. We used diffusion tensor imaging to quantify structural connectivity of the pedunculopontine nucleus in patients with Parkinson's disease with freezing of gait, without freezing, and healthy age-matched controls. We also included behavioural tasks to gauge severity of freezing of gait, quantify gait metrics, and assess executive cognitive functions to determine whether between-group differences in executive dysfunction were related to pedunculopontine nucleus structural network connectivity. Using seed regions from the pedunculopontine nucleus, we were able to delineate white matter connections between the spinal cord, cerebellum, pedunculopontine nucleus, subcortical and frontal/prefrontal cortical regions. The current study is the first to demonstrate differences in structural connectivity of the identified locomotor pathway in patients with freezing of gait. We report reduced connectivity of the pedunculopontine nucleus with the cerebellum, thalamus and multiple regions of the frontal cortex. Moreover, these structural differences were observed solely in the right hemisphere of patients with freezing of gait. Finally, we show that the more left hemisphere-lateralized the pedunculopontine nucleus tract volume, the poorer the performance on cognitive tasks requiring the initiation of appropriate actions and/or the inhibition of inappropriate actions, specifically within patients with freezing. These results support the notion that freezing of gait is strongly related to structural deficits in the right hemisphere's locomotor network involving prefrontal cortical areas involved in executive inhibition function.
Few detailed clinico-pathological correlations of Parkinson's disease have been published. The pathological findings in 100 patients diagnosed prospectively by a group of consultant neurologists as having idiopathic Parkinson's disease are reported. Seventy six had nigral Lewy bodies, and in all of these Lewy bodies were also found in the cerebral cortex. In 24 cases without Lewy bodies, diagnoses included progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer-type pathology, and basal ganglia vascular disease. The retrospective application of recommended diagnostic criteria improved the diagnostic accuracy to 82%. These observations call into question current concepts of Parkinson's disease as a single distinct morbid entity.
Recent neuroimaging evidence has led to the proposal that freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease is due to dysfunctional interactions between frontoparietal cortical regions and subcortical structures, such as the striatum. However, to date, no study has employed task-based functional connectivity analyses to explore this hypothesis. In this study, we used a data-driven multivariate approach to explore the impaired communication between distributed neuronal networks in 10 patients with Parkinson's disease and freezing of gait, and 10 matched patients with no clinical history of freezing behaviour. Patients performed a virtual reality gait task on two separate occasions (once ON and once OFF their regular dopaminergic medication) while functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected. Group-level independent component analysis was used to extract the subject-specific time courses associated with five well-known neuronal networks: the motor network, the right- and left cognitive control networks, the ventral attention network and the basal ganglia network. We subsequently analysed both the activation and connectivity of these neuronal networks between the two groups with respect to dopaminergic state and cognitive load while performing the virtual reality gait task. During task performance, all patients used the left cognitive control network and the ventral attention network and in addition, showed increased connectivity between the bilateral cognitive control networks. However, patients with freezing demonstrated functional decoupling between the basal ganglia network and the cognitive control network in each hemisphere. This decoupling was also associated with paroxysmal motor arrests. These results support the hypothesis that freezing behaviour in Parkinson's disease is because of impaired communication between complimentary yet competing neural networks.
Freezing of gait (FOG) is a very disabling and common gait disorder in Parkinson's disease (PD). The first aim of this article was to provide a methodological and critical review of the most common research approach to understand FOG, ie, comparing the behavior of freezers with that of non-freezers. The review demonstrates that studies often fall short in clearly defining the freezer\non-freezer groups and in controlling for disease severity and other confounders. These problems complicate data interpretation on FOG. The second aim of this article was to summarize the literature on the potential mechanisms behind the episodic nature of FOG in the following four models: (1) The threshold model assumes that FOG occurs when the accumulation of various motor deficits reinforce each other to a point of motor breakdown; (2) the interference model proposes that FOG represents an inability to deal with concurrent cognitive, limbic, and motor input, causing an interruption of locomotion; (3) the cognitive model views FOG as induced by a failure to process response conflict, leading to behavioral indecision; and (4) the decoupling model sees FOG as a disconnection between preparatory programming and the intended motor response as a result of which automatic movement generation gets stuck. These four theoretical premises are still incomplete and do not fully explain FOG. The depletion of motor and cognitive reserves and an increasingly complex response to levodopa with disease progression will also have an impact on the emergence of FOG episodes. © 2013 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
Successful locomotion depends on postural control to establish and maintain appropriate postural orientation of body segments relative to one another and to the environment and to ensure dynamic stability of the moving body. This article provides a framework for considering dynamic postural control, highlighting the importance of coordination, consistency, and challenges to postural control posed by various locomotor tasks, such as turning and backward walking. The impacts of aging and various movement disorders on postural control are discussed broadly in an effort to provide a general overview of the field and recommendations for assessment of dynamic postural control across different populations in both clinical and research settings. Suggestions for future research on dynamic postural control during locomotion also are provided and include discussion of opportunities afforded by new and developing technologies, the need for long-term monitoring of locomotor performance in everyday activities, gaps in our knowledge of how targeted intervention approaches modify dynamic postural control, and the relative paucity of literature regarding dynamic postural control in movement disorder populations other than Parkinson's disease. © 2013 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.